Sword of Lycoris Part 7

Lan jokes around about having feelings for her. But, considering their age difference she doubts it. Besides if Lan truly harboured such feelings for Miley, he would wait until she is much older to make a move. Right now he is 'courting her.' But to her it looks more like a disobedient pet and it's owner.

The reason Lan suddenly expressed an interest in Miley. 'Miley's heritage.' It's the only thing that would come to mind. But nobody knows Miley's histor- no, the Queen most-likely knows already. Out of all the Knights, the Queen is the most protective of Miley.

"Now, now I had to make sure she wasn't being brainwashed. I haven't seen her in a week myself. But she looks more proper and elegant than before."

"When I saw her like that, I almost had a heart attack."

At those words Lan chuckled and Pupilliam shakes her head. "It's not funny. The Queen sent her there to infiltrate because she is suspicious of the management of the silver palace. It was turned into an academy during Queen Orthez reign, but back when Queen Orthez was still a Princess. The silver palace was a property of the royal family. So even though it's become an academy now, it's still under royal jurisdiction."

Ever since the Queen found Miley, the girl has always worn the attire for the knights or black clothing. Even though Miley is granted a good room in the palace, she chooses to stay in the servant wing. She has more luxuries than before, but Miley has never taken advantage of her position. She is a good child.

So seeing Miley wearing elegant clothing, 'I thought they successfully brainwashed her.'

"Right, the Queen sent Miley there to find out what is happening. There were students from the silver palace that joined the dark queen's side. But, sending Miley alone on a spy mission? The girl is a good fighter but she isn't cut out for spy work." Lan trails off. "It's almost like the Queen sent her away for another purpose."

Pupilliam frowns hearing those words. This man is far too sharp, not only is he intelligent, but he is far stronger than most of the Knights. No stronger than herself, and maybe even the head knight. Once she asked the Queen why Lan's position was lower and the Queen simply said.

'Lan's role is elsewhere.'

Even though she is one of the few people who know the Queen the best, sometimes it feels like the Queen goes off in her own world. If Lan's role is elsewhere then why did he remain a Knight? Ever since that conversation with the Queen, Pupilliam started to wonder if Lan would risk his life to protect the Queen like the rest of them.

There are occasions where she doubts he will. But he has a role, a role the Queen knows about. If that's the case, then she can still count on him as being an ally.

"Is there something wrong with General Teo?" Lan asked.

Pupilliam flinched. How could he guess that immediately?

"Now, now. No need to glare. Ever since I learned that they are master and disciple. I realised that most of the orders Queen Lyn gives Miley are to do with the General."

Indeed, his reasoning makes sense.

"For somebody who is always smiling, your scarier than anybody else." Pupilliam trails off. "To be honest, I don't know much about it either. But I think it has something to do with the General's health, there are reports from the servants that they hear agonised cries and coughs. Sometimes he is found collapsed. But each of those times, the Queen has always come directly."

"I see, when did that start?"

"I believe it was roughly a year ago."

"That makes sense. Miley's missions have increased since that time. It was to keep her away for a long time huh?"

"I think you know already, but don't tell her." Pupilliam trails of. "The Queen did send her away to keep Miley occupied. But, the mission at the Silver palace is an important one."

"I understand, I will be sure to keep her in line." Lan trails off and his gaze landed on the now grey coloured skies. "It's going to rain, we should head back to the palace."

"That's right."

She also has to pass on Rhys message. Recalling his behaviour when he bought the gift, Pupilliam sighed.

'This time, don't run away.'

'Now that I think about it that must be, the first time we spoke without me lecturing him too much.'

Queen Lyn is always talking about change, perhaps this is one of them. Maybe the day will come where she will trust Rhys the same way she does with King Kazuya. But for now, she will simply observe. If Rhys will hurt the Queen again, or will he be the one to truly make her smile, only time will tell.

Her thoughts break off when Lan suddenly stopped walking.

"Pupilliam, is that the King?"


Pupilliam glanced over to where Lan was pointing at and saw a familiar figure. It was King Kazuya, but there was something wron- her eyes widened when she saw him sway back and forth. His illness?!

She immediately rushed out of the alleyway and dashed to King who had just collapsed.

"King Kazuya!"

The people who were just minding their own business a few seconds ago immediately turned and started to whisper.

Pupilliam bit her lip. She probably shouldn't have shouted. But, if she didn't. The crowd would have just stepped over him. He is wearing a cloak that covers his hair and face too. Nobody would suspect him to be the King.


She clenched her fist. It's difficult after all to accept Rhys as the Queen's spouse.

"-do-don't tell Lyn."

"I understand, stop talking," Pupilliam glanced at his appearance and noticed that his cloak seemed damp. She placed her hand on the slightly darker spot and sees the colour red. She lifted the cloak to confirm her suspicions to see blood.

He got hurt? No, he must have been trying to escape and used his magic but his body is weak due to his illness.

Lan who had caught up to her immediately started shouting for people to back away as he extended his hand out towards the sky and lights a beam of magic.

It was a signal the Queen made if King kazuya's condition ever worsened.

"Don't tell-"

Pupilliam shakes her head. "Don't be an idiot. The Queen is the only one who can help you."
