Not like you

Lyn's gaze fell on Rhys who was busy signing documents at his desk. This situation is very unusual. For the past few minutes since he brought her here all she has been doing is staring at him working. She tried to get some sleep but she realised it was futile, her attention remained on Rhys the entire time.

'I can't stop staring at him.' Earlier, he was trembling so much when he realised that she was in danger. That is the 'real' Rhys. Since he started courting her, she has learned many different sides to him that she didn't know before. But, even then it felt like he was holding something back.

The current Rhys is kind, and everybody in the spider headquarters relies on him. They see him as a capable leader.

Rhys catches her gaze and sighed. "My Queen, if your not going to sleep. What was the point in me taking you here?"

"I thought it was because you didn't want to part from me today."

"While that is certainly the case. I did not think you would be so u[front about it."

"Ah." Her cheeks coloured realising what she just said. "It's just-"

'I decided to be more honest.' Lyn shakes her head. She definitely can't tell him that. It would mean admitting that she has been behaving stubbornly even after they started to get closer. If she said that then he would surely lecture her.

Her thoughts break off when he stopped writing and put his pen down. Rhys walked over and sat down on the bed.

"Since you can't sleep, why don't we chat?"

Lyn blinked at his suggestion. Chat? She looked at him suspiciously. Is that some type of code for something?

Rhys sighed. "Your so cautious. Even though I ask you whenever we do anything."

Ah, old habits don't go away. The reason she is so cautious is because the Rhys of the past would certainly have done something. Lyn stopped laying down and sits beside him. The moment she did this, he grabs hold of her hand.

"Strangely enough, I feel more at ease like this."

It just feels right to be with Rhys like this.

Rhys raised his eyebrows. "It seems your not innocent anymore."

"If you expect me to react naively. I'm sorry I failed to meet your expectations."

Although his actions do make her feel embarrassed occasionally. She is no longer a child who will panic if they share the same bed. Moreover the reason she became this way is him. Rhys is responsible for her losing her innocence, the past him anyway. So he should take responsibility.

"I don't know whether it's my fault or not, but-"

"You have no right to complain. Although, your probably used to this."

Others consider her recent behaviour towards Rhys as not appropriate and a dishonour for a woman, but it's considered an honor for men. The world is unfair. If she makes the first move, she is seen as a shameless woman. But if Rhys does something, it's okay.

"So you prefer guys who do not know what they are doing with women."

Lyn sensed the bitterness in his tone and she really wanted to slap him. How could he still think she prefers Kazuya after all of this? Where is the faith, no what happened to that confidence of his? Rhys probably doesn't realise it, but occasionally his confidence would slip away. There are times where he would just stare of into the distance whenever she initiated anything.

"I think it's better to be honest than being too good of a lover." Lyn answered.

"I mean, when you said that you were thinking of Kazuya right? Since he is your husband you probably slept with him a lot. He must have touched you like that. He was a terrible lover, but honest?"

Ah, his current behaviour certainly resembles the old him. Rhys has changed, there is no doubt about it. He is kinder and more considerate. But sometimes when they are alone, she still sees glimpses of his past self.

Right now this conversation they are having is something they would have had in the past.

'If I tell him I actually find his competitive side cute he might just try to prove me otherwise.'

In the past, his desire and jealousy to monopolise her were clear. Rhys didn't hide it. But what about the current him? What does he want from her? Even now this person reminds makes her feel-

"That's right, he is not like you."

She should feel bad comparing the two but she doesn't want to lose.

Moreover this is the truth, Kazuya and Rhys are not similar. They are completely different people.

'I like you more.'

Rhys knows the mind reading magic but he probably won't use it in this situation. He can't know what she is truly thinking unless he asks her.

"It seems I will never be a match for him."

"You can't."

'You don't need to, you just have to remain as yourself.'

"Do you not want to do anything?" Lyn questioned.

Chatting is fine, but since they are close like this she thought he would try something.

"Aren't I doing something already?" Rhys had his hand on her knees and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"What about kissing?" Lyn suggested.

The moment those words left her lips, Rhys is kissing her deeply. This feels familiar. In the past they often spent more time touching each other than talking. But now when they make out, something has changed. She wonders if Rhys is aware of that change too.

"What's wrong? Is this not enough for you?" Rhys whispered.

Lyn shakes her head.

"If it's not enough, I can do more?"

"I'll pass."

Rhys lips curve to a smile. "While I don't mind you being sweet to me, your ice Queen behaviour is something I like too."

Lyn sighed. Why do all guys have such strange preferences?

"But if you do want to do something more, you just have to ask me anytime. Remember, it is all up to you."

He goes from being seductive to being polite. He keeps touching her without getting too close, as she rested her head on the pillow and he hovers over her, but not staying too far. He is only touching her through her clothes.


"What is it?"

Lyn thought for a moment. "What do you want to do?"

He always asks her what she wants. But what about him? Teo advised her to be more honest. This is her being honest with him. Since he started courting her she has wanted to know the answer to this question. They spend so much time together now, but only doing what she wants.

"Doesn't this make you feel good?"

"I-It's not bad-" Lyn muttered, with flushed cheeks.

'I have matured- these questions shouldn't embarrass me.' Maybe if Rhys didn't say those words directly in her ear she wouldn't be this flustered.

"I actually feel very good." He said it seriously and Lyn felt very ashamed.

No reason or catch, no evident desire. They just touch each other sluggishly, intimately and softly. There is something 'romantic; about this. But, it's not his usual style. Although Rhys has changed, the previous times when he touched her. He has remained the same. What has suddenly changed?
