No regrets

"The thing is, we haven't done it in five years so I went a bit overboard."


She couldn't think of the right response, and looked away with flushed cheeks.

"Was it bad?"

Lyn frantically shakes her head.

"I have no regrets, but you may-"

"N-not at all." Lyn replied. "I don't regret anything."

"I see." Rhys trailed off. "You truly are behaving strangely. But, this is good for me." He rained kisses down her neck. "Is Kazuya going to come back tonight?"


"I mean you got hurt. I thought he would be here."


'That's true, it's weird he isn't around.'

Rhys kissed her neckline again. "I'll go if he comes."

"Your being awfully considerate."

"Aren't I a good guy?"

Lyn turned around. "Now your just being conceited."

Rhys chuckled and she continued to pout only for him to caress her cheeks. "Hey, can I ask if we can kiss?"

Lyn looked at him in disbelief. After his previous behaviour, now he is asking for permission? "You may."

The moment those words left her lips Rhys rolled on top of her and kissed her deeply. After kissing for a few minutes she briefly pulled away.

"Rhys, do you know this is embarrassing?"

"Mmm, I won't let you escape from me anymore/ You have no idea how terrified I was when I realised that you marched into a village that was about to be attacked by goblins."

"But I had to save everyone."

Rhys bit on her lips and she struggled to hold back her voice as she looked at him angrily. "Your going to damage them."

"Says the one leaving scratch marks on my back."

This is because he is kissing her so much! Lyn wanted to retort but knew her words were futile.

"I-I want more of you."

Rhys gaze softened. "Not tonight, no not till the tenth date."

This man is teasing her again, he already touched her on the first date. Why can't he do it again? Lyn traced his lips. She supposes it can't be helped.

"I will stop when you get tired."

His idea of stopping was only until her lips were completely grazed.

'I will have a hard time explaining this in the morning.'

After they finished kissing, she found herself resting in Rhys arms as he caressed her hair.

"I met with Zepher earlier."

Lyn immediately understood what he was saying and her cheeks reddened realising that Rhys- that Rhys knew-

"So, you missed me? Or do you not remember that?"

"I-I do have some memories."

It's not like her memories regarding Rhys completely went away, she still remember when she first met him in the Mist Kingdom. The only thing that was erased was of her time as a couple with Rhys.

"I felt bad for Zepher. But, it made me happy."

"P-please don't talk about this."

After she lost her memories regarding her feelings for Rhys, it felt awkward for her to remember why she was avoiding brother Zepher. She mistook him for Rhys, in otherwords something intimate happened like that with Rhys before. Funnily enough, that was the trigger that made her think that something was wrong with her.

So she asked Master truthfully, and he told her that she lost her memories after the battle to find the jade. It surprised her but it made sense. The servants reactions, it always looked like they wanted to tell her something. Everybody seemed to be on edge whenever Rhys was mentioned.

"Sorry," Rhys apologised. "Is it making you uncomfortable?"

Why does his voice sound so weak now? This isn't fair at all.

What is she supposed to do Kazuya? She keeps falling more in love with Rhys.


The following morning was having a hard time getting Lyn out of the room. He woke up, got dressed and was kicked out in the span of five minutes. For the past fifteen minutes he was knocking on the door telling her to come out.

"Lyn, you have a meeting to attend to. One of the soldiers told me, your going to be late."


He hears shuffling inside the room. She must at least be getting changed.

Was she that startled waking up naked? Granted he didn't have clothes on either. They must have kissed again after talking and it may have ended up going overboard. But at the very least he knows he didn't touch her again.

"I know your embarrassed. But I don't feel ashamed at all."

He already decided that he would court her. Why would he back down now?

"Lyn." Rhys said softly. "Please don't do this, I want to see your face. I have work later, I will be busy."

This wasn't a lie, due to the incident. His group the spiders were running around gathering information and interviewing the witnesses.

Moments later he hears the doors open, Lyn poked her head out of the door.

"You're going to be busy?"

"The whole day it seems. I will be helping with the interviews."

"Will you walk me to the throne room?"

Rhys blinked hearing her little request and nodded. Lyn fully opened the doors and stepped out wearing a red and white coloured cape, and a mini white western styled dress.


"Does it look bad?"

"No, you look good."

He has seen many women wearing the new western style fashion, but wearing such a short dress should be dangerous.

Rhys noticed Lyn still staring at him and realised that he hadn't answered her question yet.

"I will walk you, I will even stay for a bit."

After all he needs to know how the palace will handle yesterday's incident. Because of Lyn, and his assist later on they managed to wipe out the goblins. But there are a lot of unanswered questions, like why the goblins were there in the first place? That little town is frequently visited by merchants, it's quite close to the main city.

Normally goblins appear in territories that are more isolated.

Rhys sees her staring at his hand for a few seconds and he extended his hand out.

"Should we go?"

Lyn nodded and accepted his hand. For the next few minutes neither of them spoke until Lyn broke the silence.

"Are you going to be busy the entire day? How long until you return?"

"I don't think I will be returning tonight. The interviews aside, we will probably get asked to do a field inspection."

"I-I see, and when you come back, um where will you be staying?"

Rhys blinked hearing her questions before finally understanding. "If it is okay with you, I'd like to stay over again. As the ambassador they have given me a room in the main palace. But, it's not in a very convenient location. It's a bit too far from yours."

Though he suspects that was done deliberately.

"Is it it okay if I come and see you?"

Lyn shyly nodded. "You may."

Rhys squeezed her hands. "Thank you." He doesn't understand her current behaviour at all.

When they first met again in lovers hill, she seemed to be trying to figure him out. But when Lyn realised that he still liked her she treated him coldly. Then she returned to being interested and started to mess with him.
