The Sword Dance of Red and Blue Part 16

Luke snapped out of his trance when he felt somebody shaking him and calling his name. His gaze fell on his surroundings, it was Someya who had been furiously shaking him awake. But the one who called out to him was a woman with long white coloured hair and grey eyes.

"Your highness Princess Mei." Luke addressed.

"To think you would be caught up in a dream spell." Mei trails off. "Are you not letting your guard down?"

A dream spell? Luke looks around and sees purple coloured bubbles floating around. So, that's why. But, why did she dream about the first day she spoke with Queen Lyn?

After that day, Queen Lyn frequently chatted with him and each visit, she made sure to greet him after greeting Queen Jennifer.

"Explain why Queen Jennifer locked you away." Luke asked bluntly.

At those words a troubled look flashes through Mei's eyes.

"I told her, that maybe we should change our plans. Do we truly have to kill Lyn?"

Hearing those words Luke's gaze dimmed. "Of course we have to."

"But why? Queen Jennifer can just become the Empress. If she defeats Queen Lyn in a war, then Lyn's value will drop and her chances of becoming the Empress are low. Does she necessarily have to die?" Mei argued.

Someya nods. "I'm also thinking the same. I mean don't you think that's why Ayah switched sides? Isn't it because she thinks there is something wrong with this war?"

"Even if something is wrong, we cannot disobey the Queen." Luke interjected.

It doesn't matter what they think, in the end all they can do is obey orders. They have no free will of their own.

'You know Luke, one day I want to unite the lands and create a place that is more equal. With no distinctinction rank or name, will the people finally see true peace?'

Lyn, that dream of yours was impossible to begin with and now everything you treasure will be stained a bright red.


In the Mist Kingdom, Main Palace.

Lyn had just finished meeting with the elders, and she was on her way to check on the soldiers. She received word in the middle of the meeting that signs of snow Kingdom soldiers were spotted in the eastern cave. That cave is close to the shrine Rhys and her stumbled upon. It seems like Jen already knows what their aim is. If so, then she ought to get the others prepared.

She sighs deeply. "Kazuya, I told you so many times to stay in bed. Why do you never listen to me?"

Lyn turned her head to find her husband perched on tree waving a knife around.

Kazuya wore a loopside grin. "I'm fine now. I recovered a lot of my strength due to Rhys magic."

He certainly looked healthier than before, but it has only been four days since what happened.

"Get down."

Kazuya nodded and leaped of the tree. Lyn immediately noticed his staggering movements and frowns. Even if he looks healthier than he has been. Lyn knew that it would be impossible for him to regain his natural strength.

"Aren't you going to check on the knights? Let me come along."

Lyn sighs and wraps the scarf that was around her neck around Kazuya's. It was the one Gabrielle had made for her. Seeing how Kazuya wasn't wearing any layers, Lyn frowned. This person, doesn't he know how bad the snow storm is? It's not as visible inside the palace walls. However, the air grows colder and colder.

The final battle maybe happening in their terrain. But their soldiers are not used to fighting in these conditions. This will be a very difficult battle.

"Isn't this your gift from Gabrielle? Should you really be letting me use it?"

"Why do you think I am lending it to you? It's because your so careless." Lyn also grabs hold of his hand. "Alright, stick close to me. If you feel dizzy let me know."

Kazuya laughs. "You really are kind Lyn, this is why I love you."

She immediately freezes hearing Kazuya's words but Kazuya continues.

"Four days ago, I woke up briefly and saw you beside me and Rhys in the chair exhausted. When I saw you two like that, I understood something. You two truly care about me, and you would never abandon me when I am in this condition. I decided I would stop holding myself back from expressing my feelings for you, since me being respectful is only making everything awkward between the three of us."

Lyn sighs hearing his explanation. "It took you this long to figure that out? Sometimes I have to question your IQ."

"H-hey, I'm a genius! A one of kind one." Kazuya insisted.

Lyn's gaze fell on the window in the ceiling, all she could see was white. The snow storm is becoming increasingly more vicious by the minute and with the soldiers report. Two more days? Two or three, and Jen will most-likely start. Is she ready?

The problems she has had with her new sword have vanished after Rhys started to help her. But, Lyn still lacked confidence since she knew she wouldn't be able to kill Jen.

"Lyn, are you okay? You have eyebags. Have you not been sleeping? Oh is it because I have been stealing your room?" Kazuya asked worriedly.

She shakes her head. "It's just the idea of killing Jen is a bit difficult for me. I know Jen has committed many crimes and has made thousands of people suffer. But, a part of me still wants to believe in her. I know it's foolish and silly but-"

Kazuya squeezes her hands. "It's not silly. I know how you feel. You want to continue believing in them, even if they betray you, even if they make you and your loved ones suffer. You want to keep believing."

Hearing Kazuya's words, Lyn recalls something he told her when they first started dating. He spoke to her about his master who taught him everything and raised him like his own child. That same master massacred their entire village and almost killed him. Kazuya became a wandering warrior after that incident and travelled, and travelled.

During those travels, he continued to hear even more bad things about his master. Yet even hearing all that, he still believed, even if it was foolish. That's right, this person should understand better than anybody what she is going through right now.

She has hesitated speaking about this with Rhys, afraid that he would feel disgusted with her. Jen has already done this much, and yet she is hesitating? What a joke.

The Empire she envisioned is still far away. However, she cannot hesitate here. If she can stop Jen without killing her, then she will chose to do so. But, if she has no choice, then she has to prepare herself.