I need to speak with Kazuya

"Rhys, when do you plan to tell people?" Lyn wondered.

Or maybe she ought to announce it? But it feels like even if she says it, the elders will think she is only saying that to get out of the matchmaking meetings. After all, she did refuse Rhys back when they caught her.

"I was going to announce it in the meeting earlier. But when I didn't see you there, I figured it would look one sided."

A place where they could announce it, it would have to be a place with loads of nobles present.

"I plan to hold a banquet soon. I don't like such events but the nobles tend to get prickly if I don't. Would you attend?"

"As your escort?"

"Mm, I don't think Kazuya will attend and it would be strange if I went alone."

"Then I'll be sure to wear matching colours, we can show off."

Ah, matching colours. It would indicate that they were close. So this is what he means by possessive.

"Rhys, why do you keep kissing me? I thought you were going to work."

"Your hands have also stopped moving." Rhys mumbled. "Well, I'm just trying to persuade myself that I'm not dreaming."

Does he truly think this is a dream? The past five years must have been painful for him. She only spent two years longing for him before she lost her memories, so she only understands a small portion of the pain he is going through.

Lyn turned her head slightly so she could kiss his cheeks again.

"You know, if your going to kiss you should kiss me elsewhere."

"I-I am in the middle of work." Lyn turned to her paperwork but she felt his intense gaze. She sighed deeply and turned around again before she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

"Lyn." He mumbled.

"Okay, that's enough." Lyn pulled away after the first kiss.

"How cruel, the Queen is so cruel."

"That's enough for now, we both have work to do."

"So you're saying we can carry on later? That makes me happy, Lyn."

Calling her Queen and then by her name, he is far too sly. She hears shuffling and sees Rhys place his own documents on the desk on her lap. This table was very small, so unless they were sitting closely it was impossible to use.

She turned her head slightly and noticed something different. Rhys had put on some glasses. That's right, his eyesight is bad now. She wonders why he doesn't use it often.

It was almost like Rhys understood what she was thinking since he answered her question.

"My eyepatch has magic that helps me see better. But, when I'm relaxing I tend to take it off."

Lyn looked at his eyes. His eyes are still there but he can't see from one of them. She supposes this would be the right time to bring up.

"W-when I formed a contract with Kosame, I saw."

"Yeah, I know. It's the same as my contract with the water dragon."

Of course he would know.

She extended her hands out towards his right eye. "Have you not found a cure?"

"No, unless your dragon has some ideas."

"Kosame stole your eyesight when she was being possessed. So, I don't think she knows how to bring it back."

'Unless she is possessed again? But that idea would endanger Kosame, and she doesn't want to sacrifice her like that.'

He must be in so much pain. Rhys loss of vision is the reason why he left her. Even if she tells him that she doesn't mind, that won't reassure him. All she can do now is, show him her affections. She took a deep breath before she leaned forward and kissed his eyelids.

She hears a content sigh pass his lips.

"You're being sweet to me today."

"Your reward for saving me."

"Then should I save you everyday? My sweet Lyn."

She isn't surprised when Rhys moves the table away and hovers over her. "Today, I will only kiss you. But even that will drive me crazy."

'I want to say my real feelings, but Kazuya. I need to speak with him.'


Mist Kingdom, Main Castle

A deep sigh escaped Lyn's lips. 'I returned to the castle this morning determined to find Kazuya, but after three hours of searching I still can't find him.' This is so frustrating, everybody else has seen him but her. So he is certainly in the castle today.

Fortunately however she still had time to search before she had to attend another meeting. When she woke up this morning, she found all the paperwork complete and a note from Rhys with a pure white flower.

-This is called an iroha flower, it suits you.

I will be present in the meeting later, see you soon.

The meeting starts at two, so it will be in the afternoon. She still has four hours left. A place Kazuya would go, that the servants do not know about. There is one place but maybe it would be better to wait until he sought her out.

If Kazuya wants to appear before her he would- no, she needs to stop letting him get away with that. Determined Lyn found herself heading to her old living quarters as a Princess.

This place was supposed to be demolished, however due to the beautiful gardens. Lyn convinced the elders to keep it. After walking along the hidden pathway, it did not take long before she arrived at her destination.

The large fountain in the center, surrounded by gorgeous flowers and greenery caught her attention. Lyn takes a deep breath. "Kazuya, I know your here."

There was no response, she could only hear the sound of rustling leaves. But she knew he was here.

"If you keep hiding from me, I will cut myself again."

It was a terrible threat, but she knew Kazuya very well. If he learns she is in danger because of him, he will appear. Rhys told her that the reason Kazuya came last time was because he informed Kazuya that she was physically injuring herself.

If he learns that is happening again. Lyn pulled out a small pocket knife and brought it towards her neck. But before she could do anything with it, the blade was snatched from her fingers.

The one who took it was Kazuya, he stood there with a distraught expression on his face.

"What are you doing?"

"Dying of loneliness after not seeing my husband for so long."

"Says the wife going on dates with her other husband."

Lyn sighed hearing his words. "Since you already know, we can talk now right?"
