The Sword Dance of Red and Blue Part 5

Meanwhile in the training grounds, Lyn had just finished a few practice swings when somebody blocked her sword. It was Rhys, who was looking at her with an annoyed expression. He reaches over and flicks her forehead.

"I told you to stay put."

"I felt restless, and I didn't want to disturb Kazuya from sleeping. He was trying so hard just to stay awake and keep me company."

Rhys sighs. "Should I be relieved I found you here instead of your office?"

"Paperwork isn't going to help me win the war."

"Indeed, but fighting on an empty stomach won't help you. Kazuya didn't notice it but I did, you poured the food inside the plant. Lyn, I know it's hard to eat right now. But you need it to keep your strength up."

"Despite what I said to Kazuya, Jen can attack at any moment."

Rhys pulls her into a hug and she feels her heart beat increase, and her cheeks turn red. "Rh-"

"Alright, I've caught you. I'm not letting you go until you eat something."

"Then maybe I shouldn't eat." Lyn mumbled.

Being in his arms like this feels very comfortable. Rhys continued to hold her and place a light kiss on her forehead.

"Please eat, I don't want you collapsing on me."

"Mm okay." Lyn finally agreed.

Rhys let's her go and they sit on the steps as he spread out a piece of cloth and takes out a basket. Lyn laughs seeing the various dishes.

She immediately understood. Rhys must have cooked for her, and that's why he disappeared for so long.

"This is delicious." Lyn took a bite of what looked like a pastry. "I don't think I will be able to survive without your cooking anymore."

"You don't have to. I can cook for you anytime."

Lyn rested her head on his shoulder. "Rhys, I really am happy being able to spend time with you like this again. But, during the war with Jen. I have some rules okay? You have to let me fight her by myself."

"No." Rhys immediately interjected. "Lyn, I know you still think of her as your friend. But, even back during our academy days she tried to harm you. I know you realized it and still covered up for her. However, you cannot do that now."

"Mm, I get it. But," She extends her hands towards his eye. "-you cannot fight her in your condition."

Rhys looked pained as she said those words but Lyn didn't hesitate.

"Don't you see Rhys? If we fought Jen at the same time, she would focus her attacks on you knowing I would be on the defence."

"Lyn." Rhys interjected sharply. "Do you really want to do this again? I thought you regretted having me go alone last time."

Lyn bit her lip hearing Rhys say those words. That's true, she would be more reassured if he remained by her side this time. While what she said about Jen is certain to happen. At the same time, it is still better to have Rhys somewhere close by.

"I'm sorry, please don't be mad."

Rhys sighs and kisses her forehead and then her eyelids. "I know your panicking. We were having peaceful days not too long ago, and suddenly the snow storm appeared out of nowhere. But Lyn, you have to calm down. If your uneasy, then everybody else will be too."

"I'm just a bit frightened." Lyn admitted. "Actually Jen is, stronger than me. At least she was the last time we fought. A part of me was always relieved that we were friends and not enemies. If we were enemies, then I'd never be able to beat her."

"I am assuming your referring to your practice match with her three years ago before the jade war. We can't use that battle as reference since you were still adapting to your dual blade style."

"It's true I was still-hold on." Lyn paused realizing what he just said. That practice session was private and only a few people were there. There is no way word have gotten out, since the people who attended didn't want to spread information that would disturb the balance of the treaty. Could it be? "Were you there?"

Rhys averts his gaze and coughs. "I was just checking on you. I heard your health hadn't been good, so I wanted to do a quick check up while you were asleep. Who would have thought you would be having a practice match in the middle of the night?"

"It's your fault." Lyn mumbled.

That day she received word that he would be participating in the jade war, and couldn't stop thinking about what she would say when they met again. Her heart felt restless and she was unable to sleep. So, she asked Jen who was visiting at the time for a quick sparing match that ended up turning into a formal match.

Her thoughts break off when Rhys face was suddenly inches away from hers. "It's my fault?"

Lyn felt her cheeks colour realizing how close he was. If either of them moved, their lips would touch. Just as she was thinking that Rhys leaned even closer and grabs hold of her hands. He gave them a gentle squeeze as his lips lightly brushes against hers.

It felt like her heart would stop. He was definitely teasing her, he must know. If he came to see her then he must have informed Kazuya, and Kazuya must have explained how she knew about him participating in the jade war.

"It's your fault, I couldn't stop thinking about you." Lyn spoke slowly.

She was very embarrassed, but she didn't want to lie to him. Lyn raises her head and notices the gentle gaze in Rhys eyes. If her heart wasn't beating before it was now. He didn't say anything, there was no need for words. The sudden kiss was just perfect.

She felt his hands roam on her back and struggled to control her voice. Every single time he touches her, she feels strange. Just when she couldn't control it anymore, he suddenly stops.

Rhys lightly nibbled on her ear. "I'll stop here, I don't want to get you too worked up when we are outside."

She almost forgets how passionate he can be, since he is now so considerate just holding her hand.
