The Sword Dance of Red and Blue Part 22

Lyn bit her lip. She wanted to make sure he was truly okay first but knew they didn't have much time left. Even from here she could hear the sounds of battle. She has to hurry up. She turns to Rhys, who suddenly scoops her up in his arms.

"W-what are you doing?" Lyn said, startled.

"Last time, I carried you like this because your heel broke."

"T-that was last time." Lyn stammered. Her shoes aren't broken now!

Rhys only laughed and she reluctantly let him carry her onto the podium. The minute they stepped onto it, the podium started glowing. Red and blue, it's their colour. Rhys places her down and bends down briefly and kisses her fingertips before standing up again.

It was an unusual wedding ceremony, there was no priest or anybody from the church to announce the usual vows.

There was no audience other than Kazuya.

They could have made Kazuya say the vows, in fact he suggested it the night before. But she turned him down, what she is doing to him is already cruel enough. They don't need anybody to recite it for them.

She turns to Rhys. This is the man she will spend the rest of her life, her one and only soulmate. Thank you so much for returning to her side.

As Rhys was placing the ring on her finger, and she was doing the same with him. She recalls what he said to her when he first started to court her again.

'Long ago, the god of this universe decided that he would create life that would live in these beautiful lands. He or she created a beautiful world, and yet there was nothing there. In order to create the first life, they offered parts of their body and merged it into a crystal before splitting it in half. Since then, humans have been born without half their soul, and are fated to search for the one who would complete them.'

The crystal that was split in half would be their jades. Her jade is incomplete because of this.

Her other half, finally she found him.

Ever since she was younger, she always felt that there was something missing in her life. Was it because she was a hidden existence? Back then she assumed that was the reason, and anxiously waited for the day for her mother to announce her identity to the world. But, even when she did, nothing had changed.

It was only during her time with Rhys did she feel complete.

The moment they finish exchanging rings, Lyn hears the sound of a crack in the sky. A woman with white coloured hair lands on the stage, a dark aura surrounded her entire body. Her eyes filled with hate. It was her friend Jen.

No, this was the woman she had to defeat.


The sound of swords clashing, and magic being fired. The battle against Jen had only just started but it was already intense.

Kazuya wanted nothing more than to help directly, but the state of his body wasn't good. After Lyn placed her jade in the center, his condition deteriorated. Is it because the false partner is here in the ceremony? Maybe he should not have gotten onto the stage at all.

Moreover Jen didn't just come here alone, she had to bring her little army of the undead here too. Due to the sacred protection of the stage, her army could only stay in the water. But, they were trying to damage the stage. The stage won't collapse easily, however if there is that many trying to destroy it, they may succeed in damaging it.

His thoughts break off seeing somebody kneeling down. It was a woman with short blonde coloured hair. She looked at him worriedly. "Kazuya?"

"Chisa." Kazuya managed to say.

It was the Sound Kingdom's thirty sixth Queen Chisato.

The girl sighs in relief and points to the direction of the water. "Not just me."

Kazuya's eyes widened seeing the large amount of people. A mixture of sound, wind and rain Kingdom soldiers. While he heard they would be having reinforcements, he assumed that the majority of the force will be focusing on protecting the castle and town. Who would have thought that this many would come and help?

There was another person with Chisato, a man with long pale coloured hair wearing blue and a crown with the Rain Kingdom symbol on it. This was the first time meeting him, but Kazuya could see the similarities of his friend in this person.

"You must be Kazuya. I am not as good of a medic as my younger brother, but I can at least do something so you regain a bit of your strength." Isaki spoke slowly as he crouched down.

A bright light emerged in Isaki's palm, engulfing him.

"As you know the healing arts is limited, there is no magic out there that can heal wounds. What we can do at best is to ease the person's pain and keep them alive."

It seems like not even Rhys brother knows about his healing magic. Then again, the less people who know the better.

Chisa was looking at him with a worried gaze but then she started to frantically shake his shoulders.

"I can't believe the nerve of you not to come visit once and I had to hear from letters how badly your condition was deteriorating."

"Uh, but I'm the King of another Kingdom. It's not easy for me to leave."

"I don't want to hear that excuse. Lyn already told me how you have been travelling around and leaving her alone. If you were going to travel anyway, you should have just visited. If you did visit then maybe your body would have recuperated better." Chisato lectured.

Kazuya knew he couldn't argue with that. He may have become the Mist Kingdom king, but his origin is still the Sound Kingdom. Normally, it is difficult for individuals from other Kingdom's to live in another Kingdom for a long time due to the living standards being different. In the case of marriages between other Kingdoms, they are normally permitted to leave and visit their Kingdom's.

Of course he was no exception to this, and yet Kazuya couldn't do it. The most he could do was travel around the Mist Kingdom, and the Kingdoms close by. Just in case something happened to Lyn, he would be able to reach her faster. If he visited the Sound Kingdom, it would be difficult to get back quickly.