Sword of Lycoris Part 8

Mist Kingdom Main Castle, Queen Lyn's room. A few hours later.

Lyn paces back and forth before slumping onto her bed and hugging the pillow tightly. A few hours had gone by since Pupilliam returned from seeing Miley, and mentions how she bumped into Rhys.

'Can you tell Lyn for me, even if I am late. I still want to have dinner with her.'

Dinner together, it's not the first time they have shared a meal together. But, 'Let's work on making children.' Ever since they shared their true feelings not too long ago, Lyn felt very self-conscious.

When she heard Pupilliam's message, the first thought that crossed her mind was Rhys comment about wanting to make children. If he is visiting her at night that means- She frantically shakes her head, what is she thinking?

But Rhys looked so serious.

'I want to know more about the current you.'

He is far too honest now. In the past he most-likely wanted to say those words too but was unable to do so. Now that he can, he is taking advantage of the situation too much.

Pupilliam was acting strangely. Did something happen when she went to see Miley? Did that child make it difficult?

'My Queen where were you today?'

'Stuck in a palace with no windows.' Earlier the elders dragged her to a 'meeting' with a certain noble at their manor. Normally she does not meet other nobles in private, but she ended up being tricked into coming.

Lyn sighed deeply. Even though she doesn't want to rush the situation with Rhys, it seems like she will have no choice soon.

Or maybe she should silence them using good old violence. Lyn's gaze fell towards a purple coloured sword hung on top of the bed. She keeps her phoenix sword hidden in her magic storage, and keeps the Sword of Mist in the open.

The sword of Mist, the blade passed down to generations of rulers of the Mist Kingdom. It seems like elder sister Lethia had wanted to use it. But, not only did it reject her. It disappeared in front of her. This blade accepted me right away. The moment she saw it, it called out to her. But it's precisely because it's such a precious blade. She doesn't want to risk contaminating it against the fight against Jen.

The fight will be a difficult one. 'I have already resigned to fighting her, it no longer matters why Jen ended up this way. So many people have been hurt because of her. I can't turn a blind eye anymore.'

Using the Mist sword involves using dark magic. In order to fight Jen, she needs swords with light magic and healing properties. She cannot use dark magic against the demon that has possessed Jen, because there is a chance that her magic would be used against her.

Her thoughts break off hearing a pair of rushing footsteps, and the sound of the door opening. There stood Rhys wearing the spider uniform.

"Hey, sorry I'm so late."

Lyn shakes her head. "I am just glad that you came."

She sleeps much better when Rhys is by her side, moreover she wanted to see him.

Oh his hair is wet, it must have rained. Lyn hesitantly extended her hand out and the moment she did Rhys kissed her fingertips.

"If this is enough to make you blush, what will happen if I do more?"

"Uh, did you truly come here for that? "

Rhys chuckled. "No, I did intend to have dinner with you. But I heard you already ate."

"I apologize. There was a dinner invitation I could not decline."

"So, it seems like you're too full?"

Lyn's gaze fell on the bag on the side. "I didn't say that."

Recently she has become very fond of Rhys cooking.

His gaze softened and she averted her gaze. "I didn't actually eat much. Those meetings are too stifling."

"So it was another marriage arrangement?"

Lyn sighed deeply. "Yes, this time it was too a seventh ranking noble. They are under the impression because I prefer commoners, I would accept somebody who is low ranking."

"But you weren't fond of him?"

"Of course not. He was clearly interested in the position of King for his own benefits. A man like that can't rule with me." Lyn sighed at the memory.

Moreover he wore a fake smile on his face. 'I definitely cannot trust him.'

"Then what type of man do you prefer?" Rhys asked casually.

But Lyn sensed that he was serious. 'How foolish, he should just ask me directly what I think of him.'

At those words Lyn paused. "A man who is caring, strong and brave l-like you." She whispered the last lines quietly but it seems Rhys had overheard.

Instead of making a teasing remark however Rhys hit his head against the bed pillar.

"What are you doing?" Lyn said, alarmed.

"Just making sure I'm not dreaming."

She felt her cheeks colour even more and she mumbles stupid. But as she averted her gaze she felt Rhys place his hand on top of hers.

"So, I'm your type Lyn? That makes me very happy."

Each word he speaks makes her heart beat increase. There is already no turning back. Lyn hesitantly brushed her spare hand against his cheek. A content sigh escaped his lips.

"Rhys." Lyn mumbled.


"You don't have to keep coming here if you're tired."

His chambers in the castle are on the other side. Coming all the way here must make him even more tired than before.

"I'd rather be here with you. Relax, you're not bothering me." Rhys leaned forward but paused as he lets go of her hand. "Let me get the food set out."


'For a moment I thought he would kiss me. Actually I wouldn't mind if he kissed me. Rhys has very nice lips that are very suitable for kissing for a long time. This is why no matter how embarrassed I feel, I always let him kiss me. Should I bring it up? Or maybe it would be too strange. But they are supposed to be a couple now.'

"Hm? You can extend the table?"

Lyn nodded. "Kazuya said it would be useful-" She paused in mid-sentence but Rhys heard her already.

"He is right, it's convenient."

What is she doing mentioning Kazuya?

Lyn glances at his expression. But, it seems like he isn't too bothered by it. If it were in the past Rhys would have displayed signs of jealousy already. This person has truly changed. It feels like all the issues they had in their relationship in the past has completely vanished now.
