Sword of Lycoris Part 33 (Final)

From that day onwards it felt like she had gained an ally, a trustworthy friend. Even though Pupilliam remained formal with her. Lyn could tell that their relationship had changed. From then, she started to behave more comfortably with her.

"Pupilliam!" Lyn said brightly when she saw the girl enter the room.

She had just finished her morning lessons with General Adrien. She scanned the girl up and down and noticed how tired she was.

"I'll have the servants draw a bath for you. No, I'll do it myself. Also, what would you like to eat? I happen to do a bit of cooking myself."

Pupilliam places her hands on her shoulders. "Slow down Princess. I just broke a sweat because I was training. You're the one who looks sick." She turns to the General standing behind her.

"I told her that she needed to rest, but the little miss is stubborn."

"I got it." Pupilliam sighs. "General, we will leave first. I'll take care of the Princess."

With those words Pupilliam grabs her wrist and pulls her out of the room. They only had to walk a few minutes before reaching her chambers. Pupilliam immediately made her lay down on the bed and tucked the covers only slightly above her face.

"Your hands are like ice."

"Ah, the General said I felt warm earlier."

Pupilliam's eyes twitched annoyed. "Are you dizzy too?"

"I think so."

"Princess, I think I have mentioned this before. But you have to take care of your body. Your living quarters aren't the best, so it's easy for you to get sick. But, if you take care of yourself, you will have better resistance."

Lyn laughed. "Pupilliam, your nagging feels oddly refreshing."

She has never had anybody nag at her due to her health before. Occasionally the General would say something. But, everytime she says she is okay.

No, there was somebody else a long time ago. Somebody very important to her. Brother Zepher, she has been waiting for him to return for a long time and yet he still hasn't come back. Maybe he has forgotten about her already?

"Yes, yes I know. I'll make you some soup and, I brought some fresh bread with me. The kitchen girls tried to give it to the other knights when they were training but nobody wanted it so I ended up with the basket. I also have some desserts my mother made."

"A feast!" Lyn said happily.

Pupilliam nods and places her hand on her forehead and frowns. "Why don't you close your eyes and get some rest? I will be done shortly."

Lyn watches Pupilliam disappear behind the doors. For the next few minutes, she simply gazed at the ceiling for a long time. Ever since Pupilliam came, her life has changed slightly. The most noticeable change are the servants. She has noticed the servants assigned to her have decreased and the only ones who have remained are the newer maids.

At the beginning, she didn't pay much attention to the change. But, ever since Pupilliam discovered her crying.

'She is trying to create a comfortable environment for you. The newer maids will be less prejudiced against you.' Certainly, while they don't get close to her. They are not hostile, nor do they steal her belongings or hit her.

She had only closed her eyes for a few minutes when she felt someone lightly shake her awake.

"-lyn- Princess Lyn-"

Lyn opens her eyes to find a worried looking Pupilliam gazing at her. "Your body temperature keeps dropping. If it continues to do so, I'll have to inform your brother so he can get a medic."

"Brother Andrew is busy, you don't have to do that."

Pupilliam bites her lip and nods. "At least eat something, it will help you regain your strength."

Lyn tries to sit up only to fall back down. Pupilliam quickly adjusts her bed frame and the pillows so she could lay down and still eat. The moment she takes a bite of the congee. Her eyes brighten.

"I think your better at cooking than me."

"There was no doubt about that."

Lyn laughs. "Right."

"Princess Lyn." Pupilliam said seriously. "I know your circumstances with your family are very strange. But, even if he doesn't show it properly. I think Prince Andrew cares a lot about you. I am sure you have noticed the changes around here. It's true I suggested it, but without permission I wouldn't have been able to do much."

Her gaze softens hearing Pupilliam's explanation. "I know."

How can she not know? That person is so clumsy with showing his affection. But he does have his moments. When brother Zepher first disappeared, he frequently came over to check on her at night. Of course this was 'after I cried myself to sleep.' During them moments she would feel a warm hand patting her hair and apologising to her.

"Pupilliam, from now on. I want to get a long better with brother, no with everybody else too. It will take time for them to accept me. But, I do not believe everybody in this castle is hostile. You are the one who gave me the courage to take this step. So, may I be selfish and ask you to stay by my side?"

Her sentence fell short when Pupilliam hugged her. Oh- she- Lyn laughs softly. "You really are very kind."

"It's because you're such a silly Princess, you can be more selfish often. It's okay for you to cry, and ask for comfort when you need it. I may be overstepping my boundaries. But, I would rather do that than leave you alone. Please rely on me."

"Yes, I shall. Thank you."


When she opens her eyes, the first person she sees is auburn coloured hair. It was Pupilliam, she was bending down with tears in her eyes and was holding her hand tightly. Despite her weakened state, Lyn could see an orange coloured thread of magic coming from her sword tied to their hands. In the background Rhys had placed his hand on Pupilliam's shoulder.

It takes her a few minutes to grasp the situation. Her entire body felt weak all over. She must have passed out and lost a lot of blood. So, even though she wasn't shown nightmares. It appears just being in the memory spear can cause this much damage.

Lyn weakly moves her mouth. "P..le.ase..don't cry Pu.illiam.."

At those words Pupilliam raised her face. "Lyn."

Her gaze softens hearing the name that left her lips. "I had a dream, a very long one."

Pupilliam's expression seemed distraught and filled with worry but Lyn weakly shakes her head.

"It was a dream of our past, when we first met, when you first saw me cry and those times you took care of me. Pupilliam, you have always been by my side. As my aide, you naturally had to stand by me. But, you didn't have to do so much. My previous aides would just do the bare minimum. None of them would take care to comfort me when I am sad or when I am sick. None of them cared about my wellbeing and happiness, but you did. You have always cared."

This person has always stood by her no matter what happens, even if the world turns against her. Pupilliam will never do so. The girl didn't say anything and Lyn continued.

"The reason I survived this long is because of you. Thank you so much for teaching me about the warmth, kindness and love one can receive from another person. Because you showed me, I was able to accept the love that was around me all this time."

"Your so silly Lyn, you never had to ask me to do that." Pupilliam said with tears and laughter. "Even if you didn't say anything, I would have. You've always been the most important person to me."

Lyn could only smile as she closed her eyes again. Now she finally understood why nobody could get the sword, and why the miasma in this area remained toxic. It's because all the challengers focused on the negative and the rumors. They didn't try to look past their fears. But, because she had done so. What she was shown was a dream, a reminder of what was important to her.
