Sword of Lycoris Part 17

After eating, they discussed the rest of their plans for the next day before heading into their tents. The moment she got inside the tent, Rhys hugged her tightly.

"What is it, Rhys?"

"We are finally alone."

Lyn's gaze softened. "Mm. I'm sorry we couldn't take the trip by ourselves. But Kazuya is worried about my safety."

She caresses his cheek. "But we can be alone now, is that enough?"

"For now." Rhys said begrudgingly. He grabs hold points to the sleeping bags on the ground. "I put two out, but we could easily share one. What do you want to do?"

"I suppose we could share."

Rhys lips curved to a smile and she felt her heart beat increase. She feels so silly. Everytime she sees Rhys innocent smile she ends up in this condition.

"Camping out with the Queen and seeing the stas. This was supposed to be the plan for the seventh date, but I suppose we can do this now."

"Are you still counting? I think we have had more than seven dates already."

"So, are you keeping count Lyn?"

It takes her a moment to realise what she just said. Ah, she felt her cheeks heat up and heard Rhys laugh.

"It's not funny, why do you always tease me?" Lyn questioned.

"In the past I may, but since I started courting you again. I haven't teased you once." Rhys brushes his forehead against hers. "I have been nothing but serious with you. Do you not believe me?"

"I-I believe you." Lyn mumbled reluctantly.

She believes him, how can she not? The changes in him are noticeable to everyone around them. But, she sees the changes more than anybody. This is still the same Rhys she fell in love with and yet the heavyweight he carried on his shoulders has disappeared now. Because of that he can smile more freely.

"Good. Do you mind if I read some papers before we sleep?"

Lyn nodded. "You may."

In the end she found herself sat on his lap with his cloak around her shoulders.

"Rhys, can you tell me something?"

"What is it?"

"Sometimes at night you have nightmare, about drowning."

At those words Rhys sighed deeply. "Do you want to know?"

Lyn nodded. Of course she wants to know. She wants to do something to ease his pain. But if she doesn't know what happened then she wouldn't be able to help him.

"The Rain Kingdom's lands took a lot of damage under my fourth brothers reign. My father despite being a foolish man who only drank and fooled around with women, did one good deed as a King. He created a large wall and magic to withstand a great flood all across the lands. With the amount of rainfall in the rain Kingdom, floods happen often. But because of the wall, the floods have not damaged the lands in years. However, my fourth brother neglected to take care of the wall."

"Ah so-"

"It was the first time for me to witness a proper flood. I arrived in the middle of war. It seemed that guy created a lot of enemies in the time he was King. Now that he was gone, those people wanted to take revenge and steal what they lost. My second brother is more than willing to hand everything over, the problem is the stolen items/lands are either missing or have been destroyed."

"I see, I believe I can relate. Although we managed to regain and compensate as much as we could." Lyn muttered.

It's hard to deal with the damage after a tyrant's reign. Sister Lethia did not rule for a long time but the damage she caused was severe. It must have been harder for Rhys brother.

"Was the war long?"

"Almost two years. I just came back from the Jade war, so it wasn't too bad. My mind was still on war mode. After everything ended, I rested in the Sun Kingdom before heading here."

"Wait, you're skipping the details. The flood traumatised you."

"It did. I've been in all sorts of battlefields before but seeing that much damage was a first for me. As you know my second brother took over as King since my first Brother could no longer fight due to his injuries. But my second brother has a weak body, so it was difficult for him. They could have called for me much sooner, but the war started around the same time as the jade war. They let me go to you instead."

Rhys probably blames himself even more. He probably thinks that the situation would not have gotten that far if he was there.

"Kazuya was with you and you gathered a group of loyal knights. You would have been safe regardless. But, I just couldn't leave you alone." Rhys trailed off. "Even though I went to the Rain Kingdom straight after the Jade war, I did see you for a bit and treated your injuries while I erased your memories."

"Pupilliam told me that you had something to tell me after the jade war ended. What made you change your mind?"

"Before I came, I saw how Kazuya carried you even when he was on the verge of collapsing himself. When I saw you two like that, I understood. What the Mist Kingdom needs right now are the two of you who share the same ideals. There is no place for me."

"That's not true!" Lyn exclaimed. "You had a place, you always had one."

He has no idea how many people asked for him after the war with her sister was over, how even the soldiers who participated in the jade war were thankful towards him.

Rhys kisses her eyelids. "I know, my place has always been right by your side. I managed to save the Rain Kingdom, but it was emotionally damaging. Fighting non stop for days, in the center of the battlefield, making sure that nobody gets close to the castle and protecting the villagers. When the flood broke out, everybody was evacuated except me. I remained to fend the last enemy off. The last thing I heard was my second brothers voice and I could see a glimpse of his magic. But it was too late. Am I still in the water, am I still fighting? Are the people safe? Will I get to see Lyn again and tell her what I wanted to say?"

At those words she could no longer hold back her tears. She turned around and buried her face in his chest and hugged him tightly.
