Sign of calamity

Lyn watches as Rhys steps on the man causing him to groan in pain.

"Who sent you to attack the Queen?" His tone is menacing.

"Are you going to say you came because she is a kind Queen? Don't because that boring pretext has already been used. The guards are scattered all over due to the attack yesterday so you thought there was an opportunity. But I'll tell you this. If you leave a single scratch on the Queen I'll hunt you down to the deepest ends of hell, and I'll slice your soul to shreds."

Seeing the man groan in even more pain, she stood up and made her way over.

Lyn placed her hand on his back. "Rhys stop, you're going too far."

"Stand back, this man came to attack you."

"That may be so but still stop." Lyn exclaimed, raising her voice.

Rhys sighs and turns away from her, clicking his tongue.

"Lyn you're the same as always. Whether it's me or a piece of trash like this guy you have equal sympathy." Rhys moves his foot away. "Be grateful to the Queen, but don't think you've escaped calamity."

At those words a bright light surrounded him and metal like chains appeared on his arms. The man vanished in seconds.

'Rhys must have sent him directly to the prison.' That's right, as the ambassador he has the power to do that.

Rhys sighed as he looked at his broken door. "Tsk, did they have to break it down?" He mutters a few words and she watches as the broken pieces slowly return to normal.

How unusual, it's the same magic she saw him use in the past. But, the current Rhys is very different now. The reason why he didn't behave like this the moment they met again, according to him it's because he was overwhelmed after not seeing her for a long time.

However Lyn felt like there was more to it than that. Her thoughts break off when Rhys picks her up, and brings her back to the bed. He didn't leave however and lays beside her.

His sudden hold on her startled her, but it wasn't because she was afraid. He wrapped the blanket around both of them and patted her shoulder.

"Go to sleep, the sign of calamity has passed. You've been working hard on your Queen duties everyday, you must be tired." Rhys pulled her closer to him. "Fatigue can cause your condition to get worse. Take care of your body Lyn."

Rhys earlier frightening behaviour almost seems like a lie. How can somebody so kind and gentle be so scary?

His personality changes when he fights, but that is not unusual. Kazuya is the same too. Perhaps she is more similar to this person then she thought so. This man is so gentle, no matter how much time passes by he is so very kind.


A few hours later.

"Hmmmm." Lyn looked at the paperwork in front of her. For the past few minutes she was staring at a particular document with great interest.

It was a request from the townsfolk, so she was paying extra attention to it.

Lyn hears shuffling and finds Rhys edging even closer to her.

"So hey, don't you think I deserve a bit of comfort after that frightening experience?"

"Pupilliam was just concerned."

To her surprise the one who handed her paperwork over was her aide.

"Ha, but she truly dislikes me."

Seeing his troubled expression, Lyn leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "I think you should focus more on my affections for you than others."

"True, turning that grain of sand into something large is going to be a challenge."

'a challenge? You have already won.' He has already completely won her over. Lyn wondered how long it would take until he figured that out himself.

"It seems like you have lost that confidence you so proudly boasted about before."

"Five entire years apart will do that to someone. But," Rhys placed her on his lap. "-I can feel you growing more attached to me. So I think this current pace is good."

Honestly, this person can be very frustrating. Why is he so clueless now? Five years huh? It's true so much time has passed. But his feelings for her haven't changed and it's the same for her. Even though she spent the last three years not recalling her feelings for him. She spent the first two missing him, so there is a balance.

"Rhys, do you still cast curses on people?" Lyn wondered.

Now he is working as the spiders chief, a large information guild. So surely he doesn't have time anymore?

His lips curved to a mischievous smile. "It's a large source of income. Why would I stop?"

Uh, right he was this type of person.

Rhys pulled out a familiar looking brush. "That reminds me, I suppose we can do that again to heal your fatigue." He trailed off and paused. "Can you undo your sash?"

Lyn nervously followed his instructions, loosening her robes.

Rhys extended his brush out towards her chest, and started to write some letters on her skin. It did not take long before the letters started to glow, and her body felt much lighter.

He cupped her cheeks. "It seems to still work on you."

"Does it stop working?"

"Well, normally when you first start the treatment. You sign an invisible contract stating that you will get it done frequently. Since your body hasn't had it for awhile. I thought it wouldn't take affect immediately, but it seems to have done so."

Rhys quickly fixes her clothing. "Remember to keep it on for at least a few hours."

"I'm not going anywhere, so you can remind me."

"That's true." Rhys trailed off. "If you ever feel unwell, just let me know."

"Okay mr reliable doctor."

"Ha, you're the only one who would call me that." Rhys placed some kisses on her neck. "Your skin is so pale, it's easy for people to see the marks I leave."

"Then you shouldn't leave that many."

Rhys chuckled. "Did you forget how possessive I am?"

Actually, she didn't. But because his behaviour has been so different, it's easy for such facts to slip her mind. Rhys continued to kiss her, despite the embarrassment she felt, there was something soothing about this.
