What should I do?

At the Mist Kingdom Stables

"Kosame. Do you think I should just tell everybody that I am considering Rhys?" Lyn was bending down stroking Kosame's face.

The dragon gave a small like it approved.

"But how do I say it? Is it truly okay for me too?" She mumbled.

The reason why she was all the way out here in the stables was 'the council is going too far!' She couldn't believe what she was seeing when she peeked through the door of the throne room. There were so many young men who weren't even part of the council.

'I thought the emergency meeting was for the incident that happened yesterday, but they used it as another chance to set up a match making event.'

Lyn sighed. She should have known that they wouldn't give up on the idea. They did chase her all the way to he Snow Kingdom and insisted that she married Rhys again. Rhys, thinking about the man with dark red hair and red eyes she pauses. She always found his appearance strange, and now even she knows about his contract to the water dragon.

Red and blue, red and blue- she repeated those words in her head. Isn't it the same with her? She has blue eyes but her contract is with the phoneix dragon and her sword is red. This- if she thinks about it properly, it means they are truly connected by fate?

She thought back to his story on the boat.

'Long ago, the god of this universe decided that he would create life that would live in these beautiful lands. He or she created a beautiful world, and yet there was nothing there. In order to create the first life, they offered parts of their body and merged it into a crystal before splitting it in half. Since then, humans have been born without half their soul, and are fated to search for the one who would complete them.'

A crystal, would that be the jade? Then, the jade they are looking for. Perhaps it's not a complete one and she has to attach it to another. Kazuya has his jade already so if she finds hers-

'Your my soul mate.'

Rhys sounded so confident but if he doesn't have a jade then his story won't make sense. Also it would mean there are multiple jades around for people with soul mates right? Lyn sighed. 'I still lack knowledge. I may have become the Queen, but there are many things about this world that I do not know.'

One of the first things she did when she became the Queen was read the books in the royal library. Unfortunately due to the damage her sister caused, her time in the library was too short for her liking. But, that never stopped her from using that little time to study.

Before she could collapse into the hay, she felt somebody lift her up in the air.


"I wondered where you disappeared too. You weren't in the meeting."

Lyn sighed. "Did you find anything weird when you attended?"

Rhys paused for a moment before his expression turned dark.

"There were a lot of young guys."

"Right, it's another matchmaking."

Rhys puts her down as he brushed his forehead against hers and squeezed her hands. "I'm sorry for leaving you all alone."

Her eyes widened hearing his words. "Y-you don't have to apologise. Besides, I sensed something was wrong so I peeked through the door first."

"It's good that your instincts are sharp." Rhys rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled. "How often does that happen?"

"Hmm, it happened a lot during the first six months after marrying kazuya. It slowed down due to the jade war, and increased again when Kazuya's disappearances became more frequent. Eventually Kazuya left for a long time, so it just happened whenever there was a large meeting or festival. But what happened earlier was odd, official meetings in the throne room are important. To think they'd bring it there."

"Isn't it their way of saying that it's important for you to have another husband? No, to have an heir?"

Lyn bit her lip hearing those words.

"It's been five years but Kazuya and you have no children. I know their methods seem extreme and I am not defending them. But from their point of view they are concerned."

Lyn couldn't say anything to that. Indeed, Rhys words are the truth. 'I already expelled all the bad elders and corrupt ones from my sister's time as Queen.' So the ones left truly only have her best interest in mind.

The incident with those nobles not too long ago horrified them too and they didn't hesitate to sanction punishments.

"If you want to have a child, then I don't mind."

Eh? Lyn looked at Rhys startled and it took her a moment to process his words before her face heated up.

Rhys averted his gaze, a similar tint of red was on his face. "I mean, I did say I would court you openly and announce it. The elders are pushing you because you have no children. If you have at least one other candidate and have a child with them, then they will be quiet right?"

C-certainly what he is saying is right, but the way he is phrasing this is embarrassing.

After all to make a child, they have to- she recalled what happened during their date and frantically shakes her head. She can't imagine doing that again with Rhys. It's too embarrassing.

'I am twenty two, this wouldn't be my first time.' But, the embarrassment from that day still hasn't left her.

Her thoughts break off hearing the sound of Kosame scurrying about.

"Kosame, this is Rhys,nyou remember him right?" Lyn quickly changed the subject.

She watched as something similar to fear appeared in the dragon's eyes. Even though Kosame was being controlled at that time, she must feel guilty for what she did to Rhys.

How does Rhys feel about seeing the dragon that attacked him? Lyn watched the exchange with caution, she was ready to step in at anytime if either sides attacked. But that is not what happened.

Rhys takes a few steps forward until he was directly in front of the dragon. However there was no hostile look in his eyes, instead it was filled with warmth as he patted Kosame's head.

"So, your name is Kosame? It suits you."

Lyn blinked hearing Rhys words before her gaze softened. That's right, Rhys is this type of person. He is strong, kind and gentle.

Kosame's fear from minutes ago had vanished.

Her gaze fell on Rhys hand patting Kosame. He has held her hand several times since they returned. But she wonders how it would feel if he patted her hair.

Lyn watched them for a few minutes before frowning. Ah, how long is he going to do that? Didn't he come here to see her!
