Sword of Lycoris Part 21

"Damn." Rhys cursed. "I didn't think you of all people would try to bribe me."

Lyn couldn't speak, even though she was the one who initiated the kiss. Rhys clearly had more experience than her. So when he took control there was nothing she could do about it. She remained silent as she rested her face on his shoulder.

An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.

Lyn didn't realize how much she missed him until she lost him.

People only seem to realize what they are missing until it's finally gone. When she still had her memories it was painful. She didn't know how she managed to survive each day. It hurt so badly, she wanted to see Rhys.

If obtaining the sword means reliving her painful memories, Lyn already knew what she was in for. The most painful moments of her life are the ones without Rhys by her side. Rhys probably thinks the effects of the war, and what her sister did caused her more harm. But she understood her own heart.

Indeed the war five years ago hurt her, and she was filled with such anguish and grief. But, her most painful memory. What will hurt her the most is Rhys not being by her side.

There were several occasions the poast five years, where she would hear rumors about a great magician dying. During those times she had to keep calm, and listen to the report calmly.

After she finished listening to the report, she would think to herself. 'Thank goodness it wasn't Rhys.' How many times did she have nightmares that he may have died somewhere?

"Lyn, what's wrong?" Rhys must have sensed her distress.

"I don't want to lose you again." Lyn mumbled.

She doesn't want to relive the days without him by her side.

"Are you-are you saying your biggest fear is-" Rhys must have understood since he was looking at her dumbfounded.

"It's losing you, idiot." Lyn scolded.

For somebody who confidently walks around saying they are soulmates. How come he doesn't understand something this simple? When she steals a look at his face she sees a gentle look on his face and she feels her heartbeat speed up.

What is he doing now? Why is he making her feel like a mess?

"Then, when you pull the sword out. I will make sure to stand right beside you, so you can still hear my voice."

"V-very well." Lyn mumbled. She quickly moves away from him. "Let's go back, the food might be getting cold."

By the time they reached the campfire, Pupilliam had exited Allen's tent.

"I just gave him his meal, although I don't think he will eat much of it."

"Then I will make sure he eat-" Lyn's sentence fell short when she caught a glimpse of Rhys troubled expression.

Could it be that he is jealous?

"There is no need for that, my Queen, you should eat and we can discuss our plans over the meal."

Lyn nodded as Pupilliam passed her a bowl of soup, and they sat down on the makeshift log seats. She didn't mind sitting on the ground but Pupilliam wouldn't let her.

"When I first obtained my sword, it was during a mission. So unfortunately I had no choice but to take sir Rhys over there with me." Pupilliam explained.

Ah, she thought what Rhys said was strange. Five years ago those two were on such bad terms, so it is hard imagining that Rhys helped Pupilliam get her sword. So that's what he meant.

"Unfortunately she says, without me you would have died."

"Unfortunately I can't refute that either." Pupilliam sighed. "To be honest my Queen, this is going to be very dangerous. The demon that guards the sword likes to inflict emotional trauma and mess with people. I am concerned about what it will do to you, since you're the Queen."

"I see, but a demon guardian? The warriors trying to get this sword, do they know about this?"

"Not everybody, some believe that it's just a test of strength since the sword is attached to a rock. They believe that people only fail because they are too weak. But, even the strongest men out there cannot pull the sword. So the rumors shifted and now many are aware of the demon guardian."

A demon guardian that remains there regardless of whether the sword gets pulled or not? That's troubling, it's no wonder the lands remain in this state. There has to be a way to drive the demon away.

Rhys must have had the same thought. "I also considered eliminating the demon. But, since Pupilliam over here was in a bad state before. I had no choice but to abandon the idea. However, now there are four of us. We can make this work. If we split into teams, demon elimination and sword pulling."

"I see, so even if the Queen suffers, the other person can help her out and the other team can get rid of the demon."

"But this is risky too. We don't have enough information to go on, will eliminating the demon before Lyn snaps out of her trance be dangerous? However if we wait until Lyn gets better, the demon will be stronger."

"Will it get stronger? How does that work?" Lyn asked.

"Everytime somebody leaves the mountain, the challenge resets. So even if we obtain the sword, and get down. The challenge will restart and so will the strength of the demon. Pupilliam took an entire week to recover, even if I returned to defeat the demon. It would have been difficult. We have to strike it then and there, not giving an opportunity for the reset."

So that's it, Lyn tugged on his sleeves. "You're going to stay with me aren't you?"

"I intended to. But-" Rhys hesitated.

Lyn understood what he was thinking. Exterminating demons should be left to people with high level magic. It is a job for either her or him.

Pupilliam sighed deeply. "Do not underestimate me and even King Allen, we can take care of the demon. You have to stay by the Queen's side, you can at least do that much can't you?"

Despite Pupilliam's reprimanding tone, Lyn understood that she was saying that for her sake.
