Sword of Lycoris Part 3

Not knowing when the Queen would possibly return or if she would return at all. Pupilliam decided to clean the Queen's office. It was messier than she thought it would be. This is the one place the servants are not allowed to clean no matter what. Since there are confidential documents everywhere.

While Pupilliam understood that logic, she knew the Queen was being overly cautious because of her lack of trust.

The one who usually cleans this place is her or her fellow Knights. But everybody has been busy. It is only natural that this place ended up like this. The Queen must have tried to clean it herself but ended up distracted on another task.

After cleaning the room, she started to patrol around the grounds. But everything seemed safe so after giving some instructions to the guards, she headed back. Pupilliam turned the door knob, instead of seeing an empty office. She finds the Queen on the couch.

"Ah Pupilliam, welcome back. Did you just finish your patrol?"

"I'm surprised he returned you." Pupilliam mumbled.

But if he truly has changed, this outcome shouldn't surprise her.


"I didn't think he would return you."

"Ahem, he is different now."

"Different " Pupilliam repeated. "So, can I ask about that mark on your neck?"

Lyn laughed softly. "Ah this is just-"

Pupilliam sighed frustrated and she walked over placing a bandage across the mark. "My Queen, I shall not comment too much on your relationship even though I have a lot I want to say."

"That would be troubling."

She looked at her confused and Lyn looked at her with a tearful expression.

"Pupilliam you have to help me, you have to shed some wisdom!"

At those words she sighed again. "First of all, tell me everything from the beginning. The past few days I have been feeling very uneasy just hearing rumors."

Teo is right, instead of overthinking due to the rumors. The best way to dispel her unease is to learn the facts directly. The Queen seemed to hesitate but slowly nodded her head as she explained everything. Pupilliam listened carefully, and only asked a few questions in between.

She felt very troubled after hearing the end, not because Rhys did anything bad either. It's the opposite, he has handled the courting with the Queen properly.

'He is treating her very well. I can't get mad at him.'

So the reason why the two apprentice knights speak fondly of Rhys has nothing to do with him using his charm on them. When those two young girls suddenly started to praise Rhys, Pupilliam was sceptical. Those two girls are usually uncomfortable with men. So Rhys must have done something.

"The apprentice knights speak fondly of him."

Lyn nodded. "He rescued them from that scum."

When she hears the details, Pupilliam sighed again. There is no flaw to criticise. He may have saved them accidentally but he still rescued them. Moreover Rhys dealt with that guy who did that to the Queen.

Actually she wanted to do that a long time ago. She wanted to rip out the guys throat and break his other limbs. However, due to her position as the Queen's aide she knew she couldn't act based on her emotions. If she did something like that then it would only trouble the Queen.

Her thoughts break off seeing Lyn look at her with a tender gaze. "I know even if you don't say anything. Pupilliam your worried that Rhys is behaving like how he was before?"

"Yes." Pupilliam kept her head down. She felt very ashamed of her behaviour. It would make more sense for the Queen to reprimand her but this person will not do that.

"I understand how you feel. Initially, I was behaving cautiously too. It wasn't until the conversation I had with Teo the other day where I decided to be honest with myself. Pupilliam you know me better than the rest of the Knights, probably even better than Kazuya and Rhys. That's why you should know right, how I feel better than anybody else."

Of course she knows. Although lies can be mixed in with rumors, Pupilliam understood that those rumors were true. The Queen isn't the type of person who will allow somebody to touch her unless she trusts them. She is the Queen now so she understands her position very well.

'Showing my emotions in public is a sign of weakness. That is why I will no longer do that.'

Since the Queen allowed Rhys to touch her in public it means she trusts him.

"Do you like him that much?"

"Very much." Lyn laughed softly and covered her mouth. "But, please do not blab."

"Is he not aware?"

"Not completely. He does seem to believe that I am growing fond of him. But that is all."

"Your memories, I will presume that he has no knowledge that they have returned?"

"He wouldn't, Kazuya was the one who removed the spell."

So, she was wrong after all. Rhys kept his word, he wouldn't break the spell. King Kazuya's behaviour doesn't surprise her one bit. Even though King Kazuya has been married to the Queen for the past five years. Pupilliam knew that he has always felt very guilty.

How many times has she heard King Kazuya say that 'this position isn't mine?' So, him breaking the spell doesn't surprise her. What puzzles her is Rhys behaviour. Rhys didn't break the spell but he seems to be officially courting the Queen?

Queen Lyn seems to be very happy right now, so she does not want to destroy it.

"Do you plan on telling him?" Pupilliam wondered.

It surprises her that the Queen has not informed Rhys yet. She thought that the Queen would jump at the opportunity, but that does not seem to be the case.

At those words a dark expression appeared on Lyn's face and she sighed deeply. "I feel like if I tell him, he will run away and this time I will never see him again."

Oh, 'I can't refute that theory. I want to reassure the Queen but I can see Rhys doing that.' If Rhys learns that the Queen remembers, he may truly leave her side this time. If that happens, the Queen will be in so much pain. She has to prevent that scenario from happening.

"My Queen, you do not have to worry. Until you think the time is right, I will make sure he does not learn of this."
