
"How did she know which one to take?"

"She didn't, she must have wanted to take Kazuya's. But she didn't know which one was which. During the time she was deciding, the barrier must have activated and tried to take her out."

"So she panicked and just took the nearest one. Somebody had already damaged Kazuya's jade so she just took the one with the most energy." Rhys slammed his fist on the table. "What devil's luck."

"Indeed, but I do not think she realises that the one she has belongs to Lyn yet."


"If she knew, she could easily destroy it and Lyn's remaining hope would vanish forever."

So Queen Jennifer doesn't know yet, no perhaps she can't even get close to the jade.

"When I was tracking that woman and briefly caught up to her, I noticed that she kept wearing gloves. When she removed those gloves, both hands were badly damaged."

'Briefly caught up?' This guy hasn't changed at all, his methods are far sneakier than his own. But this information means they have time. The jade is completely rejecting Queen Jennifer. That woman isn't stupid, she must be keeping the jade in the Snow Kingdom palace but sealed away.

If Kazuya continued to stay in the Snow Kingdom and went to the palace, as Lyn's spouse the jade wouldn't reject him. Queen Jennifer would have then taken advantage of that moment. This is more troublesome than he thought it would be.

"So Queen Jennifer is hurt. I understand why her underlings are the ones taking care of everything for her." Rhys orders a drink for the first time since he sat down and after a few minutes the waitress arrived with two large bottles.

Rhys raised his eyebrow seeing the second bottle.

"I didn't order this."

"Fu, it's because your handsome mister. My treat." She slipped a card in his palm. "You can give me your thanks another time."

Zepher chuckled when the waitress left. "It seems like women still like flocking to you."

Rhys sighed deeply. "Do I look that easy to them?" He slipped the card into his cloak pocket.

"Perhaps, but your taking that?"

"Unfortunately due to the nature of my job as the spiders chief, I can't let a chance like this slip away. A waitress like her must have a lot of information."

"Oh? But isn't it clear that she wants something more."

"I know how to get out of such situations, I am not a child."

"Listen to you being so serious now. It seems you have grown up in the past five years."

"Of course I have, did you think I would remain the same?"

"Who knows? She certainly remained stagnant after you left until the war that is."

"Your being so cruel, I know your upset but she-"

Zepher laughed weakly and shook his head. "If only I could be upset with her. I can never hate her for anything. That night she got drunk for the first time. I had been watching her all evening since she seemed strange during the festival. As you know already their engagement banquet lasted the entire day. During the festival, I already noticed her strange mood. Arthur said something similar too. But he had to leave early, so he said. 'I will leave it up to you.'"

So Arthur could have easily ended up in that situation with Lyn.

"I knew it was strange, I should have just insisted that Kazuya take her. But thinking about it, if it was him he would have ended up more hurt. So perhaps it was good it was me."


"I know you may think I am being pushy. But, you should truly think this through. For the past five years, no ever since the failure during the wedding ceremony. The elder council, and the nobles who saw it have been trying to set Lyn up with countless men the past few years. If she has to have another husband, it should be you and not any of those scum the elders are pushing through." Zepher slides a scroll across the table. "This is a list of her potential other suitors. If you believe there is a good person amongst these, then feel free to push on the responsibility to another person."

"You truly are a bad guy. Do you have to talk like that?" Rhys grumbled.

"Yes I have to. Right now Lyn is the only candidate to become the Empress. No matter how against it she is, in her current position she has no choice but to take on another husband. Although the Empire has seen more peaceful times recently, anything could happen. If her spouse is killed, then it would leave her alone. I have no doubt that she could handle this Empire by herself. But it would break her."

Rhys couldn't miss Zepher's tone at the end, so that is the real reason. This guy is even more stubborn than he is. If that is the case, he should have said so from the beginning.

"Not many people know that I married Lyn."

"Indeed if they knew, they probably would have focused more energy into finding you than setting her up with random men."

"When I was dating her, people didn't take our relationship seriously. Of course at the start it was more of a cover up plan to fool Lethia. But well that changed, and I understood that Lyn was serious. I couldn't push her away anymore."

"But you were still planning on returning her to Kazuya, weren't you?"

"I was for the longest time. I thought it would be better for her. I'm not King material after all, and my hatred towards nobles would have made it difficult for me to rule the Kingdom alongside her. On the other hand Kazuya is the type of person even if he holds a grudge against them will still treat them with respect."

"I see , you seem to have underestimated yourself. I asked Lyn and Kazuya separately before how they have such good skills leading people, and they both told me. 'We learned from Rhys.'"

Rhys blinked hearing those words. Huh?

Zepher sighed. "You truly are oblivious. They both said they have skills to lead the Kingdom because of you. They learned from watching you, and from the advice you gave them."

It's true he occasionally gave them advice whenever they seemed stuck on anything. But, was it enough for him to garner such praise and respect? This feels so strange to him.

"Rhys, I think you should-" Before Zepher could finish his words however they hear a large crashing sound from outside.

Feeling uneasy Rhys immediately rushed out and his eyes widened seeing the orange coloured skies. IRhys quickly identified the fire, and he closely examined it using his magic. It was no normal fire, he could vaguely spot several creatures marching in a long line.


Zepher appeared behind him and clicked his tongue annoyed. "Not this again, how many times has this happened already?"

"Are you saying this happens a lot?" Rhys said in disbelief.

"Yes, there is a team assigned to dispose of them. But, look up."

Rhys followed Zepher's gaze and sees a familiar dragon in the air. It was the same dragon that stole his vision. But right now he was focusing on the figure riding on top of it.

"Is that Lyn?"

"Yeah, she will most-likely arrive before the dispatch team."

Rhys clenched his fists. Why? Why do you do this even now? Why do you fight so hard for everyone and take on the burden yourself?