Sword of Lycoris Part 24

A commoner girl, who fell in love with the Prince before knowing his true identity. It was a story one would find in a fairytale book.

"Rhys, when did you become so understanding? I thought you didn't like Pupilliam." Lyn seemed genuinely curious.

"I've always been understanding." Rhys trailed off and sighed. "To be honest with you, it's not that I hated her. It's because I was jealous of how close she was to you."

At those words, Lyn laughed and he felt even more embarrassed than before. It really is embarrassing for him to be honest, but he no longer wants to lie to her about anything. Moreover, he recalled his exchange with Pupilliam in the Jade war several years ago. During that war, he trusted the girl enough to watch his back. He trusted her knowing that she was the one Lyn trusted the most. Ever since then, he hasn't disliked her.

No, after that war with Queen Lethia. Rhys realised something. All the feelings of hatred he had towards nobles, and Lyn's acquaintances vanished. It was almost like a weight was lifted from his shoulders.

"She was close to you, and knew everything about you. No matter how close I got to you, I'd never know you as well as her and that frustrated me. That's why I was always bitter and fought with her a lot." Rhys admitted.

The only reason he disliked Pupilliam was because she knew Lyn better and that irked him. If Pupilliam had been a boy, he doubts he would be the one occupying Lyn's heart.

"Why can't you know more about me? You can learn, and I can tell you more." Lyn seemed very confused with his dilemma.

Rhys sighed deeply. "You're lucky you're cute when you are oblivious."

She tilted her head even more confused and that was when the waitress returned with their food. Seeing the various dishes, Rhys watched her eyes brighten.

"Is it that rare?" Rhys said, surprised at her reaction.

"Ever since I became the Queen, it has been difficult for her to eat out, since I seldom have time for myself."

She must have tried to sneak out before only to fail. Rhys reaches over and holds her hand. He gave it a gentle squeeze.

"You don't have to carry the burden alone anymore."

"Thank you Rhys." Lyn thanked him.

Rhys felt his heart beat skip seeing her bright smile. His cheeks reddened. Why is she like this now? It wasn't like this in the past. He shakes his head. He needs to get a grip, he can't let his guard down when they are in a place like this.

He takes a deep breath and scans their surroundings. There are a lot of people, and yet for an establishment of this size, there should be more.

"Did you hear the latest news about the sword?"

"Right, somebody managed to pull it and their entire arm fell off."

"That's nothing, I heard somebody's organs exploded."

Rhys frowns hearing the rumors. 'I truly do not want to expose Lyn to such danger.' But, leaving the sword alone will cause further casualties. It's better if somebody obtains it sooner rather than later. Somebody from the Mist Kingdom. It would be bad if somebody from the Snow Kingdom obtained it during the chaos.His thoughts break off catching Lyn staring directly at him. What is she doing?

"This truly is nice." Lyn mumbled. "When I first became the Queen, I still tried to sneak out and see the villagers. But, not only was it difficult. Even when I managed to sneak out successfully, I realised it wasn't the same as before. I was no longer just a nameless girl, or a Princess. When a new merchant came to promote their shops, everybody was so overprotective and said 'Let me taste that for you first Queen.' I understand why they acted like that, but by doing that they put up a wall between themselves and me."

Rhys didn't reply immediately. She can still be so pure and honest after everything that has happened. He thought that becoming the Queen would change Lyn. She has certainly changed, but she hasn't been corrupted by the ways of the court.

If any other noble went through that situation, they wouldn't dwell on it. But Lyn is different, he can tell that the love she has for the people hasn't changed. No, it has only grown stronger. Even before Lyn resolved to become the Queen and accept her noble status, she already loved the villagers so much.

"Was it painful for you to see them behave like that?"

"Yes. But, during one of my other successful attempts I learned the reason why. The elders had supposedly issued a light warning, 'The Queen is no longer the same as before, she has risen to a position far beyond your reach. Anybody who addresses her casually will be punished.'" Lyn closed her eyes briefly. "I was angry, and almost lashed out at them."

"But you didn't?"

Lyn shakes her head. "Pupilliam stopped me. She hugged me tightly and said that she understands it's difficult. 'But my Queen, you are not alone. Even if they can no longer treat you the same, they will always care for you. It's not just them, you will always have me and the Knights. We will be your greatest allies, weapons and friends.'"

Rhys watches as her gaze softens.

"With everybody by my side, it eased the loneliness and the gap left behind by the villagers."

"I am relieved to hear that. I don't like the idea of you crying alone."

"But, I didn't cry in front of anybody except Pupilliam and-" Lyn paused. "-there was another Knight."

Rhys blinked surprised at her words. It doesn't surprise him that she cried in front of Pupilliam, but was there somebody else? Was it sir Teo? No, if it was, she would have said his name.

'I suspected this before when I kissed her again for the first time when we reunited. But, she has gotten better at kissing. From what he has heard from both Kazuya and Lyn, they didn't get intimate that many times. If that's the case, was there another guy?'

During the entire meal he felt restless. Lyn's reaction after saying those words didn't help, so he was imagining all sorts of scenarios. It seems like she didn't take on another husband and was verbally against it. But perhaps due to the pressure of the elders, she actually slept with another guy?
