Sword of Lycoris Part 25

Lyn sleeping with another guy? The idea would never have crossed his mind before. But now that he is seeing the actual signs.

The thought disturbed him greatly. After they finished eating, he intended to further investigate by asking the group who was chatting earlier. But he was too distracted by the possibility of Lyn having another guy. So, before he knew what he was doing, he had rented a room for them in the upstairs area. He pushed Lyn against the wall and kissed her deeply.

"Rhys." Lyn mumbled as she gently caressed his cheeks. "What is it?"

'Did you have another guy?' Rhys wanted to ask her but swallowed those words.

He has no right to blame her for having another person, after all he was the one who left her. Moreover, it's still based on suspicion at this point.

"Mm." Lyn deepen the kiss and he growled.

'I didn't teach her this. Who did?' He was filled with a mixture of different emotions. He wonders why he only just realised this. No, why did he only pay attention now? Even though he suspected something, he didn't say a word. It was difficult enough to regain her heart. When they first met she was so stubborn.

Rhys wrapped his arms tighter around her waist. Sometimes he is afraid that he is falling for her too deeply. What does he do if he asks Lyn that question and she lies to him? How will he feel if she does? Lyn has always been honest, from the very first day they met she has never averted her gaze from him. But earlier-

How many times have they kissed like this? He has lost count already, and yet it never gets tiring. He wants more of her, he wants-

"Rhys, I don't know what is wrong. But, you can do anything you want to me."

If only she knew how dangerous those words were. Rhys reluctantly breaks free and places a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Tomorrow night. Is that fine with you?"

Lyn laughed softly. "Okay."

That innocent smile of hers hasn't changed, even if she is older now. There are so many traits that remain the same, traits that will continue making him fall even more in love with her.


When he wakes up the next morning, images of what happened yesterday flash through his head. 'Am I crazy? Why did I do that? We are in the middle of a mission.' Despite having these thoughts however, he doesn't regret what happened.

His gaze fell on the woman fast asleep beside him. It truly is difficult to get over her. Rhys gently caresses her hair and she stirs. "Good m--" He pauses, seeing that she only moved to get closer to him.

'Kazuya, what type of self-control did you have? How could your relationship with her remain platonic when you were together a lot?'

Then again, Kazuya has always been different. Perhaps it was due to his friend's past, but Kazuya isn't used to women. It was because of that, he never truly got jealous of Kazuya. Back then he felt like his experiences with women would help him get Lyn. Whenever he thought of his past behaviour and thoughts, he couldn't help but curse.

'I was treating her more like a possession. It's no wonder her other Knights disliked me. They must have seen me as a degraded man like me lusting after their Princess/'

Rhys sighs deeply. This is an issue, this journey was so Lyn could get a new sword and he was hoping that she would get closer to Pupilliam again. He doesn't know what friction happened between them. But, there seems to be a huge wall. Pupilliam acts normal, but he can sense there is something different now.

'I can't help but hog her to myself.'

He wonders if it bothers her. If it bothers her, she certainly hasn't shown any signs of it.

His thoughts break off when he feels a pair of eyes on him, to find Lyn wide awake and staring. She extended her hand out and caressed his cheek.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, I was thinking I really am a huge distraction." Rhys muttered.

They were supposed to be gathering information, how did it end up like this? He remembers why. He suspects that Lyn has been seeing another guy who wasn't Kazuya, and the thought disturbed him greatly.

Lyn laughed. "It's okay, I was tired."

So in other words she thinks being with him is relaxing? Rhys lowered his face and kissed her eyelids.

"You're never going to blame me for anything." He mumbled.

"Because, I want this too. Despite what you may think, I do have my desires."

Rhys raised his eyebrows. "Are you sure? Just saying desires makes your face turn red."

"I--I'm sure! Don't tease me." Lyn exclaimed.

His gaze softened and he kissed her forehead and eyelids again.

"I love you."

Lyn nodded. "Mm, me too Rhys."

"Just me too?" He raised his eyebrow and she giggled.

"Do you want me to say it?"

"It would certainly reassure me."

"I love you Rhys. Honestly, I never thought I would again. After all, when you left I felt so hurt and betrayed."

He cringed hearing those words but Lyn continued before he could feel any more guilt.

"But the more time we spent together, I realized I couldn't hold my feelings back.

"So the date tactics worked?" Rhys asked dumbly.

Lyn giggled. "Yes, it worked. I completely fell into your trap."

He just stared at her stunned for a few minutes before hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry if I have been making you feel uneasy. But, you're the one I love. I really didn't want to love you again, but I can't help it. You're the only one I love."

Hasn't she gotten better at confessing? Rhys kissed her forehead again. Last night truly felt amazing, and if possible he wanted to do that again with her today. However, time is running out. They need to gather information on the sword and head to the location.

"Lyn, we should gather information about the sword today-"

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Lyn looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Honestly, it's killing me not to throw away all our responsibilities. But, I know better. We are still in the middle of war. If getting the sword will help you end the war faster, then we can't waste time."

"Alright." Lyn agreed but she suddenly leaned forward. "However, my husband. After this is all over, I expect you to make up for it."

Rhys could only stare at her dumbfounded and he felt his cheeks redden. What does she mean by making up for it?
