Sword of Lycoris Part 20

Despite what others may think she is not completely oblivious to Jen's hostility towards her, especially when she was still a Princess. When they first met there were times where she felt that there was something wrong. For example, Jen being good friends with the girls who disliked her. The signs were everywhere, and yet she chose to turn a blind eye to it, and for what? To protect their so-called friendship. Because she did that, so many people are suffering right now.

If she had exposed Jen a long time ago, it would not have gotten this far.

Her thoughts break off when she feels a piercing gaze on her and sees Melissa. She was standing there with tears in her eyes, but she didn't say anything and rushed off. 'That was the first time she had glared at me. But I cannot blame her, if I chose Kazuya, Rhys would have accepted her again.'

She has to remember that her choices come with sacrifices. Even if choosing Rhys makes her happy, there are girls out there who are crying. Lyn proceeded to leave only to feel somebody lift her off the ground.


"I thought I had a cute stalker, glad to see I was correct."

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was just wondering why you were taking so long."

"Sorry about that." Rhys apologised. "She suddenly appeared when I was bathing in the river."

Lyn looks towards the stream not too far away. "Is it safe to bathe there?"

"Yeah, I saw it the other day and decided to test it out. It's safe so after we eat you can go ahead."

"Rhys, was that okay?"

"It was. I know you wanted to talk to her about it directly, but it would have probably been too much for her."

So he did that to ease her pain huh? Rhys must have cared a lot for Melissa.

"In another future, I wonder if I would have stayed with Kazuya and you ended up with Melissa."

At those words Rhys shakes his head. "That's not possible."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because you are my only soulmate." Rhys lightly kissed her lips. "I hope you don't take it back now. But even if you do, we are connected by the red string of fate."

Lyn felt her cheeks colour hearing his shameless words. How can he say that so easily? Then again since they met again, Rhys has been speaking more and more about destiny. The past five years, they have a lot to catch up on. Rhys has already told her stories about the different wars he has been in, but that's all.

She brushed her forehead against his. "Did you miss me a lot?"

Despite her vague question she knew Rhys understood.

"I did, it felt like I was going crazy without you. Even though I was the one who decided to leave, I missed you." Rhys laughed. "You know, during your wedding night. I had this crazy plan to abduct you."

"Did you go to the wedding?" Lyn wondered.

"Yeah, but only for a second. The minute I saw you walking down an aisle in a white dress for another man I lost it. Master Ralph had a hard time calming me down."

So Master knew Rhys was at the wedding, it would explain why she didn't detect his presence. No, she did feel it for a moment. But she dismissed it. With Rhys personality, if he was there he would have stopped the wedding.

"Then you should have stolen me." Lyn mumbled.

"I see, if I did you would have gone with me."

Lyn nodded. She wouldn't have hesitated to abandon everything and go with him. Besides even if she had left then, brother Andrew and Gabrielle would still be around. They would take care of the Mist Kingdom just fine.

Rhys placed her down on the ground sits beside her. He squeezes her hands. "Alright Lyn, what do you want to ask me?"

It takes her a moment to understand what he is talking about. She felt her cheeks flush realizing that he had her figured out.


"It's alright, you can ask me anything."

At those words she buries her face in his chest. This is so embarrassing, he saw right through her again.

"Honestly Lyn, I don't mind. I will answer any questions you have, it's been five years. I know your feeling very insecure and still have doubts about our future."

'Our future.' Hearing those words made her smile. She doesn't have to worry so much. No matter what obstacle they have to face. Rhys is truly considering a future for them.

"The red thread, you always talk about that."

"Yeah. Do you not believe in it?"

"Hmm, it's more like it's hard to believe in something you cannot see."

"You can't see it?" Rhys said surprised. "You should be able to."

Lyn raised her face. "I should?"

"With magic as high as yours yeah. It's weird that you can't-" Rhys trailed off. "Is it because I suppressed your memories?"

Truthfully, she doesn't have to see the thread between them. She already knows even without evidence that Rhys is her soulmate.

'Long before they even met, this destiny awaited them. They were not like ships passing the in the night. It wasn't like they didn't understand each other. They understood each other far better than anyone else, focused solely on eachother. But that's exactly why, as much as they were fated to be together. There journey would not be an easy one.'

When she was staying in Junlan church, one of the sisters there would talk about fate. She remembered being very interested in the story.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and inhaled his scent. "Rhys, I don't want to forget anything about you anymore. I want to remember every detail."

"A-are you really saying this now? You know I can't attack you out here."

"Mm, it just felt like the right moment to say that. You, don't want me to get this sword do you?" Lyn finally asked him a question that has been on her mind since they first talked about it.

Rhys sighed deeply before nodding. "I don't know if Pupilliam told you exactly how she got her sword. But it involves seeing your past traumatic memories. If you can survive the process you can take the sword. But if you don't-"

"-it will drive you crazy." Lyn immediately understood.

"Pupilliam's experience was traumatic. But, she didn't have as many bad experiences as you. I went with her to get her sword last time so I saw what it did to her." Rhys trailed off. "Lyn you-"

She shakes her head and brushed her lips against his. She continued to kiss him for a few minutes until she was out of breath.
