Sword of Lycoris Part 18

"When I woke up, I had been tossed into a pile of corpses. Thankfully I still had some mana left and used that remaining strength to climb out. I had been washed across the border between the Rain and Sun Kingdom lands."

"Is that why you ended up staying in the Sun Kingdom?" Lyn questioned.

"They helped me recuperate." Rhys nodded. "The Princess had been inspecting that area and noticed me. When she learned my identity, she sent word to my brothers that I was safe and took care of me for awhile. After I recovered I returned to the Rain Kingdom, but after a few months an envoy from the Sun Kingdom came asking if I would help their Princess. After what she did for me, the least I could do was hear her out."

"I don't need to hear the next part." Lyn mumbled.

She could already guess what this favor was.

"Are you jealous? You don't have to be. I told her immediately that I wasn't interested. I was thankful that she saved me, but I couldn't repay her favor that way."

"But you still stayed there."

"To appease her. I said I couldn't marry her. But I was interested in learning about the Sun Kingdom, so I stayed as a scholar for a short while."

So that's what happened. It's a relief but the Sun Kingdom Princess is very pretty. It's hard to believe that Rhys didn't gain feelings for- her thoughts break off when she saw the way Rhys was looking at her. On second thoughts, it's not impossible. Even before Rhys 'changed' he has always looked at her with such an affectionate gaze in his eyes.

Her thoughts break off when Rhys put his papers away and lifted her in his arms before placing her down on the sleeping bag.

"Alright, let's sleep." He wrapped his arms securely around her waist.

"You keep travelling everywhere Queen, you need to rest while you can."

"But, if I am tired you must be exhausted." Lyn mumbled.

How many wars has this person had to fight since the one with sister Lethia? It feels like all Rhys has experienced since they separated five years ago is warfare. She wants to do something for him.

"It's painful when you weren't with me Lyn, but now we are together-"

Now they are together..?

Rhys kisses her eyelids, nose and lips. "Let's get some sleep. We can talk in the morning."

Lyn wanted to ask him more but she saw something flash through his eyes. Just now, it looked like he was in pain. She shouldn't ask anymore. When this war with Jen ends, perhaps she can ask him again.


The next morning, Lyn found herself waking up before the others at least that is what she thought. When she wandered out of her tent to get some fresh air. She found Rhys practicing nearby. She crouches down and watches Rhys. His swordsmanship is very good, there are no wasted movements.

It's hard to believe that he is losing his visi- Lyn paused when she saw beads of sweat on his face. He is getting tired just doing practice swings? It seems she has underestimated his situation too much. Lyn takes a deep breath before she pulls out her own sword and stops his mid-air.

"Take a break?"

Rhys lips curve to a smile. "Or we could spar?"

"I'd rather do something else, something more intimate." Lyn requested. But the entire time she kept her head down.

At those words Rhys immediately put his sword away and walked towards her. After a few seconds she felt him grab hold of her hands. Neither of them said a sword but she could feel Rhys watching her carefully.


"B-bring it, I-I don't mind it."

She shuts her eyes waiting for something to happen, but even after a few seconds passed nothing did. When she opened her eyes she found Rhys looking at her with a gentle look on his face.

"Don't force yourself. I told you previously that I will not do anything you don't like, and I know this isn't exactly the best time to get affectionate with you either."

"I find it weird after all, you acting considerate."

Rhys sighs deeply and he leaned forward and cupped her cheeks. "Do you truly want me to behave like I used to? I could push you down right now and do whatever I want."

Her cheeks coloured at his words and before she knew it she subconsciously hit him across the head. "T-that is not allowed, definitely not."

"Ouch, you still pack a punch." Rhys trailed off. "But well, if I did anything now my head would probably go flying."

Lyn follows his gaze and sees Pupilliam and Allen with a dark aura around them. Her sweat fell, uh right. Even Rhys isn't silly to make a move now. Her thoughts break off when she felt him kiss her forehead gently.

"I'll grab some ingredients for breakfast. Can you help set up the camp fire?"

"Alright." Lyn nodded and watched Rhys go.

The moment Rhys left Pupilliam rushed over.

"I told you so many times Queen. Don't provoke Rhys even if it's a joke! What if he really did something to you out here? Your dignity would be ruined."

"But he wouldn't have done anything."

"No, no. I heard what he said, if you asked for it he would. No matter how caught up you are in love. Do not be so rash."

Pupilliam's lecturing, she actually missed it during her travels. Only this person would care so much about her wellbeing. Although she treats the rest of the Knights as family. Pupilliam is the one person who has remained by her side for so many years. The trust she has in her is something that will never fade.

Her gaze fell towards Allen who was strangely quiet and she walked over until she stood in front of him. Lyn frowned noticing how pale his complexion was.

"Are you unwell?"

Allen didn't say anything but she understood.

"Pupilliam can you get everything ready? Tell Rhys we are post poning our travel a little."

She drags Allen into his tent before he could refuse, and makes sure he lays down.

"If you had a fever, you didn't have to come along." Lyn mumbled.

"I had a job to do, no-" Allen shakes his head. "I was worried about you. I knew you wouldn't spare any of your knights to accompany you due to the current unrest in the Mist Kingdom. But, going to a dangerous place like this alone is too dangerous."

Even now this person most-likely still has feelings for her. He doesn't have to say anything, his actions and his tone says it all.
