The Sword Dance of Red and Blue Part 17

When they reached the training grounds where all the regular knights were gathered. Lyn is surprised to see Rhys there, he had just finished a match with one of the soldiers and said it was time for a break.

She tilted her head puzzled. Now that she thought about it, ever since Rhys got back, there were times where he would disappear. Could it be, has he been helping the regular knights train?

He doesn't have to do so much for her. The training of the knights should be her responsibility. It should fall under her duties. However, with everything that has happened, it is one of the tasks she has neglected.

Her thoughts break off when Rhys removes his shirt. His muscular toned body now trickling with sweat was in full view. He didn't even break a sweat fighting with brother. How long has he been helping the knights practice?

More importantly, Lyn blushed. E-even if he is warm, does he have to remove his shirt?

Rhys suddenly looked over in their direction. "Hey-" He pauses, seeing their intertwined hands. "I see you're getting comfortable without me."

Lyn shook her hands off immediately. "This is only because Kazuya looked dizzy! Don't misunderstand."

He isn't upset is he? She just didn't want Kazuya to collapse or rush off.

Rhys laughs breaking her distressed thoughts. "I won't, I saw you staring at me just now. Do you like what you see?" Hearing his tone turn flirtatious, Lyn immediately looks away.

'Like what I see? I have the privilege to see it anytime, and yet it doesn't stop me from being embarrassed. Of course I like what I'm seeing. But, I will never admit those words out loud.'

While Rhys doesn't tease her as often as he did in the past, he hasn't stopped it entirely. No, it's a lot worse now, since he feigns ignorance when he is teasing her.

"Hey Rhys, don't tease Lyn so much. If her face turns anymore red, it will be a problem."

"You know, I don't have to do anything to make her blush right?"

"Your showing off now?"

Lyn kept avoiding looking at Rhys and instead focused on Kazuya. Indeed, he must have resolved himself. She can no longer sense awkwardness when these two speak to each other.

Rhys suddenly walked up to her and bent down. "Hey, I know your lovestruck but, if you don't greet me properly I will be upset."

Lyn slowly turned to him, but she focused on his face. However Lyn realized her mistake a second later. His face is handsome too. She slowly extends her hands out and brushes a strand of lose hair away from his face.

"I didn't know you've been helping the knights. Thank you so much."

"It's not a problem, unlike the personal knights they don't have legendary weapons. So, their fight will be difficult. What I have taught them is very limited but at the very least, it will save them from being killed."

"Thank you." Lyn repeated.

By doing that, he has increased their chances of survival.

She allows the knights to have their break while she sat down and rested her head on Rhys shoulder. Thankfully he was now wearing his shirt, because if he remained like that any longer it would have been bad for her.

Kazuya had gone off to speak to some of the knights he got along with, leaving her alone with Rhys.

"Kazuya looks better."

Lyn nods. "Thanks to you. But, I am worried. I do not think he should participate in the battle."

"I understand how you feel, but if you do not let him participate in the fight, he will blame himself if something happens to you. He would rather keep you within sight, even if we fail."

"I was thinking about that. Would we have higher chances of winning if all three of us fight against Jen? Although, it's not very fair having three people against one."

Rhys shakes his head. "No, you are right. I was going to discuss this with you two. I asked Ark about details of his fight with Queen Jennifer and it seems like we will need all the strength we can get to fight her."

"We have to defeat her yes. But, we have to perform the ceremony at the alter. What are we supposed to do first?"

"The ceremony at the alter." Rhys replied immediately. "That is a priority. Rather, I don't think Jen will attack you until we complete the ceremony."

"How come?" Lyn asked.

"Her aim is to kill you, me and Kazuya. But what fun is it attacking us when we are all weakened? She will do so, when we have regained our strength, when we have our hopes up. Then she will step over and crush us."

Unfortunately Lyn couldn't disagree with him. Certainly, she can see Jen doing that. Her friend would want her to suffer as much as possible.

"Since we are getting married again, shouldn't you be giving me another ring?"

Rhys gaze softens. "I have one ready, don't you?"

"I do."

To think her second marriage ceremony with Rhys will be happening in the middle of the war. Immediately after they exchange rings, and put their jades in the correct slot. Jen will most-likely attack. She won't even have time to enjoy a single moment of happiness.

Jen, it seems like it's truly impossible for the two of us to be friends.

'I don't want to kill you. But, you certainly cannot walk around freely after this.'

If she wins against Jen, keeping her alive will be difficult. There will be many people who want her dead. It may put her in an awkward position, however, as the next Empress she can at least do this much. Lyn knew that the empress test was formality and so were the so-called other candidates. Her position as the Empress has already been confirmed, all she has to do is overcome this war.

Previously they had been searching for other ways to 'test' her. However, the war with the Snow Kingdom suddenly came and those people sent her a short message saying they would be watching.

To become the Empress, Jen is most-likely aiming for the same thing. Before this war happened, Lyn may have encouraged her friend to go for it and stepped aside. But after this, how could she possibly allow Jen to become the Empress? If Jen rules, she recalls brothers words and images flashes through her head.

She cannot allow that to happen ever again.