Lets start with dating

"Anyhow, I believe you should discuss the rest of this with him. If he continues to wait outside the door like that, somebody will attack him."

Eh? Lyn turned towards the entrance and spotted somebody crouched down. Could it be? Lyn quickly rushed across the room and it didn't take long before she reached the door.

Rhys was there crouched down fast asleep. Oh? Was he waiting for her?

He must have been tired. Lyn brushed her fingers across his lips. She truly doesn't understand why he is having this much of an impact on her. Ever since she took the throne she has not had much of an opportunity to relax.

'I have to be different from my sister and my mother. I have to truly listen to the people.'

But at some point, she ended up sealing her own emotions. She prioritised the people over her own wishes. Lyn leaned over and mumbled quietly. "Rhys, I really, really like you."

Before she could kiss him however, she finds Rhys staring at her. Lyn flinched and backs away from him quickly. He looked at her for a few minutes before stretching his ears and mumbling.

"Did I hallucinate just now? It feels like I just heard something important."

Lyn covered her mouth. She felt her heart beat increase. Did he not hear her? She was so close to him so when she saw he was awake she thought he heard.

"R-Rhys." Lyn called his name out and he turned his attention back to her.

"Hey." Rhys greeted her with a bright smile. "How was your meeting?"

"I-I thought you--"

-had work? But, from the looks of it he has been waiting for her for a long time. Lyn hears the thumping sound of her heart.

"I wanted to wait for you." Rhys finished. He placed his hand on her forehead. "You're a little feverish. I know you still have a lot to do but you should watch your health."

"I-I-" Lyn couldn't get the words out. When he is this close to her, it makes her already flushed face turn hotter, it makes her feel dizzy and giddy. But, she doesn't hate this feeling.

"What's wrong? Did you get bullied?" Rhys looked towards the door. "I heard sir Teo stayed behind. Did he get angry at you?"

Rhys looked like he was ready to fight and she shakes her head.

"I-" Lyn takes a deep breath before burying her face in his arms. "I wanted to see you."

'Another thing that will make sir Rhys happy is if your honest with him.'

She has sealed off her emotions a long time ago. She did that so she could focus on the Kingdom. If she didn't do this she won't be able to do her duties as a Queen.

Rhys seemed surprised, lips curved to a smile, he laughed softly. "I see this is the approach your taking today."

He seems happy, so being honest is enough? It may seem simple to others. But for her it's difficult. She is the Queen, she can't allow people to see her weak side. If they find a weakness in her, they will see it as a flaw to bring her down. Right now, she is the only one who can rule this Kingdom. She cannot afford any mistakes.

It takes her a minute to notice something different about Rhys, there was a bruise at the edge of his mouth and scrapes on his hands.

"Did you get into a fight?" Lyn said surprised.

"It's more like somebody tried to pick a fight with members of my team. I was coming over to inspect and managed to arrive there on time." Rhys sighed. "Who picks a fight with people working in the harbor? Did they think they could steal the loot on the ships? They wouldn't even get that far."

Lyn however was more focused on his injuries. She leaves his embrace and pushes him towards the gardens. "Let's go outside, I will treat your injuries."

"Huh? Why do we have to go outside."

"Because you stand out." Lyn could already feel the eyes of the servants.

It did not take long before they reached outside and found a bench. She started to disinfect the wound on his cheek with a handkerchief filled with ointment.

"It hurts."

"Don't be a baby." Lyn mumbled as she pressed on the wound. She felt frustrated seeing him like this.

Kazuya often gets into fights and she would scold him a lot. But Kazuya has been doing that since even before they got married so she was somewhat used to it. On the other hand Rhys is different. Unlike Kazuya he is a lot more careful.

'I don't know why I feel so frustrated.' She should understand that no matter how many safety margins a person takes, mistakes will happen. It was the same for her, she has made mistakes despite planning ahead of time. However, her heart aches seeing him like this.

"Now you're just doing this on purpose." Rhys yelped in pain. "Are you mad at me Lyn?"


Rhys shakes his head. "Your acting is scary."

"I think your endurance is just weak." Lyn pressed on his injuries again.

"You're definitely mad. Look, I will be more careful. There won't be a next time."

"I'm just frustrated Rhys. Recently I keep doing stuff that is unlike me, because of you my mind is messed up. When I am with you, parts of me that I don't know show up."

For a moment Rhys doesn't say anything, but eventually he leaned forward and brought a strand of her hair to his lips.

"I want you to show me, all those new sides. I want to learn more about you Lyn, this time I want to properly get to know you."

Her thoughts break off when he suddenly leans forward. "So, what do you say?"

"Eh?" Lyn said surprised.

"I guess I have to spell it out. I know we are married already but you still don't remember. So let's start with dating."

Uh? That is his conclusion to all of this? 'Start with dating? But isn't that taking their relationship backwards rather than forward?' However the current Rhys is convinced that she doesn't have any memories. This is a complicated situation, but it wouldn't hurt to start again from the beginning.

Five entire years have passed, a lot has changed between them.

"My Queen, can I kiss you for a bit?" Rhys suddenly asked breaking her thoughts.

"Y-you don't have to keep asking." Lyn stammered.

Rather didn't he take the initiative to get close to her like this? Does he truly have to ask? The more he asks, the more flustered she becomes. The more she ceases to become the Queen with no emotions.
