A grain of sand

Lyn took a deep breath before she extended her hand out and tugged on his sleeve. "It was an excuse."

"An excuse?"

"When I told you to come with me as my knight, that was just an excuse. I felt too embarrassed to ask you to come with me because I wanted you by my side."

The words left her lips like a tornado, she knew she was speaking fast. But she had to, otherwise she would lose her nerves. Her entire face was red, and her heart beat was speeding up.


Rhys wasn't saying anything immediately and it made her even more nervous. Her thoughts break off when he suddenly leaned in closer, Rhys face was inches away from hers.

"So I wasn't imagining after all. I said I like to see your flustered face. But I thought I was just seeing things. I am not even teasing you like I used to. So, why are you turning so red?"

Sensing his genuine confusion she looked at him in disbelief. Does he truly not understand why? She watched his expression for a few minutes and sighed. So, he truly doesn't get it? Where did all that bravery he had in the past disappear too?

Lyn wrapped her arms around his neck and placed kisses there. "It's because I'm embarrassed, you're treating me so kindly and preciously."

"Lyn. You-"

"L-Listen to me first." Lyn mumbled. "I don't regret sleeping with you. It's just, this is all happening too fast for me. But I don't hate it. I like spending time with you, your actions have made me very happy."

He suddenly pulled her away from him. "Ahhh." Rhys suddenly screamed.

Lyn blinked. This wasn't the reaction she was expecting.

"This is driving me insane. How can I keep acting calm if your behaving like this."

"Why do you have to act calm anyway? You were so bent on teasing me and being pushy when we met again."

"That was because I was nervous." Rhys sighed. "Your the one who didn't notice."

"Don't put the blame on me."

Rhys looked at her.

"If I tell you what I am really thinking, you will surely run away again."

That's her line, he was the one who ran away from her. Lyn extended her hands out. "I'm tired."

"I see."

Rhys scooped her up and carried her over to the bed. It was a silent agreement that he would be laying beside her. Lyn however wasn't content with that and rolled on top of him.


"Don't look away."

"This must be a dream." Rhys mumbled.

"Isn't it a nice dream?" She caressed his cheeks. "Rhys, I am truly blessed to have you by my side again."

"So even without memories, you can still love me."

'I really want to tell him. But, I have to restrain myself.'

She leaned forward and kissed him. It was a light kiss, but it seems to have gotten the message across.

"My Queen, may I ask how much your love for me is right now?"

"A grain of sand."

"I see, a grain of sand has many benefits."

'It's obviously more idiot.' She continued to kiss him and after a few minutes he nibbled on the edge of her lips causing her to stop.

"D-don't do it like that."

"You obviously have forgotten how to kiss. I'm just reminding you how."


She just stared at him speechless before getting off him. Lyn wanted to face the other way but Rhys pulled her into his arms.

"Alright, don't struggle. I understand now my Queen, while you don't know if you want to continue this relationship in the long term. For now, you don't mind me courting you?"

She hates it when he speaks like this. But she doesn't want to risk him running away from her.

Rhys suddenly stood up. Huh? "Lyn, that pendant you always wear. Do you know what that symbol is?"

"Kazuya told me that it's a charm because of the process of reincarnation. Since I was killed in my past life, this charm will warn me of any individuals after me."

Sensing his silence, her sweat dropped. It probably does sound like gibberish from her.

"As vague as ever I see."

"You believe me?"

"Of course I do. Reincarnation is when the souls of the dead leave the present world, then they cross over into the afterlife. The afterlife is in the next world. Without flesh to contain them, their souls return to their former original formless state. From the afterlife the souls go back again into the world of the living world and are reborn into new flesh and everything that happened in the past is forgotten. But amongst those souls, there are a few outliers like me. With the power to remember, the world everyone forgot."

Now that she thought about it, it seems they may have had a similar conversation in the past. Hmm, it seems like her memories haven't completely returned to her. Rhys specialises in dark magic, and there were rumors before that he was reincarnated.

Her thoughts break off when she suddenly sees a dark aura around him.

What's going on? The aura around him has changed. What's this deadly and sinister feeling? She watches as he pulls out his brush and begins to write several characters on a sheet of paper that is wrapped around them.

Ah, she hasn't seen this sight in a long time. Since they met again, she has mainly seen Rhys use other magic.

"Get behind me Lyn, here he comes."


The second he said that, the doors broke down revealing a random guy with a metal blade in his hands. A knife? Lyn was about getting ready to assist when she felt the strength leave her body. Ah it's no good. She used up too much energy when fighting the goblins.

Rhys muttered a few words and the guy collapsed on the ground. The battle had ended right before it could even start. She almost forgot how strong he was.

"I take it you were misled into thinking this was the Queen's secret hideout? A place where she serves men in secret?"

Lyn blinked hearing Rhys words. Out of all the rumors she has heard regarding herself, that is the most ridiculous one. But now she understands, this must be why Rhys insisted on taking her along today. He wanted to lure this one out.
