A dangerous candidate

Lyn shakes her head. No, no, no. What is she doing getting jealous of her familiar?

"That looks nice, I want him to pet me too." A voice whispered in her ear.

Lyn sighed and hit the man across the head. "You're teasing me again, master."

"Ouch, ouch. Look at this Rhys, she has become more violent."

Rhys looked over and rolled his eyes. "Teasing her is my privilege. So of course she is upset with you."

Lyn just stared at him speechless.

He walked over to her until he stood in front of her and grabbed hold of her hands.

"You're a bit too close."

"I don't think so."

"I suppose it's reserved for you." Lyn mumbled quietly.

His lips curve to a smile and Lyn had to stop herself from staring.

Ralph chuckled. "Look at that Kosame, doesn't your master seem different?"

The dragon looked over with a sparkle in it's eyes.

Lyn coughed. "A-anyhow, did you need something master?"

"Did you go to the meeting just now?"

"I stole one glance at the room and escaped." Lyn trailed off. "Was there somebody I had to meet?"

"It's more like somebody you should be wary off. He is one of the strong candidates they are pushing to become your second husband." Ralph pulled out an image crystal from his pocket and a small image of a man with mid length ginger coloured hair.

"This man, have you seen him before my Queen?"

Lyn tilted her head puzzled and shakes her head. "I don't think I have."

Ralph sighed. "You truly don't pay any attention to the nobles who don't cause problems do you?"

"I-I care more for the commoners. They need my attention more." Lyn exclaimed.

Besides, she doesn't have a fond idea of nobility either. Perhaps it was due to Rhys influence back then, or what she saw during her academy days. However, she feels very uncomfortable around nobles.

"Hm, I think I know this guy too. Leo, right?" Rhys peered over her shoulder.


Lyn could no longer focus on the image on the crystal with Rhys standing so close. "M-my personal space." Lyn mumbled.

"I think this is close enough since I am courting you."

Gah, she cannot argue with his logic. She sees master looking over at them with a tender look in his eyes and averted her gaze.

'I wonder what my interactions with Rhys look like to other people. It's obvious what master is thinking. But, for everybody else does it look like that too?'

Do these people think Rhys is a good match for h

It feels strange, she wonders when was the last time she had such worries? The past five years have been difficult for her.

"Is he that dangerous?" Lyn decided to return to the original topic.

"Unfortunately I can't find any bad rumors about him, but that is what makes him suspicious."

Lyn sighed hearing those words. "Master, we have had this conversation before. I know you hate all my suitors but you can't just discriminate against them because your overprotective."

"No, no it's not like that this time little Lyn. You have to understand. This one reeks of suspicion."

"Based on what?"


Lyn sweat fell hearing those words and she sighed. He truly behaves like an over doting parent sometimes. Perhaps it was due to the absence of her mother, father daichi and General Adrien. But the last five years master Ralph has behaved more like a father.

She glanced over and saw Rhys staring at the image in the crystal with a hardened expression. "There is something-" Rhys mumbled.


"I remember." Rhys trailed off. "This one, he is under suspicion for being an accomplice for luring women into the red light district and selling them off."

Lyn blinked hearing those words. So Master's suspicion was correct?

"Little Lyn, you're too biassed." Ralph sighed. "If it's like that, then I wonder what those guys are thinking. How dare they put you in danger like that!"

"They are probably thinking that anybody will do at this stage as long as I bear a child." Lyn trailed off. "-and you just said there are no bad rumors about him. So, I presume that he is hiding his true self and that even the elders do not know."

So there is a cunning noble like that still around? She thought she exterminated them all. But, it seems like there are a few remaining.

Her thoughts break off when Rhys flicks her forehead. "I know what you're thinking, but you have to leave this case to me. It's too dangerous Lyn."

"I'm not weak."

"I'm not saying you are, I know your strong enough. But you have other matters to attend to don't you?"

That's true, she was going to use this time to see how bad the famine is and the state of the Kingdom, as well as route out any potential bad seeds. But if this Leo person is truly involved in human trafficking then wouldn't that fall under the latter category?

Seeing Rhys worried gaze however Lyn sighed. She supposes it cannot be helped.

"As my knight your duty is to protect me. I will not do anything careless and if I do you are by my side aren't you?"

Rhys sighed. "I should have known that you would say that. Then, I'll give you the details of this case later." He trailed off. "Master go back to your tower, stop teasing Lyn."

Ralph chuckled. "Alright, but do tell me when you plan on making children. I want to at least bless the bed with sacred magic."

Lyn immediately turned red at those words. But before she could reprimand him, Ralph had already disappeared. Lyn sighed deeply. That person, is too sneaky.

She turned to Kosome and noticed that the dragon had her eyes closed. She hears the quiet sound of breathing and turned to Rhys.

"Let's go out?"

Rhys nodded and followed her out of the stable. The entire walk out nobody spoke and Lyn felt her heart beat increase. Her entire face was still red, and she was having a hard time controlling her heart. Master must have overheard the conversation between her and Rhys.

Children huh? Five years have passed since she became the Queen, five since she became an adult. But, she has never thought of having children before. It's true she has had a lot going on but to never think of having children is weird.

A child with red hair and blue eyes. Or one with black hair and red eyes. Lyn paused in mid thought and frantically shakes her head. What on earth is she thinking? Right now the one who is her husband, the one who is the King is Kazuya! What is she doing thinking about having Rhys children?
