The Sword Dance of Red and Blue Part 6

"D-did you have to- do that?" Lyn questioned.

"I did, you looked very cute just then." Rhys trails off. "I have to admit I am very impressed with my self-control. To think this is the first time I have ambushed you with a passionate kiss since we returned to the Mist Kingdom."

At those words Lyn stepped on his feet and he yelps in pain but he brings her hands to his lips and kissed each fingertip slowly.

"I love you Lyn."

T-this person must be messing with her again. Each action of his makes her love him even more than before. She doesn't know how she managed to survive five years without Rhys by her side. She can't even last a single day without him now.

Hearing a coughing sound from behind them, Lyn turned her attention to the person only to find Raven standing there.

"Queen Lyn, there is a visitor for you."

"A visitor?" Lyn wondered.

Who would be visiting at this time? It can't be the reinforcements from the Sound, Rain and Wind Kingdom, since they only just rang the warm chime and sent word earlier today.

"It's Prince Andrew."

At those words her eyes widened. "W-was he alone?"

The last time she heard from brother he was on a journey to find Gabrielle's wandering soul. He said he would not come back unless he found her. She felt her heart beat increase, could it be? Did brother actually find a way?

Brother Andrew specifically said that he wouldn't survive if he failed to retrieve Gabrielle's soul. So she must be-her thoughts break off when Rhys grabs hold of her hands.

"Let's go."



In the throne room.

Lyn didn't know how she survived the walk to the throne room. No, actually she did. It was because Rhys was holding her hand and occasionally giving it a gentle squeeze which reassured her. Pupilliam was in front of the throne room door, and she started to get her hopes up.

The minute she sees somebody by her brother's side. Lyn immediately increased her footsteps and the person turned around. Seeing those maroon coloured eyes and dark curly hair. Lyn felt the tears fall from her eyes and she hugged the woman tightly.

It was her brother's recently deceased wife Gabrielle. It seems she truly didn't die. When she first heard the theory about her soul, Lyn was sceptical. She heard from Pupilliam the description of Gabrielle's death and it felt like a natural death. But, then she recalls her talk on reincarnation and souls with Rhys. It's possible for a person to be resurrected as long as their soul is still around.

Gabrielle looked at her with a tender gaze. "I am sorry for worrying you Lyn."

Lyn shakes her head. "No, you did what you had to. I only wish you discussed it with me before hand. But, it's not like I don't understand. It's all your parents fault." She trails of recalling what happened to them.

"Andrew has already explained everything to me. To the very end, those people only cared about themselves."

"I see." Lyn looked at her friend properly and noticed how pale her skin was. No, she knew after hugging her how cold her body was.

"It was only a week ago when Andrew brought me back, so I am still adjusting to being in my body again."

"You should have rested more."

Gabrielle shakes her head. "I had something important to tell you and-" Her friend's gaze fell towards Rhys. "Sir Rhys too."

In the end they went into the lounge so Gabrielle could sit comfortably. Lyn watched her brother the entire time who was clumsily wrapping layers around Gabrielle.

"Andrew, this is enough. I am not that cold."

Andrew however didn't seem convinced and Lyn laughs. "Brother your still the same." She trails off. "Why don't you go visit General Adrien who has been taking care of your child? I am sure Gabrielle will want to see him."

It feels like if brother Andrew stays here, Gabrielle won't be able to explain anything. At the mention of the child, Gabrielle face seemed to brighten and she looked towards Andrew.

"Can you bring him here? I only saw him briefly, but I do remember how he looked like you."

"I understand." Andrew places a light kiss on Gabrielle's forehead But before he left, he briefly hugged her. "-and you we can chat later."

Lyn sweat fell hearing his warning tone. Uh, oh, he must have heard about her reckless behaviour not too long ago. Isn't it bad enough that Pupilliam lectured her about it?

The minute her brother left, Gabrielle sighed. "Maybe it was best to remain a spirit. I never thought I'd wish for the day where Andrew didn't fuss so much about me."

"Brother has missed you a lot. I was truly worried about him, but I couldn't chase after him and join his journey. If I wasn't the Queen, perhaps I could have helped him. However, I had already made stupid decisions."

"Like chasing Kazuya to the Snow Kingdom?"

"Mm, and not taking care of the elders concern of me not having an heir." Lyn trails off. "If I had fixed these issues beforehand, then perhaps I could have avoided the chaos in the present."

Gabrielle shakes her head. "You still haven't changed Lyn, you still blame yourself for everything. You chasing sir Kazuya to the Snow Kingdom wasn't wrong. He didn't contact you and disappeared for a long time. It wouldn't surprise me if people started distorting rumors and say he was committing treason."

"Your as sharp as ever Gabrielle, that is exactly what happened. Kazuya broke contact with me and then suddenly there was the war with the Snow Kingdom. People started to put the pieces together, and thought Kazuya had gone to the Snow Kingdom to ask for assistance to commit treason."

"The imaginations of nobles haven't changed." Gabrielle takes a sip of the tea. "Did Miss Pupilliam make this?"

"Yes, um." Lyn looked towards the door awkwardly. "She is guarding outside. Do you wish to-"

"We do need to speak, but I need to make my report to you first. I spent a lot of time wandering around in soul form. Normally, I shouldn't have my memories as a wandering soul when I return to my natural body. However, for some reason I had them."

Lyn turned to the silent Rhys, but Raven was the one who explained.

"That happens to people with high level magic, and well I don't think we really need to analyse whether you have that or not." Raven explained.

Gabrielle chuckled. "That's true, but it still surprised me." She trails off and takes out a blue moonstone. "It may also be because of this. It's something sir Rhys gave to me five years ago."