One step at a time

"I, when I remembered everything. I felt ashamed of my previous behaviour. I could no longer treat him the same way."

"I understand that. But no wonder you're suddenly in a relationship. Sir Rhys isn't stupid, he must have noticed. But didn't understand what was happening, regardless he wanted to take advantage of the moment."

Lyn buried her face in her arms hiding her now flushed cheeks. "Rhys is very kind. W-whenever he wants to do anything, he would ask me."

"He should have done so previously."

"I-I know but- back then he had a lot going on."

Teo sighed. "Even now you make excuses for his bad behaviour towards you then. But you're certainly right, he is very different now. It's because of this I truly believe a relationship between you two will work."

"-a-nd what about having children?" Lyn stammered.

"One step at a time, get comfortable first and go on a few more dates."

Lyn looked at Teo suspiciously. "This is strange, why are you of all people giving me love advice?"

"If you do not like it, then you can rant to somebody else." Teo turned to leave.

She shakes her head and tugged on his sleeve. "Wait, don't leave you have to help me sort my thoughts out."

Teo sighed and reached over and flicked her forehead. "In the first place you should tell me exactly. How did it progress like this so quickly? You haven't been back that long."

"I-I don't get it either!" Lyn exclaimed.

He looked at her strangely. "What was all that about you inviting him to hang out in your room?"

"Uh. You see, that was my idea. But it only started after he caught me staring at him and he brought me to my room since I caught a fever. I thought, ah spending time with him like this is not bad." Lyn tried to explain.

But after saying it out loud, something felt wrong to her.

"But, did it have to be your room? Could you not have arranged to meet him elsewhere?"

"Even if you say that, I wanted some privacy. As the Queen, the only places that are off limits to most people are my chambers. Only the servants are allowed inside, and only at certain times too. So, I figured this was the best way to get to know him."

Teo sighed at those words and stretched her cheeks. "I want to scold you so bad right now. But I am holding it back so Pupilliam can do it instead."

Lyn looked at him horrified. "You can scold me! Do it right now."

"No, this is a job for Pupilliam. I am sure she can point out everything wrong with what you just said to me." Teo trailed off. "I am aware that he is your husband too. But, inviting a man to your room sends the wrong message."


Lyn froze. She didn't think about it, she just wanted to get closer to Rhys.

"You're older now but you're still as careless as before. If your talking about children already, I will presume your relationship has advanced to the point that your physically able to communicate-"

Lyn frantically shakes her head. "S-stop right there. This is weird, do we have to talk about that?"

"You're right I am a man so it would be difficult to discuss. It would be better for you to speak to Miss Kristy about it."

"It's just I don't know what to do anymore. I do want to announce it. But I am the Queen. I just recently returned after abandoning my duties. This probably isn't the best time for this."

"All of that sounds like excuses." Teo said bluntly.

She almost forgets how blunt Teo can be. But, it's better like this. She needs to hear somebody tell her that directly.

"Alright so it's an excuse. Actually Rhys presence by my side will actually get rid of half my concerns. The elders will still try to push forward a third candidate. But they will give me time for my relationship with Rhys to settle. They will start nagging after I give birth to Rhys child, but if the child becomes a worthy heir or if there is more than one they won't say anymore." Lyn trailed off.

Right now Rhys is a great defensive barrier against those who are plotting against her. It's not just satisfying the elders' wishes.

"Then what is the issue?" Teo questioned.

"If we continue like this I fear I will get a heart attack. Whenever he gets too close to me or treats me with kindness, I feel like my heart will explode." Lyn mumbled with flushed cheeks.

"Queen, you have been married for five years but you still behave like a young girl when it comes to love."

"I can't help it. I am not used to this."

"Is he not taking you out on dates? You should be getting used to this soon."

"I suppose. B-ut is there something I can do for him in return? Rhys has been doing a lot of stuff that makes me happy. But what about him?" Lyn wondered.

This has bothered him the entire time. What about Rhys? Is he satisfied with all of this? The stuff that makes her happy and the stuff that makes him happy are surely not the same.

"I think for sir Rhys, what makes you happy will make him happy too."

So it's like that after all. Lyn sighed frustrated. She thought if she spoke to Teo she would have a clearer answer, but it does not seem like they will be getting anywhere like this.

"I know this is a simple response. But think about it, with sir Rhys personality getting physical will make him the happiest."

Lyn sighed hearing those words. "It's true that part of him hasn't changed."

But, unlike before he isn't being pushy. It's because of this new side of him that she is even considering their relationship. It is exactly like what she said to Kazuya. She likes the current Rhys more than the past.

'If I take the initiative to kiss him, maybe he will smile?' But wait if she does something like that her heart will really stop.
