Sword of Lycoris Part 19

Lyn placed her hand on his forehead and heat transmitted to her skin. So hot, he is burning up. How careless and unlike him. No, this reminds her of the past. On the surface Allen was perfect, and it looked like he never got sick. But she knew better, as his fiance. Allen only showed his weak side in front of her.

But, even that took a while. If she hadn't accidentally caught him sleeping and with a fever once. Then he would most-likely have continued to put on a brave front.

Pupilliam briefly enters the tent with a basin of water, before quickly exiting. She picked up the cloth that came with it and dipped it in the cold water before placing it on Allen's forehead.

"I apologize for delaying our travel. I shall be fine, we can head out after breakfast like planned."

Lyn shakes her head. "We will not travel until you get better. It's alright, there is a town here so we can do some scouting and gathering information first. We won't be wasting any time."

"I suppose I cannot argue today."

"Your so reckless Allen, Lady Cordelia will have her work cut out for her."

"Were you the one who delayed my engagement banquet with her?"

"That's right."

Allen looked troubled and he sighed deeply. "I am thankful but eventually I will not be able to get out of it."

"But, you need a Queen. The reason I helped you is because I understand that you still haven't settled your feelings yet. You, still like me don't you Allen?"

"I do."

It was quiet but she heard those words loud and clearly.

"In the past I could not say this but just now it came easily." Allen trailed off. "My intentions when I came to the Mist Kingdom was because I heard the rumors of Kazuya disappearing. I thought if he was gone, I could snatch you back."

Lyn laughed hearing his words. "I didn't think you'd have such thoughts."

"Love makes people irrational and selfish, you were the one who taught me that."

Indeed she was.

"I'm thinking after this war ends, after I make sure Kazuya is okay to divorce him and make Rhys the King."

For a moment Allen doesn't say anything but he nodded.

"I see, so it was futile after all."

"Our story is already over. But, Allen. I will always treat you as a good friend. If your hurt and need my help, I will rush to your side. However that is all. Please be happy with Lady Cordelia. I am sure you will grow to love her, even if you do not love her as much as you do me. I do think she will grow on you, if you give her the chance."

"Your as blunt as ever," Allen sighed. "If you do not mind, I wish to remain by your side until this war is over. It would be difficult for me to leave without knowing that your safe."

"I understand, so Allen. Make sure you take better care of yourself."

After she was sure Allen had fallen asleep, Lyn exits the tent and sighs deeply. It's not just Allen, there is one more person.

'Brother Zepher. Even though I drew the line between us, I know that it's not that simple. Eventually I will have to see him.'

Whenever she thinks about what happened on that night, her chest would hurt. Even before what happened after the jade war, she already understood something. Rhys is important to her and she missed him. But, to think she ended up almost mistaking her brother for Rhys. How stupid, who would have thought she would end up falling in love like this?

'I should see if the food is ready.' Allen won't recover unless he gets something to eat.

Lyn turned to the direction of the campfire, only to see Pupilliam there alone. That's odd, where is Rhys? Has he still not returned? Half-curious and concerned Lyn found herself straying away from the camp. He didn't run into some trouble did he?

After walking for a few minutes she hears familiar voices and follows the direction of the voice. There perched on a rock was Rhys, and somebody was bandaging his arm. A beautiful woman- Lyn felt her heart beat increase when she realised who it was.

Isn't that Melissa? What is she doing here?

"I can't believe you followed me out here."

"I was concerned for your safety. Knowing you, you will put up a brave front in front of Queen Lyn. She didn't know you got attacked in town the other day."

Lyn's eyes widened hearing Melissa's words. Rhys got attacked? Huh? H-how come? W-why didn't she notice? Now that she thought about it, last night he didn't completely remove his robe. Was he trying to hide his injuries from her?

They shouldn't have done it, if he was injured. But, in the end she was the one who asked for it wasn't she? Did he think if he refused she would have misunderstood?

"I will let her know. Melissa, go home. Luxin is worried about you."

"Even though you said that you would consider me again. Your a liar Rhys."

"I'm sorry, but the one I have always loved is Lyn. Lyn is my only soul mate. I won't have anybody else but her, in this life and even in the next one."

"In the past, you would struggle to admit that." Melissa mumbled.

"That's true. I told you back then, 'as long as she and the person she loves is happy, that is enough for me."

Lyn held back her sigh. 'I didn't expect to see Melissa here, she really does love Rhys. But Rhys is rejecting her firmly.'

So, that's what Rhys used to think? Or maybe he still feels the same way now?

"But it's different now. I am the person she loves so I definitely won't back down now."

She felt her cheeks colour hearing Rhys words. They were filled with such strength and determination. Just now she was startled seeing Melissa but Rhys refused her immediately. As she thought, if it is the current Rhys then perhaps there is a chance they can have a future together. But in order for that future to be possible, she takes out a pendant from her pocket.

It was a matching pair to the one Jen had. Jen gifted it to her when she first became the Queen. Lyn looked up at the sky and mumbled quietly.

"Jen, do you truly want to continue this war?" Lyn whispered.
