I decided

Rhys had to hold back his laughter when he heard those words. His rightful place? What rightful place. He was the one who decided to leave her, he has no right speaking about his position beside her.

"I am blind in one eye now. I thought my vision was just stolen briefly, and I intended to return to her when I sorted it. But, after a year had passed I realised that it wouldn't return to me. If Kazuya is a false King, then what use is there for a blind King?"


Rhys averted his gaze and ran his hands through his hair. "Originally, I intended to leave after the war with the Snow Kingdom. But, recently Lyn's behaviour towards me has been strange."

"Strange how?"

At those words he watched Zepher's expression before carefully explaining the events of the past few days. To his surprise the man's eyes brightened.

"She must have regained her memories, and that is why she is treating you so sweetly again." Zephyr exclaimed.


"This is good news, when can we expect the formal announcement? And maybe children?"

Rhys could only stare at the man in front of him with wide eyes. What crazy nonsense is he spouting? Perhaps he hit his head? Or did he experience some kind of damage when he grabbed hold of his neck? As Rhys thought of the possibilities in his mind, Zepher chuckled.

"Why do you seem so surprised?"

"Of course I am, I know you heard rumors but me and Lyn-"

"-spent quite the passionate night together in the sukyo inn."

Rhys frowned hearing Zepher's words. 'I did feel like somebody was watching us. But, since they had no malicious intent, I decided to leave it.' So, the person from then must have been Zepher.

"What will it take for you not to spread that information around?"

This must be why Zepher suddenly sent a message asking for him.

"I am surprised, this is joyous news and yet you want to hide it?"

"Of course I do."

He could only imagine what would happen if everybody found out. Rhys thinks back to the conversations he had with Lyn the past few days.

'The elders are pressuring me to take on another husband. I am growing tired of all the matchmaking. This is another reason why I was so desperate for Kazuya to return. It feels like I would have lost control of myself and annihilated everybody.'

Rhys couldn't miss the look on her face when she said those words. Such a lonely and pained gaze. How come?

'I didn't leave your side for you to have that type of expression, and for you to experience so much grief and pain.'

Although the main reason why he left was because of what the dragon did to him. At the same time he thought this was for the best. Lyn probably has no idea but he actually did show up at her wedding. He was watching from afar. When he saw how happy she was and how she rushed to Kazuya when he collapsed, he couldn't help but think that they were a perfect match.

"Lyn is already going through a lot, the betrayal of her best friend, Kazuya's sickness and the affairs of the Kingdom."

"-and that is precisely why you must take advantage of this opportunity."

"Zepher, look we-"

"I know Lyn very well, probably far better than you, Kazuya and sir Allen do. I know she is not the type of girl who would open her heart out to people easily. She is not the type who would entrust everything."

"She was just emotional, she-" Rhys paused seeing Zepher's harsh glare. "Look, this isn't easy for me."

"Do you think it is any better for me? But I already decided to entrust you to her a long time ago."

Five years ago, the reason why Zepher gave up on Lyn then was because of him. Zepher even supported and occasionally gave him advice.

"Do you know about Kazuya's situation?"

"Yes, since I actively participated in that war."

"It seems the jade has helped nullify his illness. But, I believe it has only stopped momentarily. If there is a large enough trigger, it would speed up again." Rhys paused. "Before Kazuya met up with me, what he was doing and what he did after we parted ways. I am worried that trigger was activated."

"On what basis are you saying this?"

"When Lyn told me that Kazuya was dying, those tears weren't a lie."

But he suspects she only said those words to cover up her own situation. She wants to divert his attention to Kazuya and away from her. That silly girl, how can he possibly not have information that is to do with her?

"I see so you know that much. It's true the jade that they found in that war was more compatible with Kazuya. But I suspect that there is a problem with that jade Kazuya found."

"A problem?"

"Everytime he uses it, it drains his mana. I know having no side effects is impossible, but why would it drain his mana? If the jade should be acting as a nullifier, then surely it should be giving him more mana."

Rhys frowned hearing Zepher's words. When he first read the report, he thought something was weird. To think he missed something so obvious.

"You made an antidote did you not?"

"After I received the letter from Prince Andrew, I decided to stop moping around and actually do something."

"So you admit you were moping around?" Zepher chuckled again and Rhys sighed.

"Coincidentally I was in the Rain Kingdom at the time, and stumbled upon some rare materials."

"Does it work?"

Rhys nodded. "Positive, although it is hard to say so for sure until one of them drinks it. I tested it on an old man in a small village. He was experiencing similar symptoms to Kazuya. So I took a bet."

"With his consent I hope."

"Of course I would never do anything immoral. That old man is alive, and is well enough to return to doing field work."

"So it works."

"It should on Kazuya. I couldn't find anyone experiencing what Lyn has. Granted, I haven't actually seen her illness so it's truly hard to say."

Since they met again he has silently observed her condition to see if he can discover anything. But other than her occasionally getting a fever, he cannot find anything else.

"Since it is you, I trust it shall work. But, finding Lyn's jade should be our priority."

"Kazuya actually returning with us is a surprise. I thought he would remain in the Snow Kingdom."

"Kazuya must have discovered that the location of Lyn's jade is in a place that even he cannot reach."

Despite Zepher's brief explanation, Rhys understood.

"The battle three years ago, there was supposed to be two jades. But this information was only limited to a few people. I was one of them, I went to the other cave myself to find the jade but it was gone." Zepher trailed off. "Queen Jennifer stole it, she has Lyn's jade."
