Sword of Lycoris Part 32

Lyn's gaze fell on her new guard. She wonders how long this one will last, this is not the first time they have assigned an aide to her. There have been repeated attempts the past few years, but all of them have failed.

"Pupilliam, I have a question for you."

"What is it, Princess?"

"It's about magic using blood." Lyn decided to be up front and ask her. Before this meeting she learned that her new guard was a student in the military academy. If that is the case this girl should have knowledge that she doesn't.

"Blood?" Pupilliam repeated.

Lyn nodded. "Mm, magic that uses fresh blood. I understand that magic using items with ancient blood works. But, wouldn't it be easier to use blood directly?"

"From my studies in the academy. I hear that magic using fresh blood is completely different and it has great powers. The only ones who use magic like this however are dark mages and strays who do not belong to a Kingdom."

"So it's restricted magic?"

"There is no official law about it being restricted. However, most people don't use it because it would affect their images. I hear that the churches don't approve of using fresh blood, since it goes against human rights."

"I see, so it's about maintaining an image." Lyn sighed. "But I see now, if the church is saying it goes against human rights. It means we can use the blood of others, it doesn't have to be our own blood."

"Uh yes."

"Then, if that's the case with normal people. I wonder if it applies to royalty too. Will using the blood of royalty amplify a person's magic even more?"

Pupilliam shakes her head. "Princess Lyn, as it is my first day I still do not know you very well and this may seem arrogant of me but may I advise you not to do anything reckless."

Lyn laughed. "I was only curious. I won't do anything stupid."

"Princess, you seem to be very curious about magic." Pupilliam observed.

"There was a time where I stayed in Junlan church."

"Ah, I heard about it."

"I suppose they gave you the details. They said it was for my safety, but I suppose they sent me there so I could learn more about magic. But, the magic they teach there is very boring and restrictive."

Pupilliam sighs. "I think I am starting to slowly form a piece of your personality and I must ask you refrain from showing this curious side of yours in public. Maintaining your image is very important for royals, if you show any signs of weakness. You will have people taking advantage of you."

"I understand." Lyn said brightly.

"Do you really?" Pupilliam said doubtfully.

"I do! But if I don't, I will count on you to explain it to me from now on."

The image disappears, this time fast forwarding to a few months after Pupilliam became her aide. She was crying in the garden after a fight with her sister. It was more like a one sided fight, she accidentally knocked a drink on her sisters dress. But all the maids and servants said she did it on purpose. It was humiliating, since it was the first time she was allowed to attend a gathering.

Her existence had been a secret but the ones attending that gathering knew who she was, that was why she was able to go. She didn't have anything nice to wear, so she made do and adjusted one of the old dresses she did have. But that was her mistake, that old dress had been one of her sisters left overs. The moment she stepped inside with it, people scorned her.

Then the accident happened with the drinks and people accused her of sabotaging sister Lethia.

Why did it go wrong?

She could hear the voice of her brother Kotaro calling her name and her friend Gabrielle. But, she didn't want to see anybody right now. It was her first time being allowed to attend a family gathering. There won't be another chance like this ever again and yet she ruined it.

Her thoughts break off hearing approaching footsteps. Lyn raised her head and spotted Pupilliam.

"Are you crying?"

"I-I'm not." Lyn rubbed her eyes.

"It's okay Princess, to be upset, and to cry. You don't have to pretend to be strong."

"I am royalty, I can't show weakness. Didn't you teach me this Pupilliam?"

At those words Pupilliam pauses and then sits down beside her. "Indeed, I did see that and from what I heard nobody realised you were upset since you just simply excused yourself formally. You kept your manners up. I am impressed."

Lyn sobbed. "But, it all fell apart. I was only trying to be helpful and refill her cup since nobody noticed she needed more. In the end, I screwed it up."

Pupilliam shakes her head. "Even if you didn't do that, weren't they already nit picking on your dress? Princess, I understand how much you want to fit in. But, you have to learn that there are some people who are not worth your devotion and kindness."

"But Lethia is my sister."

"The First Princess aside, I can safely assure you that the other people in that room are not worth your attention. Do not shed tears for people like that."

Lyn looked over at the girl giving her advice. Ever since they first met a few months ago, this person has always remained by her side.

'It is Pupilliam's job to protect me. But, sometimes when I listen to her advice, I feel that she may genuinely care for me.'

Her thoughts break off when Pupilliam starts to wipe her eyes with a handkerchief. "Alright dry up, we can't stay here forever. I infused magic in that so it will make your eyes less puffy when you use it."

Magic huh?

"Pupilliam, you really are amazing. I have a hard time using magic."

"It's only because you haven't received proper training for it. I am sure when they find a good magician for you, Princess, you will be taught everything you need to know."

"But, everybody is afraid of me. I don't think anybody will agree to become part of my personal knights."

"Ahem." Pupilliam coughed. "What does that make me?"

"A hero." Lyn said brightly. "You're like a fearless warrior standing in front of a thousand soldiers. You're so dignified, beautiful and strong."

At those words she watches Pupilliam's face turn bright red and she laughs. "This is the first time seeing you embarrassed, you're normally so calm."

"T-this is because you say weird stuff, Princess."

"How is it weird? I am only speaking the truth."

'Because in this world, there are far too many people who tell lies and wear masks on their faces.' She maybe a hidden existence, but she doesn't want to mimic their ways and become an average noble. She wants to be truthful.
