Inner fears

Despite his lips on the straw Rhys kept talking to her. "It's true I brought you here with hidden motives. But I didn't think you would say a line like that. You know if I didn't know any better I would be convinced that you still like me."

If he doesn't know any better?

"I was trying to maintain my distance after you slept with Kazuya, but-"

At those words her cheeks flushed. H-hold on, he knows about that?

"Don't underestimate me. Your the woman I like, I can tell when something about you changes."

But it happened after they parted ways, how come he knows that? Unless Kazuya talked to him about it? They are both her husbands so they have the right to discuss those matters. However that doesn't stop her from feeling embarrassed.

Her thoughts break off when Rhys broke the straw and she felt a familiar sensation on her lips. It was a brief kiss, but being kissed by him after she regained her memories was strange.

Rhys licked his lips. "You taste good today."

"J-just today?" Lyn tried to counter argue. But her false bravery only led to him kissing her again.

"Everyday but your sweeter today, like strawberries. It's most-likely due to the drink but your lips have always been sweet."


Lyn could only stare at him speechless. Did she truly think he had changed? Indeed he has kept a slight distance between her since they returned. But she can't forget how she spent those three days with Rhys. Even without memories, it seems like something still lingered in her heart.

She took a deep breath before she leaned forward and licked the remaining cream from his lips.

Rhys looked at her startled and his cheeks turned red, surprising her.


"W-wasting food is bad." Lyn exclaimed.

This is so humiliating, she has no idea what she is doing right now. Her thoughts break off when Rhys grabbed hold of her hands.

"Do you still have some time? Can we extend the date?"

"I suppose so."


The place Rhys brought her next was the ocean right bellow the restaurant. When she saw the small boat on the harbor, Lyn immediately understood what he was planning. Rhys extended his hand out again. Although they briefly held hands in the restaurant, he let go the moment they walked on the main streets.

Now that she thought about it, that restaurant was strangely quiet. The only other guests were sitting far away. Could it be, that Rhys doesn't want people to think there is something happening between them?

Lyn grabbed hold of his hand and the moment their hands made contact. She felt embarrassed. 'This is so silly, why am I behaving like a shy girl? How old am I?' She safely got on the boat and Rhys lets go of her hands almost immediately.

She looked at him with a frustrated expression. This person, is he truly serious about her? Why does he keep pulling away from her whenever they get too close?

It's so frustrating, why doesn't she understand his actions? In the past, she was pleased that she knew more about him than any other person. But five years later, can she truly say she knows Rhys?

On the other hand Rhys knows everything about her. She has changed a lot but he still knows everything.

Her thoughts break off when Rhys brushed his hands across her forehead. "You feel a bit warm, do you feel dizzy?"

"Ah, a little."

Rhys frowned. "If you knew, you could have rejected my invitation."

'As if I could do that. If I rejected his invite he would have certainly misunderstood me again.' She cannot erase her past actions since they met again. But at the very least she can start repenting and fixing things now.

Lyn shook her head. "I wanted to, spend some time with you." Lyn choose her words carefully. But she knew the blush on her cheeks would give her away.

Rhys extends his hand out and his fingers lingered on her cheeks.

"Indeed, it seems I am not seeing things. You truly are blushing."

"D-did you think you were seeing things?" Lyn asked.

"Well yeah. It's true we spent those three days together but afterwards you slept with Kazuya not too long after so, I figured my efforts were useless."

"It's not like that. I- I told Kazuya what happened, about us kissing a lot and that I feel something towards you."

"I see."

He doesn't seem surprised at her words. This is bad, she truly doesn't know how to handle this situation.

"You know, it's not like I returned to snatch you away from Kazuya."

"Liar, you confessed to me in the church."

"That's because my emotions were reaching it's peak. I understood what Kazuya was doing. But I couldn't stand watching you cry every night. Whenever I saw you cry, I thought to myself. If it is me, then I will never put you in harms way, I will hold you tightly and wipe all your tears. I will never leave you alone."

'You already did so once!' Lyn wanted to retort back but she couldn't seeing the strength in his eyes. Why is he so confident and strong willed? Rhys left her already even though they spoke about their future together right before the battle with her sister. He still chose to leave her.

'-and yet, I cannot dislike him. I should blame him for leaving and yet I can't do it.'

"Rhys, is there anything that frightens you?" Lyn knew that she was changing the topic. But her heart felt restless, she was having a hard time calming her beating heart beat.

"There is."

"What is-" Lyn paused, seeing his serious gaze on her again. "F-forget it." She quickly said.

She didn't think that even a question like this would be dangerous for her. Rhys however didn't dismiss her question and continued.

"The idea of a life without you."

Lyn's eyes widened hearing those words and her already beating heart increased. She didn't know what to say. Rhys suddenly closed the distance between them.

"The last few years I have been living this nightmare everyday. I would wake up and you wouldn't be by my side."


He is speaking the truth, he isn't just saying that to get into her good books. If she thought about it carefully, Rhys behaviour ever since they reunited has been very unusual. There were times where he was confident about pursuing her but then there were equally many occasions where he would have that pained look in his eyes.

There were those times where he would hold her tightly and not let her go. Times where he would tremble just holding her in his arms. During those times she wanted to ask him what he was thinking.

Rhys suddenly leaned forward and Lyn closed her eyes. Is he going to kiss her again? She waited for a few seconds but couldn't feel the familiar sensation of his lips at all. She opened her eyes to find Rhys wrapping something around her neck.

"What is this..?"

It was a gorgeous looking white sea shell necklace that glowed blue and red.
