Striking a deal


Lyn sighed hearing those words. "It's truly difficult to kill you isn't it Silver?"

This man who appeared before her after five years was a member of a corrupt organisation consisting of branded criminals. He was the leader, and the one who dragged her into helping him commit crimes. Five years ago, Kazuya and her took him down. He fell of the bridge and died. However, it seems like they should have searched for his body.

"You're wrong, I'm not him."

"Then are you a clone? You look identical to somebody I knew." Lyn looked him up and down.

If this guy isn't 'silver' then who is he? Why do they look the same? Moreover her gaze fell on the weapon in his hands. Thats one of the prototype guns. But she didn't see a person like this on the list of people who was supposed to have one.

The reason why she closed the door so quickly was because of the gun. Even if Rhys has fast reflexes, even he will struggle if he is up against something he doesn't know. Moreover his eyes aren't good now. She doesn't know how he fights normally now, but they didn't come to the headquarters preparing for a fight. So he surely didn't have time to arrange anything.

"I have a question for you. Are you red?"

Hearing the familiar code name Lyn slowly nodded. That was the name she used when she worked for Silver. The man sat on the rubble and polished the gun in his hands.

Lyn blinked surprised. Is he not going to attack?

"Then, were you the one who killed the man who looks like me?"

"I-I guess."

Actually it was a joint effort between Kazuya and her. But until she identifies this person she should keep his attention on her.

"That man went around with my appearance. Now that he is dead, I managed to wake up. However," his gaze dimmed. "-he went around causing so many problems with my appearance and now I have people chasing me."

"So, what do you want from me?"

"Help me out."

Lyn looked at this man dumbfounded. He hires a bunch of people to attack Rhys workers, and later on attacks the Spider headquarters just to get her attention? No there is something wrong with that theory.

"First of all, what's your name?" Lyn asked.

"Is that important?"

"I can't just address you as you or mister-" Lyn paused.

But if he just 'woke up.' after having his identity stolen he probably doesn't have a name right?


Lyn sweat fell hearing those words. Colours again? Why do these dangerous guys always use colours for code names. Then again, she ended up doing the same.

"Second, were you the one who attacked at the harbour and then at the headquarters just now?"

"No, those people were already gone when I came. I just took advantage of the commotion to sneak in. I was intending to search for someone who will know where the records are."

If he was looking for the records, he was looking for information regarding her.

"I thought the guy in the white coat would know but those people got in the way. Then you suddenly showed up. I knew right away that you were the one I was searching for."

"Um, so you didn't attack. But sir, I maybe red. However surely you know that I'm also the Queen right?"

Grey looked at her with the same blank gaze. "I didn't know."

It almost feels like she is talking to a puppet. Lyn sighed and her gaze fell on the gun. "Where did you get that?"

"Some guy wearing too much gold was waving it around and boasting. It looked more convenient than the rusty sword I had, so I stole it from him."

Despite those vague details Lyn immediately understood. Now that she thought about it, there was a haughty noble who insisted that he would have one of the prototypes. Lyn was very reluctant to give him one, but he kept causing a fuss so she said she would hand him only temporarily. To think he went around showing it off.

"So, now that you know that I'm the Queen you-"

"My request hasn't changed. I would think about it if I were you. I have information that you could use."

Her lips curved to a smile. "Now we are talking. If it's information that I need the most, it's regarding a new organisation in the Mist Kingdom. Do you know something?"

"If I did?"

Lyn disappeared from where she was standing and appeared directly in front of him. She pointed the gun to his forehead and took out a small concealed blade that she pointed at his neck.

This lead to Grey bursting into laughter. "Hahaha, I knew you were the same type as me. No wonder they called you red. How many people did you stain red?"

"You shouldn't make me sound like a monster, after all I am a benevolent Queen."

"But you really are a monster." Grey sighed and held up an envelope. "This is what I brought you today. But if you want more, you should comply to my request."

She looked at the documents suspiciously but eventually moved her gun away. "Are the people chasing you those people? The remains of the organisation Silver left behind?"

"I thought that too. But I heard you dealt with the remaining people."

"I did, but there could have been more." Lyn trailed off. "I suppose I will have more time to question you another time. I would leave right now."

It won't be long before Rhys comes here.

"If you forget your promise, I will charge into the royal castle instead."

Lyn sighed. "There is no need."

After a few more words Grey vanished into one of the rooms, when Lyn looked inside she found a small hole on the ground. It was large enough however for a person to come through. So that's how he got inside.

'I should have taken the gun from him. But, that may have provoked him further. Stealing one's appearance huh? For Silver to do something like that, then he must have killed off Grey's family members and those who knew him. Otherwise somebody would have discovered it a long time ago.

She always thought there was something off about him. 'Silver hair.' It's an unusual hair colour. If she investigates further she maybe able to identify him. However, there are more important matters for her to deal with. For now it would be better for her not to learn who he is.
