The water dragon and fire phoenix

Jen, it seems she has no choice anymore.

When the demon leaves Jen's body, she will experience a lot of emotional and psychological strain.

'Can I forgive her then?' No, according to what Ayah told her. It seems like Jen never liked her. The reason why the demon could control her body easily was because of this powerful dislike. It doesn't matter if she gets rid of the demon.

When Kristy told her that Jen spoke to her normally, Lyn understood. Jen won't kill Kristy, she truly treated Kristy as a friend. But it was different for her.

The goblins spotted her and immediately swung their weapons down. Lyn remained calm the entire time, she even waited until their weapons were inches away from her.

She didn't block their weapons with her sword but simply her arm, she released a bit of her mana blowing the goblins weapons away.

Lyn extended her hand out towards the hilt on her right side and pulled out a red coloured blade. Out of the two swords she owned, the one she grabbed when she left in a rush was the red phoenix sword. She swung it so fast that the goblins didn't even see when she drew her weapon. Ten of the goblins were on the ground in seconds.

Ever since she became the Queen, she has not had a single moment to rest properly. The damage her sister caused from her reign of terror was far too large to fix in just a few months. It took at least two and a half years to fix the damage. Her sister's reign only lasted a short while, barely a year. But the damage she caused was far severe.

It took a long time to erase that fear and ease the people's mind. Even now villages like this one have take it upon themselves to use weapons to defend themselves. Imagine her surprise when she saw that the villagers were not fleeing and were fighting? It pained her seeing that sight.

The fear and damage from that war still hasn't left their minds. Honestly, she understood far better than anybody. Even now she would recall the sight of the Mist Kingdom in flames, and the deserted streets.

'I made a vow when I became the Queen, that I would never allow something like that to happen again.'

Jen, if this is what you want then so be it. She will no longer stand by. She will use this power to protect everybody.

Lyn raised her blade and shouted a command. "Sword of the phoenix, unleash your deadliest flame. Tenra!"

The moment she said those words a burst of deadly orange and yellow coloured flames wrapped around the leader and burned him in seconds. Anybody who is hit with this technique will die in seconds. It was the same for the leader.

For a moment the other goblins seemed startled and unsure what to do. Some had mixed reactions and rushed off, but the majority were angry and started to ransack the villagers. Her eyes widened hearing a child scream.

'I thought all the villagers left already! How careless of me not to check.'

Lyn immediately rushed over and just barely arrived in front of the mother and child pair. She stood protectively in front of them bracing herself for the impact from the goblins weapon. But after waiting for a few seconds nothing happened.

She hesitantly opened her eyes and saw a man with long dark coloured hair, wearing an eyepatch over one eye. The other eye uncovered, a beautiful shade of red that matches the colour of her sword. It was Rhys.

He was holding a blue coloured blade towards the neck of the goblin. He looked absolutely furious. Lyn however could only stare at his sword with wide eyes.

'Did you know? Since ancient times, the water dragon and fire phoenix have always remained together. No matter what sides they end up on, no matter what they've always been together. Through out the centuries spent apart from each other, the love they have for each other grows even more and more by each passing day. I think you and Rhys are like that.'

Master's words remained in her mind. When she confronted him about losing her memories regarding Rhys, he told her those exact words.

Rhys already admitted it to her, that he had the sword that matched hers. But this is the first time she is seeing it with her own eyes.

'You are the fire phoenix after all, and the water dragon has already done his job. Now it is up to you to decide child, the next time you see him-'

Lyn stood back to back to him, and in seconds they were surrounded by the remaining goblins. The mother and child pair had murmured their thanks before turning to the exit. She briefly caught a glimpse of the child holding a locket with a picture of his father. It was only brief, but she recognised the person in the picture.

'I will check on the details later.'

"So, my Queen. Should we have a contest?!"

"What's the reward?"

"The decision where to go for our second date. Although I have a destination in mind already, it would be interesting if you made the plans."

Lyn rolled her eyes hearing those words. "Mr Knight, are you trying to flirt with me right now?"

"My methods to impress you have gotten better haven't they?"

He was always such a fool, but now there is something child-like about his behaviour. It seems in the five years they did not meet Rhys has experienced many things. In those five years, his heart has healed. He no longer looks at the world with pained eyes.

She still can't tell him that she has her memories back. But, she wants to continue getting closer to him like this.
