Sword of Lycoris Part 6

"I will be working quite late." Rhys insisted.

"I am sure the Queen will be waiting for you regardless." Pupilliam pauses seeing his expression. "Is something wrong?"

"No it's just, the talk about us having children came up not too long ago. I acted calmly when I suggested it but it's a bit embarrassing."

Huh? Pupilliam stares at him in disbelief. For a moment she couldn't believe his words until she saw the expression on his face.


"I-I don't want to avoid her or anything but I am worried that I will just assault her if we are alone."

That's more like him but even then something is different. In the past Rhys would have touched the Queen without hesitation. But now he is worrying about it?

"Weren't you alone with her earlier?"

"Actually I was there too." Kain trailed off. "Although I felt like a third wheel the entire time."

So Rhys truly likes the Queen, it's not like she didn't know that but-

"Can I talk to you alone?" Pupilliam asked.

There is something she needs to get out of her chest first.

Kain must have understood since he said he would buy some medical supplies on the other street. Pupilliam found a quiet alleyway and dragged Rhys over.

"What is it?"

"I have heard about you and the Queen." Pupilliam said swiftly.

Even though Teo instructed her to just ask both the Queen and Rhys directly. She still debated about it countless times in her head. It was difficult for her to picture a scenario where she wouldn't get angry. Back when the Queen was still a Princess, she was very opposed to the relationship with Rhys.

'I said many cruel words, and even called it a toxic relationship.' The last part, she regretted saying. The expression on the Queen's face back then remains in her memory even now. She looked so pained. It must have hurt her.

'I know I am important to the Queen, the Queen wants the people she loves to get along.' But, it was difficult for her to like Rhys back then. Initially she wanted to start this conversation like an interrogation, and ask what his intentions are towards the Queen.

However, after seeing that sight. She has changed her mind. This 'new' Rhys. She will get to know him, this time she will understand better why her precious Queen prefers him.

Rhys sighed. "The rumors are everywhere to the point that not even the head aide can ignore."

That sarcastic tone is still the same as before and yet she is starting to see what the Queen means. There is something different about Rhys. She doesn't quite understand it yet but perhaps the current Rhys can have a future with the Queen. But in order for that to happen she has to make sure first.

"Rhys, if the Queen regains her memories would you leave her?"

Pupilliam asked as nonchalantly as possible. But, she finds herself fiddling with her fingers and averting her gaze.

"I see, so that means Lyn has her memories back."


Rhys shakes his head. "You've always been very easy to read when it comes to matters regarding Lyn."

'I'm sorry Queen, I gave myself away. But I truly wanted to know the answer.' If the current Rhys is truly different, why would he leave her side? No even the battle three years ago for the jade.

"Are you- no wait, did you suspect it already?"

"It was one of the possibilities. Lyn's behaviour suddenly changed. Before we returned to the Kingdom, we did spend a few days alone together. But that's not enough time to change her mind. Moreover she was still insisting that she loved Kazuya more. For her to completely change, the possibilities would be pity or regaining her memories. The second option is more likely."

So from that it seems like he has known for awhile now, but he hasn't run away?

"Rhys, the Queen thinks you will run away if you know the truth." Pupilliam admitted.

"Of course she does, if it were in the past I would have done so easily. But recently, the more time I spend with her. The more I realise I can't let her go anymore. However, the reason I hesitate." Rhys pointed to the eye patch on his eye. "Having a disabled man as a King is no good."

"Is there no way to restore your vision?"

"I've tried everything. The most obvious method is meeting the dragon who did it, and see if they can reverse it. But I met Kosame recently, it has completely forgotten what it did to me. I doubt it will be able to reverse the damage."

"There has to be another way." Pupilliam mumbled.

"It's rare for you to be so troubled. Do you actually want to help me?"

"Only because of the Queen and King Kazuya, this is what he would want to."

"I see, then can I ask you a favour?"

"A favour?"

"There is a magician tower in the scholar district, that is not accessible by normal means. Only the Queen and her knights can go there. The head magician there, I'd like to meet with him. Could you make it possible?"

"If that's all, you could just ask the Queen to give you direct permission."

Rhys shakes his head. "But then she will find out that I am concerned about it."

It wouldn't surprise her if the Queen already knew.

"Alright, I will do that. Is there anything else?"

"Can you tell Lyn for me, even if I am late. I still want to have dinner with her?"

Pupilliam nodded and with those words said Rhys turned to leave. She watched him for a few minutes, noticing how carefully he was holding the bag with the gift. Despite the crowd he was taking careful steps to make sure it wasn't damaged.

It seems like King kazuya has lost, if that's the case then she needs to prepare for what will happen next. There will be many who will oppose to this relationship. Although the elders have been encouraging the Queen to pick another spouse. If it's not somebody they chose they may not agree.

But what type of coincidence is this?

The person Rhys wants to meet is also a candidate for the Queen's spouse. Pupilliam sighs deeply, 'Queen you attract so many unusual men.'

Her thoughts break off hearing a familiar presence and Pupilliam sighed deeply.

"You should have stayed with Miley longer."

Lan chuckled. "If I did, I may suffer some severe injuries. She has gotten better, she actually managed to hit me."

Pupilliam looks over to see the bruise on his cheek and sighs.

"You need to stop messing with her."

No, that is wrong. Even now she does not understand what Lan's intentions towards Miley are.
