The Head Knight Part 8

In the outdoor training grounds, all of Lyn's close knights were there and sparring. There were a few of the regular knights mixed in too. The current match was between the Head Knight Ark and general Teo. Rhys whistled as he watched the General being pushed back. They are only using wooden swords, and yet it's clearly who the more skilled one is.

Pupilliam approaches them immediately. "My Queen, shouldn't you be resting?"

Lyn laughs. "I wondered why my schedule for this morning was clear."

"Of course you have to rest." Pupilliam glares at him. "Who knows how tired you are because of Rhys?"

Rhys sighs deeply. Even though he spent the past few days with Lyn, the times they actually did it were very small. Not only did he not want to overwhelm her. He also wanted her to rest. He knew about her sneaking off and training how to use her new sword. Using a new sword, moreover a legendary weapon takes a toll on a person's body. Until they get used to it, she will experience more fatigue.

Lyn shakes her head. "You don't have to worry. Rhys has been helping me relax. Moreover," She covers her mouth with her sleeves and laughs. "-we already agreed that we would work on making children after the war."

He felt his cheeks colour hearing those words. What is this girl doing to him? She is so cute. The girl he loves has grown to be so beautiful, so strong and even kinder than before.

'Sometimes, I feel that I do not deserve her.'

If he were to admit those words out loud, she would certainly be upset with him. Even if his life is better now and his mind isn't filled with revenge and hatred. It is difficult for him to erase the insecurities in his heart.

Rhys quickly turned his attention onto the fight, not wanting Lyn to catch him staring. He paid careful attention to Ark's fighting style. This guy is strong. His sword skills are high quality, but even more than that, his magic. Rhys scanned him up and down before noticing a mark on his forehead. Is that a seal?

"It seems you have noticed." Lyn commented from beside him.

"Did you do that?"

"I had to, his magic is too strong. I didn't want people to notice, if they used him for war. Shaaraya would be very upset and I do not wish such a cruel fate to be placed on his shoulders."

Certainly Lyn made the correct move to seal half his magic away. However, with the war against Queen Jennifer. They will need all the strength they can get.

"Have him train with me." Rhys suggested. "I can help him control his mana. He can unleash parts of the seal bit by bit when he is fighting stronger opponents."

Lyn sighs. "It seems you won't be training with me anymore."

"I think Kazuya can help you better." Rhys noticed it when he joined in the training session yesterday. Kazuya is a good teacher and he seems to have a better grasp of Lyn's current fighting style.

At those words Lyn pouted and he laughs. "Don't sulk. I will still occasionally drop by and watch."

"You better do so."

"Your eye for people is very good. This guy is an exceptional talent." Rhys looked towards Ark. "If he learns how to control his mana better, he will be a strong fighting force."

"After the war ends, I intend to let him go." Lyn said softly.

Lyn didn't have to explain to him the reason why. He had a conversation with Kazuya not too long ago. Kazuya had mentioned to him that Lyn intended to let go of all of her knights after the war with the Snow Kingdom ends. It only makes sense to let them go, most of her personal knights are commoners. The only ones who have true noble blood are sir Teo, and that Raven guy. The rest are commoners.

The Empress court will not allow such a thing. The council will be made up of individuals from all the Kingdoms, and not just the Mist Kingdom. Lyn could get away slipping maybe one or two commoners in her group, but the rest will have to be made up of nobility.

It must be painful for her to let go of the people who have been by her side for a long time. But, if she doesn't do this then it will cause even more problems in the future.

Rhys squeezed her hands and kissed her forehead gently.

"I'll test him."


After the match with Teo, Ark was prepared to call for a break when somebody tossed his sword at his feet. Ark glances up and finds that the person who had tossed his sword was sir Rhys.

"Sir Rhys you-"

"I'd like to test you. But, using wooden swords restrict your abilities. Let's use our real blades." Rhys suggested.

For a moment Ark is dumbfounded, but then he makes eye contact with the Queen on the side who was nodding. It seems like he has no choice. No, he was actually looking forward to this. He was part of the group who helped clear the way to help sir Rhys get to the dragon five years ago. It was only brief, but he saw how the man fought.

'If given an opportunity, I would like to test my own abilities in a fight against him myself.'

Ark agreed and the match between the two of them immediately started. The moment their swords clashed, Ark immediately felt the weight of Rhys sword against his own. It's heavy, how many battles has this person participated in? How much bloodshed has he seen?

The weight of ones sword naturally reflect the many fights a person experience. Rhys blade is heavy, far heavier than his own. For the first time in a long time, Ark felt himself being pushed back. This person is so strong.

Five years ago when he briefly saw how Rhys fought, he simply admired the man's skills with a blade and his magic. But, now Ark understood after clashing swords with him. He must have suffered a great deal to get to where he is today.
