Sword of Lycoris Part 2

If he was a gentleman like what the rumors say then he would have thought twice before kissing the Queen in a public area. It was bad enough when Lyn was still a Princess, but now that she is the Queen- Pupilliam shakes her head. Until she sees it with her own eyes, she will not believe that man has changed.

"I understand how you feel, but since you do not know the circumstances you cannot judge. It is easy to twist rumors after it has been spread."

"I know but-"

"The Queen asked me the other day for advice regarding hers and sir Rhys relationship."

"What type of advice?" Pupilliam was getting a bad feeling from this.

"Regarding her and sir Rhys having children." Teo replied.

It took her a moment to process the words Teo just told her.

Pupilliam had to stop herself from shouting, but it took all her willpower to do this. She leaves the Queen alone for a short time and it has already progressed to this?

"It seems there will be an heir soon. We should make some preparations."

Pupilliam shakes her head. "How can you act so nonchalantly about this?"

"I'm not. I was surprised too." Teo said. "But, considering how serious she was. I decided to go along with it."

"You should be advising her not to be so rash. Besides, it hasn't been long since we returned. How can she suddenly change her mind like this?"

"You're asking a question to something you already know."

The only reason for the Queen's behaviour to change so much is for her memories to return. However, since Rhys was the one who sealed those memories. Unless he undoes the spell, the Queen shouldn't remember.

Judging from his behaviour since reuniting with the Queen. Rhys has no intention of returning those memories. She overheard a conversation he had with General Adrian.

'Kazuya doesn't have a lot of time left. The least I can do as his friends is give him time with the woman he loves.'

He seemed so convicted but what is this current situation? Did Rhys change his mind and return the Queen's memories to her? Pupilliam shakes her head. Even if he is an unreasonable person, at the very least she trusts him to stick to his word. Moreover she saw how powerful their friendship was.

Pupilliam never understood the friendship between them. But one thing was clear, they have a strong bond that cannot be broken easily. A bond that involves even sacrificing their own happiness for the other person.

"Anyhow, I believe you should discuss this with the Queen."

Pupillam blinked hearing that suggestion. "Discuss with the Queen?" She repeated.

Teo nodded. "While discussing it with me and the fellow Knights is important, actually asking her what the current situation is important."

That's true, what does the Queen currently feel towards Rhys? What does she plan to do from now?


After that discussion Teo managed to persuade her to at least swallow some bread, and she reluctantly did so.

Pupilliam walks down the hall until she reached the connecting corridor to the main palace. 'I should report to the Queen and use that opportunity to check up on her.'

They have not had a good talk for awhile, when was the last time? Was it shortly before the Queen left or even before then? Pupilliam sighed deeply. She is supposed to be the closest person to the Queen but recently it feels like she doesn't know what is going on with her.

She walked for a few minutes before she eventually arrived at the corridor where the Queen's office was. There she found the Queen hiding behind a pillar and staring at Rhys who was speaking with some of the soldiers.

Pupilliam watched her for a few minutes. What is she doing? Or rather, Pulliam glanced at Lyn's expression and saw her flushed cheeks. This scene resembles something that happened in the past. Back when she was a Princess, Lyn often watched Rhys like this and she just happened to see it.

Could it be? Pupilliam walked over and tapped Lyn's shoulders. She jumped startled but quickly regained her composure.

"My Queen, please answer me honestly. Do you remember?" Pupilliam felt her heart beat increase at those words.

Lyn nodded. "I feel so ashamed of my behaviour until now. I don't know how to face him."

"But, you've been letting him into your room correct?"

She also hears they have been going on little dates.

"T-that's--Pupilliam-" Lyn stammered. "I-married Rhys first, right?"

Pupilliam slowly nodded her head, not understanding what she was getting at. Before she could inquire any further however, Rhys appeared and walked over. He wore a troubled expression on his face as he stood in front of the Queen.

"Rhys." Lyn mumbled.

"Hey, I told you to stop running away. You said we would go on another date. But you keep escaping from me."

Pupilliam blinked hearing those words.

"B-but you--"

"I'm not going to sleep with you again, if you do not want to."

Wait, they did it? Her eyes widened. She simply thought they had gotten slightly closer. But, to think something like that has happened already.

'Was Rhys lying after all?' He said he would not take the Queen away from King Kazuya, but this situation-

She watched the Queen avert her gaze but tug on Rhys clothing.

"I didn't say that. You said you would cook for me again, didn't you?"

Rhys smiled. "Yes. Do you have time now? I can make you something quickly."

"I do."

It's embarrassing watching them. But, quite some time has passed since she last saw the Queen behave like this. Ever since Lyn became the Queen, she hasn't had much time to relax.

The mess Queen Lethia left behind was large. Queen Lyn had a lot of work to do. Moreover at some point the Queen started to conceal her emotions.

Rhys wrapped his arms around Lyn's shoulders and he turned to her. "I'll be taking her away, but I'll return her-"

"She has no major work until the afternoon." Pupilliam finished for him.

"Then I'll return her before then."

Lyn looked over at her flustered, she looked like she wanted to explain but Pupilliam simply waved them goodbye. Once the two were out of sight, she sighed deeply.

'It seems they have truly returned to being in a relationship. However, Rhys behaviour seems different. I can certainly see what the others were speaking about now.' The current Rhys treats the Queen with respect and kindness. If it is the current Rhys, then she shouldn't have to worry.

But what triggered this sudden change? Why does she feel so uneasy about this?

'I think I still need to observe the situation more.' She cannot jump to conclusions without learning the facts first.
