
'If you want to have a child, then I don't mind.'

This is all because Rhys said something strange. He doesn't mind? He said it so casually. No, that isn't right. Earlier he was blushing, he was just as flustered. The current Rhys is very different, he had his clumsy side in the past too. But it wasn't like this.

She scanned their surroundings and realised that they had walked quite a distance from the stables when Rhys suddenly stopped walking. "Rhys?"

"Can I ask you for a favour?"

Lyn tilted her head puzzled, sensing his serious tone. She slowly nodded her head.

"If you don't mind, can I kiss you for like thirty minutes?"

For a moment she wasn't sure what she heard until she saw the look in his eyes.

"I suppose you may k-kiss me."

His gaze was gentle as he backed her against the tree. "Then, stay still."

Those lips she yearned for so much were on hers again and she had to stop herself from moving. Thirty minutes is a long time, what if people pass by? It was a foolish thought, those servants had already spread what they saw the other day. People have seen Rhys leave her chambers this morning, they know he spent the night there.

It's already too late, everybody knows. Why do other people's opinions bother her anyway? This is her own life. Lyn hesitantly wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing Rhys closer and their lips.

'I remember everything my beloved. But, I spent the last five years with another man. At the start I simply treated him as a friend but I fell in love with him again and gave him another chance. I cannot discard Kazuya just like that. But please, do not misunderstand me.'

Now that she has her memories back, Lyn understood that pushing Rhys away wasn't an option. She doesn't understand where this relationship will go. But for now she wants to treasure this person in front of her.

After kissing for thirty minutes she was out of breath and even more flustered.

"Lyn." Rhys mumbled softly. "I want you to understand."


"This won't be like the past. I plan to do this properly. But if you feel uncomfortable anytime, you have to let me know. Your the one who decides how far I can go."

So, he is saying he won't do anything without her permission? Indeed, it seems like this person has changed.

"I didn't say no."

Rhys seemed surprised before he kissed her softly. "Then, I am relieved."

T-this person is truly strange. Moreover, she placed her hand on her lips. He keeps kissing her. Knowing Rhys, at least the current him. He probably judged from her expression that it would be okay to kiss her. Otherwise he wouldn't have done it.

"D-did you speak with Kazuya?" Lyn swiftly tried to change the subject.

Rhys nodded and sighed deeply. "Unfortunately I couldn't catch him, he rushed off after speaking with me."

"It's alright."

'If he wants to show himself in front of me he will do.' The reason she allowed Rhys to chase him earlier was because she knew, that Kazuya wanted to speak to Rhys.

She still feels a bit flustered after all that kissing.

Her thoughts break off when he grabs hold of her hand.

"Do you want to have a meal?"

"Oh sure, are we heading to the town? I will grab my cloak."

Rhys shakes his head. "I was thinking we could go to my room. Do you mind?"

His room?

"The one the palace gave you?"

"No, I have a little place near the beach. It's closer to the spider headquarters. Do you mind?"

So, he has his own little hide out. It should be fine if she leaves for a short while. She hasn't had breakfast either, so she is quite hungry. Lyn slowly nodded her head and allowed Rhys to pull her along.


Rhys hideout was located in a cliff near that overlooked the shore of the beach. The moment she stepped inside the small cabin, the smell of fresh wood caught her attention. A log cabin next to the beach, usually log cabins are located in the forests. But there is no tree nearby.

The smell of wood and the scent of the sea, what an unusual combination. There wasn't much, a bed in the corner of the room, a mini kitchen, a sliding screen between the kitchen and the bed. A small table with two chairs, and a couch. There was another door which she assumed led to the bathroom, but other than that it was fairly small.

Lyn awkwardly sat on the couch.

"I will be done soon, just wait here." Rhys said.

She slowly nodded and watched as he disappeared behind the screen. She could still get a glimpse of his back. Lyn slumped on the couch and sighed. What on earth is she doing? Ever since she returned from the Snow Kingdom, she no longer understood her own thoughts.

Rhys reminded her earlier, but she ought to see the state of the famine. 'I have to go around and visit the villages and check out the slums. I have to visit the orphanages to make sure the children are okay.' There is a lot she has to do, as the Queen.

Master advised her to use this time to think about her relationships. But she is the Queen, she cannot focus on herself. However, the past few days she has spent with Rhys have truly felt like a dream.

'When was the last time I could relax and just have fun?' Even though she prioritised the commoners and often inspected the villages, she only ever went for 'work'. She already understood that when she became the Queen, a lot would change. She wouldn't have the little freedom that she had before to visit the villagers and interact. But, this is too much.

'I want to enjoy the festivals just like everybody else.'

Lyn sighed, she hasn't changed at all has she? This selfish side of hers is still the same as back then. But not only is he not stopping her, Rhys seems to be encouraging her.
