Sword of Lycoris Part 22

Pupilliam understands it better than anybody because she has remained by her side this entire time. The past five years, Pupilliam saw her longing for someone who wasn't Kazuya. How did she feel watching the ruler she serve look so miserable everyday. During those times Pupilliam never said anything, but she stayed right by her side.

She is truly thankful to have somebody so loyal to her. 'Pupilliam has spoilt me with such kindness. But one day, I want to give her back her freedom.' Ever since she travelled to the Snow Kingdom she has been having these thoughts.

When can she set this person free? Only one answer came to her mind.

'If I become the Empress and safely unify the lands, then Pupilliam wouldn't have to worry about me anymore.'

When Rhys asked her if she truly wanted to become the Empress, Pupilliam's face came to mind. She truly wants Pupilliam to feel reassured that her work is done, and she can rest easy now. Her dearest friend, she wants nothing but the best for her.

Her thoughts break off when Rhys suddenly bent down and whispered something in her ear. At those words she felt her heart beat increase.

"Is that okay with you Lyn?"

"Y-y-yes?" Lyn stammered.

Rhys seemed surprised but he looked away and turned to Pupilliam. "Then me and Lyn will go scout the town now."

"Huh? Hey wait-" Pupilliam exclaimed but Rhys was already dragging her down the hill. Her gaze fell on their intertwined hands and she laughed.

"It's not funny." Rhys spoke up after they were a distance away.

"It is. You must have really been holding it back, it seems you desire me more than you say you do sir knight."

Rhys sighed deeply. "Now that you have your memories back, it shouldn't surprise me that you're teasing me so much."

"I don't think I teased you like this before."

After all back when she was still a Princess, she had a difficult time speaking to Rhys. She didn't understand her emotions very well, and always avoided looking at him directly. Whenever she looked at him directly she would feel embarrassed. It's the same now, but she doesn't want to let him out of her sight anymore.

At those words Rhys leaned closer. "You didn't tease me?"

She felt her heartbeat speed up when she realised how close he was. If she turned her head, their lips would touch.

"W-well, maybe I did a little." Lyn mumbled averting her gaze.

There were times where she provoked him by getting close like what he is doing now, and not actually doing anything else.

Rhys laughed. "I thought so, you probably had no idea how I felt when you did that."

"W-well you're right I didn't know, so you can tell me now."

She wants to know everything about him, every small detail that she missed.

"Whenever you did that to me Lyn, I imagined pushing you down."

Lyn looked at him flustered and stormed off, only to have Rhys hug her from the back.

"Hey, I was just being honest."

"T-that type of honesty is unnecessary."

"But I want you to know everything about me. I don't want to hide anything anymore."

Oh, that's exactly what she was thinking about. It is moments like this where she truly thinks Rhys and her are fated to be together. Lyn turned around and looked at his face for a few seconds, before she kissed him.

The past five years, she has been longing for this person. The last three years she didn't understand the reason why. But a part of her already understood that her feelings for Rhys were not normal.

Rhys pulled away after a few minutes with flushed cheeks. He looked at her in disbelief.

"You know, you really have gotten bolder."

Lyn looked at him puzzled.

"I mean just now you didn't hesitate to you know kiss me, with your uh-" Rhys trailed off.

Her cheeks turned red realising what he meant. Oh no, because she was too happy she got a bit carried away. How many times has she shown Rhys this embarrassing side of her? This has happened so many times already, and yet Lyn already understood that he wouldn't judge her.

She takes a deep breath and bravely clings to his arm. "I think it would be faster if we walk like this."

Rhys face was already red before but now it was a brighter shade. "Damn it, I really do not know what to do when your like this."

"Maybe you can compliment me?"

She does like it when he praises her.

"Maybe after you get the sword." Rhys leaned down slightly and kissed her forehead again. "For now, you have to make do with that."

Lyn could only stare at him dumbfounded.

This person is kinder and more gentle than the past, but he still has some traits that remain the same.

Town X, Northern Mist Kingdom.

When they saw the sign board that says X, Lyn felt an eerie presence in the air. This way of naming places seems very familiar to her. A flash of silver appeared in her head. No, that guy is already dead. Moreover, Silver stole somebody's identity and the guy she met recently didn't seem to be too bad. She has to calm down. But, being in a place like this reminds her exactly of the past she so desperately tried to get rid of. She felt sick, her breathing was slowly becoming unsteady.

Her thoughts break off when Rhys stops walking and leads her to a quiet corner. He looked at her worriedly.

"Should we head back to the camp? Your face has gotten pale."

Lyn shakes her head. "I was just thinking of-"

"Silver?" Rhys guessed and she nodded. Rhys looked around and at the sign that said X. "I thought the same when I saw the sign, but Silver is dead Lyn. I know we didn't see his body, but there is nobody who would survive a fall from that bridge."

"I know that but he- he wasn't normal. Sometimes I worry that maybe he did survive, and we should have tried harder to search for his body."

Maybe if she saw his body with her own eyes, she wouldn't be this worried.
