Sword of Lycoris Part 15

After walking for a few hours, they finally decided to set up camp and rest.

Although there was an inn nearby, Allen insisted that camping outdoors would be better. 'It's too risky, they could discover your identity.' So even though there is a town here, the living conditions are not good. Her gaze fell on Rhys and Allen who were setting up the tents. This group is very unusual, in the past she never saw Rhys and Allen interact much.

Her thoughts break off when Pupilliam places a bowl of soup in her hands.

"Eat, you need to regain your strength."

At those words Lyn laughed. "So you noticed."

"I know helping King Kazuya takes a lot out of you. But if that's the case you should have post poned the trip."

Lyn shakes her head. "Don't forget that we are in the middle of war Pupilliam. Jen is secluding herself right now due to the injuries she sustained after using dark magic, but it won't be long before she recovers and resumes the battle. Ark still hasn't returned because of this, he believes it's too dangerous to withdraw our troops from the border."

"I've also heard that report. But to push yourself-"

"I am alright. I need a powerful sword that will be compatible with my phoenix sword. The sword of Mist is very strong, but to use it against Jen who will be using dark magic isn't wise. I seem to be stronger when I use two blades, my strength cannot be cut in half."

"Then, at the very least make him useful." Pupilliam pointed to Rhys. "His sword matches your phoenix sword right? I think it would help if you two trained together."

"You're still as harsh as ever when it comes to him."

"Of course. However," Pupilliam trailed off. "I am starting to think that he isn't so bad either. When I ran into him in town, I caught him buying a present for you."

"A present?" Lyn repeated.

Pupilliam looked frustrated but nodded. "When I saw him acting so clumsy about it. I truly couldn't say anything. Your right Queen Lyn. Rhys has changed, I believe if it is the current him then he can make you happy."

Lyn's eyes widened hearing Pupilliam's words. It takes her a moment to understand the meaning behind her words.

"So you're accepting Rhys? Even if he becomes the King?"

She thought this would be more difficult.

Pupilliam nodded. "Unfortunately I hate to admit it, but he would make a good ruler. However, my Queen. What are you going to do with King Kazuya? It seems like you have made your mind up regarding Rhys a long time ago and yet you still haven't broken off your relationship with the King."

"I have decided Pupilliam, until I know Kazuya is healthy I won't leave his side. I don't want to leave him when he is vulnerable."

Until she can guarantee that he will have a happy future, she will not let him go.

"I am being selfish. Now that I have regained my memories and understand my own heart, I should let him go. But, I am unable to do so."

It is selfish of her, and yet both Kazuya and Rhys understand. Neither of them have been pressuring her.

"Do you still have feelings for King Kazuya?" Pupilliam asked.

Lyn shakes her head. "For a while I was under the impression that I still loved him. But after I regained my memories, I understood. The reason why something felt wrong whenever I said I loved Kazuya. It's because my feelings for Rhys are stronger. The feelings I have for Rhys is not something I can describe in words, that is how powerful my feelings are."

The reason why she always felt that something was missing, and the reason why Kazuya distanced himself from her.

Pupilliam sighed deeply. "I would never have guessed that you would end up having such a complicated love life."

"If, I had married Allen it probably wouldn't have ended up like this. But if I did, I wouldn't be the Mist Kingdom Queen but the Wind Kingdom Queen."

Although she has visited the Wind Kingdom frequently, she could never truly get attached to that place. Whenever she was there she would long to return to the Mist Kingdom. Her only home is the Mist Kingdom.

"If you could go back in time, would you still make the same choice?"

"Yes, I would have still chosen Rhys."

Memories or not, she still ended up falling in love with him.

"I see, then that is all that matters. I am sure the other Knights have the same view as me. As long as you are happy my Queen, we will respect any decision you have made. Does that man, no does sir Rhys make you happy?"

"Very, to the point that I have become silly."

Everything he has done for her since they returned to the Kingdom has made her so very happy. No, ever since they met again in lovers forest.

She finds Pupilliam staring at her.

"W-what is it?"

"My Queen, when you talk about sir Rhys you- I know you just said it. But I'm not used to seeing you glowing because of love."

At those words her cheeks flushed red. Is that what it truly looks like to other people?

"I don't know whether I should be relieved or not. To be honest I may have accepted him for you. But, I still have my worries and concern. I know deep down you have always wanted a family. But I worry that you-"

Lyn's gaze softened hearing Pupilliam's words. "I will be alright. Although the concept of family is still unusual for me. I say I want to have children with Rhys, but truthfully I do not know if I can be a good mother. Kazuya too understands this, that's why we have never tried having children. I didn't exactly have the best relationship growing up with my family, and by the time I learned that they actually loved me everybody was gone. The one person I wanted to hear it from the most, couldn't tell me."

'Mother in the end I never heard it from you directly. However, you left me the sword of Mist. You addressed it to Lyn and not the next ruler. How important was I to you? I can only guess.'

"I see. But answer this question, do you like sir Rhys?"


"After all this time why are you talking like this is somebody else's problem?"

"Y-you know it's embarrassing. No matter how many times I forget about our time together, I end up liking him. I don't really understand why it ends up like this-" Lyn stammered.

At those words Pupilliam stood up. "The only way to understand is to hear it from him directly."

Lyn hugged her from the back. "N-no! Definitely not."

Pupilliam stops walking and she lets go.

"So, be honest with me my Queen. When did you start liking him again? I don't think you started liking him when you regained your memories again, I feel like it was before then."

Pupilliam is sharper than ever.
