The Head Knight Part 9

The Queen told him something a long time ago.

'There is somebody who is far stronger than me and the King. Somebody who has seen much warfare and has experienced such heavy burdens. But even then he remains strong and has not fallen apart even once. That strong and brave figure remains in my memory whenever I feel like crumbling. I remember him, remember what he has experienced and tell myself that what I am going through is nothing. I admire him from the bottom of my heart, and hope that one day I gain at least one percent of his courage.'

Queen Lyn didn't mention any names, but the person she was talking about then must have been sir Rhys.

Ever since he became an official Knight, Ark has learned that there are many individuals with light weighted sword. There are many who call themselves knights, but carry such a light sword, knights who have not experienced war. Those who became knights only for the fame and prestige, but are the first ones to run away at the first signs of danger.

There are also those who became knights to help their families but are not resolved to take another life. Those who are content with just doing simple duties. There are not many individuals with heavy weighted swords like sir Rhys and himself.

Exactly how much pain has this person experienced? How much more will he continue to do so? If sir Rhys becomes the Queen's official partner, then it's a guarantee that he will experience more. But, even with this knowledge sir Rhys returned to the Queen's side.

Shaarya, it is during times like this where he thinks about the girl he fell in love with. When he sees how much sir Rhys would sacrifice to be with Lyn. No not just him, the image of his old friend appeared in his head. That guy too, carries a heavy blade. That blade became heavier after he became close with the Queen, showing his resolve and love for her.

'I was upset how much Raven had changed, but the real reason why I broke our friendship was because it hurt watching him fight a losing battle.'

It's not Queen Lyn's fault, but Raven's love for her was doomed from the very beginning. He never stood a chance. Even before Raven became close with the Queen and was promoted to the personal knights. Raven always spoke about how much he admired Queen Lyn.

Back then he already sensed that there was something amiss. However, who would have thought that the admiration Raven felt was actually love? When he finally realised that his friend genuinely loved the Queen. Ark tried to advise him but Raven reacted terribly.

Before long Raven had become close with members of the elder council and some high ranking nobles. Ark knew that his friend only did that, so he could have the status to match the Queen.

'You know, Ark, people do crazy things for the one they love.'

Recalling Shaaraya's words, Ark sighs deeply. When she first said those words, he wondered if one day the situation would apply to them. Would he do something crazy for her one day? Something that would defy all logic?

In the end the one who did that first was her. Shaaraya was the one who let him go, and encouraged him to chase his dreams. If he quits and returns to the remote village, would that be considered doing something crazy just for the sake of love?

It may fall into that category. But, he has already achieved everything he has wanted here. Queen Lyn must have noticed that too.

After a few minutes, Ark slumped to the ground defeated. His entire body was covered in sweat and he was out of breath. He knew even without looking up that

'So strong. I thought I'd have the chance to turn the situation around, but he was too good.'

His thoughts break off when Rhys extends his hand out. Ark takes it and stands up.

"Do you know what your issue is?"

"Yes." Ark nods.

How can he not know? It's because his mana control is bad. He has a large amount of mana, but he cannot control it. If he could, then Queen Lyn would not have had to place the seal on him.

"I'll train you. Do you think you can handle it?"

Ark blinks when hearing sir Rhys is 'offer.' Training with sir Rhys? He heard from the other soldiers how even a single training session with Rhys is very helpful. To think he would be receiving this chance.

'I definitely can't waste it.'

"Yes I can."


The next few days spent 'training' with sir Rhys seem to go by very quickly. But, after each session he felt his strength increase. A part of him was afraid that if sir Rhys spent more time training him, the Queen would spend time with Raven. However, his gaze fell on the scene of the couple sitting down side by side on the steps.

They seem to be getting along very well. The relationship between the two of them is certainly different from the past.

'I only saw how they interacted when they got together so it's hard to make an objective decision.'

Ark heard all the rumors about the two, and Shaaraya grumbled a lot that her sister was getting involved with a strange man. However, he never believed it. For some reason he couldn't and certainly when he saw how they interacted he understood.

Sir Rhys is just clumsy at expressing his emotions. He is no different from any average person.

His thoughts break off when somebody passes him a glass of water.


Kristy whistles. "So he really is training you."

"Is it that surprising?" Ark wondered.

"No, sir Rhys must have sensed that you have exceptional mana." Kristy's gaze fell on the two sitting side by side on the steps chatting. "So, what do you think?"

Ark sighs. "You truly do love to gossip. I hear you have been going around asking everybody that question."

Kristy only beamed happily. "It's only natural for me to ask, after all we can't leave our Queen in the hands of somebody strange."

"You should know sir Rhys better than me."

"I do, and that's why I can say that I never really had an issue with him. There were all sorts of rumors back in the day, but in the end his actions towards Lyn spoke louder. It was clear to anybody that he genuinely loved her and would do anything for her."

"I don't truly understand relationships." Ark admitted. "But, when I watch those two. I start to think that perhaps it is something special."
