Sword of Lycoris Part 16

"Three years ago, I think it was six or so months after the jade war. Whenever anybody mentioned Rhys, I would end up listening to the news very carefully. My heart would hurt. So I directly went to the master and asked him. He told me that I had lost my memories after the jade war, my memories regarding my relationship with Rhys. It was enough for me to understand."

"So, even though you lost your memories. You only stopped loving him for half a year." Pupilliam sighed. "How stupid, I should have dragged him to you after the war ended myself."

"Ah right, I assigned you to the area he was in. Did you talk?"

"We did, and he told me something grand about explaining everything to you when it's over. But I can't believe he erased your memories while he was healing you."

"It must have been a shock for him to see Kazuya and me in that state." Lyn muttered.

She could probably guess what the fool was thinking.

"The time I spend talking to Kazuya is fun, and I always enjoyed listening to his stories about different lands. But, it's different with Rhys. Sometimes it becomes difficult for me to breathe, and I become afraid to speak. But despite this I want to get closer and closer. I want to be the only one who knows everything about him."

Pupilliam sighed again. "There is no doubt that you love him. As long as he continues to respect your wishes and not behave like a beast, I will not say anything."

Her sweat fell hearing the last part. "H-he isn't forcing me, do not worry."

"No, no that's exactly why I worry. Your too vulnerable to his advances!"

"Ssh your too loud, what if he hears you?"

"Then maybe he should." Pupilliam trailed off. "You know having this sort of conversation with you is embarrassing too. Although you've always treated me as a friend, your still the person I serve."

Lyn laughed softly. "But, it's fun isn't it?"

"Perhaps. In any case my Queen, you can freely confine in me regarding Rhys. Or rather, I must advise that you tell me everything so I make sure he isn't doing anything strange to you. If you want we can discuss this with him-"

"N-No." Lyn exclaimed and shakes her head.

Even if Rhys has changed now, she can still see him teasing her about this.

"Lyn." A familiar voice said from behind her.

"Gahh-" Lyn said startled as she saw Rhys.

Did he hear what they were talking about just now? If she heard she wouldn't know what to say to him.

"Hey, the tent is ready. How is the soup? Do you like it?"

It takes her a moment to realise what he means. "Did you make this?"

No wonder she could eat it properly. The past five years she developed an eating disorder and was unable to eat even her favourite foods. But, for some reason she can swallow Rhys cooking.

"It's not much. But I thought it would do as a starter course. I'll cook up the bird I got from hunting earlier in a bit."

"It's delicious, thank you Rhys." Lyn beamed happily, this lead to Rhys leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead.


He draped his cloak around her shoulders and mumbles something about her being too cute wearing travelling clothes, before scurrying off to the campfire. Lyn blinked confused. What was that all about? Sometimes Rhys behaviour confuses her.

It would be nice if she understood what he was thinking all the time.

Pupilliam sighed deeply. "I will never get used to the sickeningly interactions of couples."

"Are you not interested in falling in love Pupilliam?" Lyn wondered.

She immediately regretted her words. Stupid what is she saying? After all Pupilliam most-likely still has feelings for her brother.

Her thoughts break off when Pupilliam pinches her cheeks. "I am not in love with Prince Andrew anymore."

"That's a lie." Lyn mumbled.

"Even if it is, I understand the situation very well. It seems after the war, their relationship was on the verge of collapsing for awhile.The reason why Prince Kotaro went that far was due to his feelings for Lady Gabrielle. Prince Andrew is a very kind person, he was the first person to notice Prince Kotaro's feelings. But, they still became closer. However when Prince Kotaro was being interrogated he felt so guilty."

Pupilliam truly understands her brother very well. If she didn't become friends with Gabrielle, perhaps she could have entrusted her brother to Pupilliam and supported their love. But even then, she has always felt that her brother liked Gabrielle even before the engagement.

'I simply gave them a push in the right direction.'

Perhaps she should never have interfered and yet her brother is so clueless. If she didn't help him, he may never have married Gabrielle.

"Those two already lost a lot of time. That's why, at the very least. I want to give Prince Andrew the time to mourn. If, by chance he comes around. He will know where to find me."

Despite the vague explanation Lyn understood. Pupilliam won't fall in love with another person. She won't try to move on. For somebody who claims to have no idea about love, she has just heard the most romantic confession.

"It's sad though. I wanted to spoil your children."

Pupilliam shakes her head. "No need. If I had children it would be difficult for you my Queen, you truly won't be able to sneak off anywhere."

She is right about that.

"If, I have children with Rhys." Lyn looked towards him. "What would you think?"

"It would be good for the Kingdom and good for you too. I think it's time that you experience a real family. Me and the other Knights are flattered that you treat us as your family. But, we all want you to have your own one day. If Rhys can give you that, then who am I to say anything?"

Lyn shakes her head. "It's precisely because I see you and the others as family, that I want you to accept him." She trails off. "How was Miley?"

"I didn't get a chance to speak to her but sir Lan was there. She most-likely knows already."

"I see. After we come back, I shall speak to Miley in person and then I will gather the other Knights together. It's better to hear this directly from you. The fate of the Kingdom will depend on this."

It is risky, the Knights she gathered are very loyal to Kazuya and they respected her more after she decided not to take on another spouse. But even so, she sees Rhys walk over with a smile.

"There is more meat. It seems mr King guy is more useful than I thought. Here," Rhys passed her a skewer. "Eat up Lyn."

She truly cannot pretend anymore, the one she wants to be with. Her only soulmate and most beloved person.
