The Sword Dance of Red and Blue Part 7

Lyn stared at Rhys and tugs on his sleeve. "You gave Gabrielle a present? Were you flirting with her?" She looked at him horrified.

Rhys face colour turns pale and he panics, only for her to laugh. "I am kidding, I know how much you liked me."

"Please don't joke about that. I just gave it to her because her mana seemed unstable. It wasn't as bad as yours, and she had better control of it. But, sometimes it would fluctuate and cause damage to her surroundings. So, I gave her that." Rhys trails off. "If you had that with you when you passed away, naturally you'd still keep it when you're in soul form."

"Your magic certainly seems to be special sir Rhys." Gabrielle commented.

"When you use magic that is from hundreds, no centuries ago it's only natural for it to be different." Raven points out.

"Oh? What are you trying to imply?"

"That I am surprised that such outdated magic works in this day."

Lyn sweat fell seeing the lightning bolts between the two. Just when Raven is starting to get along with Ark again, now he is arguing with Rhys? A troubled look appeared in her face as she looked towards the two. They certainly are similar to one another, and yet she could never fall in love with Raven.

She tugged on Rhys sleeve again and looked at him with a pleading expression and he sighs.

"I will admit that the magic I use belongs to the ancient Empire. However, while it is rare for others to use it. There are one or two individuals who use it. It is classified as dark magic simply because people do not use it, but there is nothing harmful in the magic I use. When I gave lady Gabrielle that stone, I knew it would help her and not cause any harm."

It is during moments like this where she can see how much Rhys has matured. If it were the past him he would have continued the fight.

"I am very thankful, even though you had no reason to help me."

"I had a reason." Rhys looks back at her. "Your Lyn's friend."

Even without further explanation, Lyn understood what he was trying to say. Ah, so he would help anybody simply because they are her friend? Lyn buried her face in Rhys arms. Normally she isn't very comfortable with public displays of affection, but how can she possibly turn him away when he is behaving so sweetly?

Rhys laughs and pats her hair. "What are you doing?"

"Thanking you."

"You don't have to, but I appreciate it."

Raven coughs and Lyn snaps her attention back to Gabrielle, who was looking at her and Rhys with a tender gaze in her eyes.

"I am relieved to see that the two of you are doing well. I don't know how many times I discussed with Andrew about finding sir Rhys for you and dragging him back to the Mist Kingdom."

Lyn blinks. "If you discussed it with brother, I don't think he would agree."

"On the surface yes, but it seems he did take my concerns seriously and whenever he had time he would search for sir Rhys." Gabrielle turns to Rhys. "Didn't he almost catch you a few times?"

Rhys sighs deeply. "That person is very persistent. At first I thought it was a mere coincidence that he kept appearing in the same places as me, but then I heard from the locals that he seemed to be searching for someone. When I heard my description leave their lips I immediately changed my destination. I think he finally surrendered after a while, but it took forever to get rid of him."

Lyn found the story very funny, she could even imagine it. Rhys slightly pinched her cheeks. "Do you think it's funny? If your brother really caught me, it would have been bad."

"Bad for you, but good for me."

After all she missed him a lot, if brother truly brought Rhys back to her, she would have made sure not to let him go.

"That's true." Rhys gently patted her hair. "It's possible for the soul to return to the body after death. But, the procedure isn't very simple. I know Prince Andrew is skilled, however he isn't very familiar with ancient magic. Was there someone else?"

"There was, the former King."

Lyn blinked. "Father Daichi?"

Gabrielle shakes her head and Lyn's eyes widened. Ah, then that means-?

"Andrew should tell you about it in more detail. But, your mother and your real father are both alive Lyn. They were the ones who helped Andrew out."

Lyn truly felt overwhelmed. Seeing Gabrielle alive, and now hearing that both her parents were too. Even though she knew that her mother must have disappeared because she found clues that her father was alive. Even though she investigated and learned that she was indeed alive.

A part of her was still worried that mother would encounter danger and die. Alive, both of them were alive.

She felt the tears she held back fall from her eyes and Rhys gently pats her back.

"Right now, it is a bit difficult for them to come here. However, they gave us the location they are staying in and insisted that you come and see them after the war ends."

Lyn immediately understood. There must be some complications with father's body. Otherwise why wouldn't father make contact sooner? That issue aside, father probably has mixed feelings about returning to the Mist Kingdom. In the end, he was backed to the corner by the very people he had been protecting. It won't be easy for him to return.

As for her mother, while they did not spend enough time together to form a proper bond. During the short moments they did spend time together, Lyn realized that her mother never wanted to rule. She never wanted the throne. Mother must have had other dreams, but her royal lineage tied her down.

"Lady Gabrielle, apologies for the interrupting but I do think you should tell them what you discovered in the realm of souls." Raven interjected.

"Indeed, we have gotten a bit off topic there. Now then, as for what I found in the realm of souls. Get comfortable because this will take a long time to explain."