Sword of Lycoris Part 1

"I can guess what you are thinking. But this is just me being patient."

Patient huh? Lyn extended her hands out and caressed his cheeks softly. "You're being too careful."

"Truthfully, I don't think I am. This isn't exactly how I wanted to court you. I was serious about not touching you until we had a few more dates. But even though I know this very well, I'm still continuing."

She sighed deeply. "Why don't you lay down next to me?"

Rhys nodded and shifted his position. The moment he was beside her she buried her face in his arms.

"The announcement." Lyn mumbled. "Will you wait a little while?"

Rhys frowned but nodded. "I will respect your wishes."

"Are you not going to ask me why?"

"If it's you there is no need to ask. I can guess what your thinking. But you have to be careful. If there are any strange guys being persistent you have to let me know immediately."

Lyn giggled. "You're starting to sound like master."

"Please don't put me and that guy on the same wavelength." Rhys trailed off and leaned forward and kissed her forehead softly. "This is enough chatting, you should get some rest." He sluggishly combs her hair, removing the hairpin causing it to fall on the ground.

"But-" Lyn protested.


Lyn closed her eyes and for the next few minutes attempted to sleep but it was futile. However she did not hear a single sound from Rhys. She assumed he was insisting that she slept so he could return to work. But when she opened her eyes, he was fast asleep.

'It seems like he was the one who was tired.' Lyn leaned forward and slightly kissed his lips.

"My beloved." Lyn mumbled. "You're so silly, the only one in my heart now and even back then is you."

Even though she said those words, Lyn wondered if he sensed the hidden meaning. She sighed deeply, no Rhys is no mind reader. She should have just told him directly, he definitely misunderstood.

Why is it so difficult for her to be honest with herself?

Her gaze drifted to the blue coloured sheathe on the corner of the bed. It seems like he keeps his weapons close. An attack on the spider headquarters, it doesn't seem like this was the first time this has happened. He seemed panicked, but that panic didn't last long,

On their way to his office, he gave clear instructions to the people walking by. He has become so reliable, sometimes she wonders if he still needs her. But he erases those foolish thoughts easily.

'Another sword huh?' The sword of Mist that mother left behind is certainly powerful. But it is not very compatible with her phoenix sword.

'I have gotten used to wielding two swords in the battle field.' She has incorporated using two blades too. She can return to using one but it will take awhile for her to adjust. They don't have time. Although Jen has secluded herself, it won't be for long. She has to hurry up and deal with the internal affairs in the Mist Kingdom before returning her focus to the war with the Snow Kingdom.

So she will need not only a strong blade but one that is compatible with her phoenix sword. Lyn sighed deeply, and she stared at Rhys sleeping peacefully.

'Maybe I can forget about it for a moment and just relax.'


A few days later, Mist Kingdom Main Castle, Knights dining arena.

A woman with auburn coloured hair tied in a bun was slumping her face on the desk. Pupilliam Cons, the Queen's aide was having a crisis.

Since returning to the Mist Kingdom she has noticed that her Queen has been behaving strangely. However, due to the sudden impact of the King's return. She has been busy assisting the King and hasn't had much time to tend to the Queen.

Her worry only increased when she started to hear strange rumors around the castle. It reminded her of five years ago. So she asked King Kazuya if he could dismiss her of her duties so she can return to the Queen's side.

'I know why you are worried, but there is no need. The current Rhys is different.'

If it were just King Kazuya's words, she would doubt it. But there are many other people saying the same. But, until she sees it with her own eyes she won't know for sure.

Her thoughts break off when somebody places a jug of water and cups on the table.

"Even if you can't eat, at least drink some water."

It was Teo, one of her fellow knights. He was with her earlier but he got rid of the food since she said she had no appetite.

"Do you think the Queen still likes ..that man?"

Teo sighed deeply. "In the first place, she lost her memories. It's not like she ever stopped liking him, she just temporarily forgot."

"That's true." Pupilliam mumbled.

The Queen never got over Rhys, while she has been very supportive about her relationship with King Kazuya. Deep down whenever she watched King Kazuya and Queen Lyn something felt wrong.

"Would it bother you?

"I am just worried. The other knights are loyal to King Kazuya."

"That is true, but both you and I know very well how much the Queen liked sir Rhys. If that battle didn't take place, she wouldn't have lost her memories."

"King Kazuya doesn't have much time left." Pupilliam trailed off.

"I wondered why you were helping him out with his work instead of being by the Queen's side."


"That's why, initially Rhys return bothered me. I have always felt guilty for keeping the truth from her. The truth about the feelings she had to sacrifice."

"Do not blame yourself. We equally share the blame for not telling her."

But, she still doesn't like the idea of them getting into a relationship again. Five years ago, the start of Rhys and the Queen's relationship was very toxic and she advised the Queen countless times to discuss it with Rhys or end the relationship. Whether they discussed it or not, she was not informed of the details.

"If you feel guilty, shouldn't you be pushing for them to be together and wishing them happiness? But instead you have been cursing since you heard the rumors."

Pupilliam sighed. "Can you blame me? That man has no morals. He shouldn't go around assaulting the Queen in public like that."

When she heard the rumors from the gossiping maids, she felt horrified and disgusted. This is why she is doubting those rumors that he has changed. If he has changed, why would he do that to the Queen in public?
