
At the Mist Kingdom Main Palace, Queen Lyn's chambers 7:00pm

By the time the specialised team had arrived, Rhys and her had already finished the job. She recalled the look of shock on the soldiers faces and struggled to hold back her laughter.

"Do you still find it funny?" Rhys asked.

"I do, they probably didn't expect us to exterminate an army of at least two hundred goblins just like that."

"That's what they get for underestimating you."

"R-Rhys, what are you doing?" Lyn said, startled.

"Wrapping bandages around your feet."

"Um, that's not what it looks like." Lyn trailed off. Or rather for the past few minutes Rhys had been placing light kisses on her toes. Her cheeks were hot due to the embarrassment but she couldn't tell him to leave.

"You don't have to worry, it doesn't hurt." Rhys looked at her for a moment and when she saw the look in his eyes, she calmed her nerves.

"I am fine, so-" Lyn's sentence fell short when he suddenly pulled her into his arms.

"I'm glad I got there on time."


"Don't rush off alone ever again, okay?"

"I-I understand, you---"

He is treating her so kindly. She doesn't know what to do when he behaves like this. She can feel his love for her pour through. It is hard to believe that she could treat him coldly before.

From the moment she saw him again in the lovers forest, that was the moment something changed. The trigger was that meeting, and her behaviour afterwards was just her trying to persuade herself that nothing had changed.

Rhys pulled away from her and brought a tray of food over.

"It's just a little, but you should eat something."

"Did you cook for me?" Lyn said amazed.

"Yeah, it isn't much though."

Lyn took a bite of the omlet and her eyes brightened,

"This is delicious! Your a better cook now."


Oh no, did she give it away?

"I suppose you remember that much." Rhys nodded. "So, where is my thank you?"

"Oh for saving me in the fight?"

"No, I'm talking about saving you from that lecture."

Her sweat fell. "I can't avoid it. She will yell at me tomorrow. It's just post postponed for now. What are you doing--?"

"You got dirty, so I'm wiping you."

"I-I can just take a bath." Lyn said nervously. She wanted to escape this situation as soon as possible.

"It's late, you'll catch a cold."


"I know it doesn't feel very nice but wait till the morning to bathe."

"Rhys." Lyn extended her hand out and brushed her fingers across his cheek. "Are you tired?"

"I am."

"Then, do you want to stay here?"

"I was going to ask if I could borrow your couch, so thank you for offering."

"The couch is uncomfortable."


"As I thought, you are blushing and your heart is beating fast. I suppose you wouldn't have slept with me if you felt nothing, but how come..?"

"You're still clumsy at kissing or maybe you've forgotten what I taught you?"


"I'll stop here for tonight." Rhys squeezed her hands. "Master must have told you that the war has temporarily stopped due to Queen Jennifer's condition. So, let's use this time to think about our relationship."

'Our relationship.' It feels so surreal, it wasn't until recently where she was only thinking about Kazuya.

Lyn slowly nodded.

"Aria and Suzuha, tha-thank you for saving them."

"You're welcome. They are quite young to become knights."

"Their efforts were recognised during the war a few years ago."

"I see, but they still remain apprentices after three years?"

"About that, do you know any reason why their swords would reject their masters?"

"If the swords aren't meant to be theirs."

"I see."

"But since the swords haven't left them, I don't think they are being rejected. I think it's more like they are waiting for their masters to overcome their weakness."

"I see."

"Lyn, you should sleep."

"I'm not tired yet." Lyn looked over at him. "You can sleep if you'd like, you look exhausted."

"No, I'm fine."

"By the way that was a lie wasn't it? When you told me that Kazuya was dying."


"I know about Kazuya's illness." Rhys interjected.

'I didn't think he would keep up to date with the news here.'

"The jade, from the battle three years ago. It was compatible with him and not you."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to lie. I just --"

Rhys leaned forward and kissed her softly. "I won't get mad. I just want you to know that I already knew."


He rummages through his pouch. "I actually went to the headquarters to fetch these. I had my assistant take care of it for me. But it's the medication I worked on after learning your condition."

Lyn stared at the bottle.

"Is this a cure?"

"A temporary one, it'll slow down your symptom PS, help you regain your strength." Rhys brushed his fingers across her forehead. "You'll be less fatigued. It'll take three days to have an affect. As long as you drink it everyday,


"What is it?"

"Can you give this to Kazuya too?"

If it works that well, then Kazuya should take some.

"I know he has the jade but it hasn't gone away. He suffers a lot at night."

"You really care for him."

Lyn realised a second later how insensitive those words sounded and immediately apologised.

"S--sorry-" Lyn apologised.

Rhys shakes his head. "Well, it's understandable. Don't worry. I gave him some already."

A relieved sigh passed her lips. 'I'll send someone and check to make sure he is drinking it.'

Lyn accepted the bottle and stared at it for a few minutes.

"It's not poison."

"I-I am aware, it's just for medicine it looks very pretty."

"Well, I did make it from some rare materials." Rhys trailed off. "If you'd like I can show you how."


"Since you seem interested."

"Then show me tomorrow."

Ever since she became the Queen, she has mainly had to stay in the castle. She did not have the same freedom she had as princess to freely explore the Kingdom. So, she decided to take on new hobbies.

"So you're available tomorrow?" Rhys asked.

Ah, stupid.


Rhys chuckled and patted her hair. "I don't mind having our second date so soon."

He called it a date again. This person is going to turn all their outings into dates isn't he? It feels strange being courted by a man again. Though numerous men have tried to get her attention the last few years. Nobody has treated her like this. It feels strange to her.

"I'm going to sleep." Lyn quickly laid down, and turned so she didn't face him.

It feels like if they continue like this, it will be dangerous for her.

To her surprise Rhys lays down and hugs her.

"How is your body, Lyn?"

"My body?" She repeated, confused.

"After we did it, did it hurt?"

Lyn felt her cheeks burn at those words. Now he is asking? Isn't it a bit too late for that? Then again, it's her fault for avoiding him. He probably would have asked sooner if she stayed.

He was calm like usual, even at a time like this. Unbelievable, how can he ask this so easily?
