The Head Knight Part 10

"Even though you have the third Princess." Kristy teased.

At those words his cheeks coloured and he awkwardly avoids his gaze. Although he has refrained from speaking about Shaaraya too much the past few years. Whenever somebody mentioned her, he would always react.

"Surely you didn't come by to tease me."

"It's more like I came by to check on what your plans will be after the war. I already went around and asked the others. It seems like the Queen already went around and said she would dismiss us all after the war ends."

Ark frowns. "Did you know that she is keeping Raven?"

"She consulted with me about it. Between Teo and Raven, and she almost chose Teo to stay. However his condition isn't the best. It would be too risky, somebody may find out and it would cause further issues. In the end Raven is the better choice, his status and well their ambiguous relationship. Others would think there is a higher chance for an heir if Raven stays behind."

His frown deepened hearing that explanation. He truly doesn't want anything to happen between the two anymore.

"Do we truly have to leave her?" Ark muttered.

Kristy sighed. From the girls expression, it seems she too is troubled by this.

"We can't handle the court or the new council that will be made up of officials from the different Kingdoms. I may be able to ignore such comments. But, I don't think you, Pupilliam or Miley will be able to take it."

Indeed, he couldn't argue with her there. Just the mere thought of all the looks of disdain made him shudder.

"It doesn't feel right for everybody to go. What about Lan?"

"You know that guy only became part of Lyn's personal Knights because he struck some type of deal with her. Moreover, don't you think that he will be following Miley around after this?"

His sweat dropped. Lan is already following Miley around everyday now, so it wouldn't surprise him if that did happen.

"Does it have to be Raven?" Ark whispered. "The Queen will never return his feelings. If he continues to remain by her side, he will be consumed with bitter emotions. He maybe okay with the situation now, but if he watches the Queen and sir Rhys like that everyday. One day he may-"

He has seen far too many people consumed with hate and revenge just because their loved ones don't return their feelings. In Raven's case, it's more dangerous since he is a high ranking mage.

Kristy shakes her head. "I know he has been acting like a jerk the past few years. But, I have seen him with Lyn. It will hurt him yes but he won't harm her."

"I see."

"I think what your more worried about isn't Lyn getting hurt but Raven."

Ark averts his gaze. "Am I making it too obvious?"

"For people who don't know you well, they may truly believe that you resent him. But, as for those who know you well. They can see that your still worried about him. Why don't you cut the training short and go see him now? He should be in the tower working on the device to fix the issue with the mana concentration points."


At Kristy's suggestion, he ends up cancelling the rest of the training. Rhys seemed more than happy to oblige and Lyn gave him an encouraging gaze almost like she knew. Ark's gaze fell on the door in front of him, and he sighs. He finds himself pacing back and forth for the next few minutes debating on what to say.

The guards at the front of the tower certainly seemed very surprised when they saw him, but they allowed him inside. The last time he visited the magic tower was roughly three years ago before the jade war.

After debating for a few minutes the doors opened themselves and there stood Raven. The two of them looked at each other for a few minutes before he opens the door.

"Are you going to come in or not?"

"Uh, right." Ark follows him inside the room.

The place hadn't changed much since the last time he saw it. There were more books than usual, and more potions. Judging from the scrolls on the ground, it seems like he was in the middle of making something. It must be the device Kristy mentioned just now.

He awkwardly sits down on the couch and his gaze immediately fell on the pile of books in the corner.

"Lyn said she wanted to read them, so I put them aside for the next time she comes over."

'He truly does like her.' Ark thought he already knew this, but actually seeing it with his own eyes is more painful.

"So, what brought you here? Are you passing on a message from Lyn? Can she not come today?"

He thought back to the scene just now of the girl happily clinging to Rhys arm and saying. 'We can spend more time together today.'

Ark slowly nodded his head and Raven simply murmurs that he understood. He wonders what this person is truly thinking now. The people close to him insist that he isn't a bad person. But, him getting entangled with all those nobles doesn't leave a favourable impression. Moreover, he has seen with his own eyes Raven treating the lower class badly.

His friend only started to behave that way after he got involved with those people. All he could do was watch as his friend slowly became corrupted the more power he obtained.

"Was there something else? You wouldn't come all the way out here just to tell me that in person, even if she did ask you."

"I have some questions for you. Rather, I want to clarify some doubts I have had for a while." Ark said bravely.

He still isn't sure if he wants to be friends with this person again. But there is no doubt that he is worried about his well being.

'I don't want to leave the Mist Kingdom and have this lingering regret in my mind.' Before he leaves, he wants to settle everything with Raven. Queen Lyn noticed this and that's why she had that talk with him from the very first day.
