The Sword Dance of Red and Blue Part 24

With the edition of the water dragon Ao, the battle against Jen was a lot smoother than earlier. Unlike her and Rhys, Jen doesn't have a familiar. So she not only has to deal with attacks from her and Rhys but from Ao and Kosame. There is also Kazuya to deal with, five against one is hardly what she would call a fair fight. However, Ark was certainly correct.

Had she tried to fight Jen by herself, she would have lost immediately. It's a good thing that she listened to Rhys. Because Kazuya destroyed Jen's barrier, her attacks that couldn't reach before could reach now.

Despite being attacked by five people however Jen was holding out quite well.

Lyn closes her eyes. She needs to focus on merging the mana of her swords.

They are just barely managing to push Jen back, but even this much fighting strength won't be enough to defeat her. She recalls something her brother told her during their sparring sessions.

'You have a dual blade, unlike single blade users. You stand a higher chance of hitting your opponent. However do not make a mistake, you may have two blades, but do not treat them as separate swords. Treat them as one. Now that you have found a sword that is compatible with yours, take advantage of it and merge their strengths as one.'

Merging the power of their blades as one. The sword of lycoris which she obtained recently is the only sword that is actually compatible with her phoenix sword. After so long, she has found the perfect blade. But ever since she obtained it she has been struggling.

No that's wrong, it's because she is trying to suppress her strength. She is afraid that if she truly masters the sword, she would end up killing Jen.

'Jen, even though you are fighting me with the intent to kill me. I cannot do the same for you. However, I cannot allow this to continue.'

The longer this fight continues, the more she is worried that something will happen to- right as she was thinking that she hears the sound of something shattering. Fragments of a blue coloured crystal started to fall from the sky.

Her eyes widened alarmed and she immediately turns her attention to Rhys.

Blood, soaking into the carpet on the podium, and even the river surrounding the stage.

This blood wasn't hers, as it should have been. It belonged to Rhys.

Lyn's expression turned pale. No, No, No. Why? Rhys- Rhys is-

Kazuya blocked the incoming attack from Jen and kept her occupied but he was glancing over at her worriedly.

She sucked in her breath, paralyzed to the ground. She was frightened. She wanted to scream but she had no energy to do so. Rhys mana was dropping as each minute went by, pieces of his now broken jade was

Rhys weakly extends his hands out and caresses her cheek. "H-hey, do-don't cry."

"R-rhys-you, your-" Lyn stammered. She couldn't get any words out.

"I'm okay." Rhys said weakly.

But even as he spoke, Lyn felt his remaining life force slowly being drained away.

There is no way he is okay, he has a sword in his chest and he is losing so much blood. Moreover his jade just shattered to pieces. His current state looked worse than Kazuya.

Isaki kneeled down beside her and a bright light emerged from his hands.

But Lyn understood that brother Isaki's magic will only help him regain his strength. She has to use her healing ability.

"Little Lyn, calm down first. You won't be able to use your healing magic without having a clear mind." Isaki advised.

Ah, so he knows about it? Of course he does. Rhys was very close with his brothers, he wouldn't hide anything from them. Lyn looked towards Rhys again, and her heart felt like it would shatter into pieces like his jade.

His current state broke her heart. This wasn't supposed to happen. How did his jade break? She thought that Jen couldn't touch it? How did she manage to do it?

No, what's important right now is to focus on healing Rhys. He has already lost so much blood and the jade was his life force. Calm down Lyn, this isn't the first time she has seen Rhys in this condition. Five years ago, there was another incident where Rhys became severely hurt and she ended up using her healing ability in front of everyone.

She takes a deep breath before she extends her hand out and a familiar light emerges from her fingertips. Lyn holds Rhys hand tightly.

'My beloved, you truly are the only one for me. Did you know, ever since we met, I have not felt lonely. The loneliness and longing I had for warmth vanished when I met you and my life felt complete. That's why when you left me, I no longer saw the meaning in my own life, without you there is no point in living. You cannot leave me.'

If only, if only she told Rhys her feelings for him sooner. From the very moment they met again in the Mist Kingdom, Lyn understood that this person was special to her. She was immediately drawn to him, even though she didn't have memories of their childhood. Even more than Kazuya, the person she felt close with then was Rhys.

'The reason I confessed to you Lyn and asked you out was out of desperation. I saw how close you were getting with Rhys, now that I think about it. It was pathetic of me.'

Recalling Kazuya's words, Lyn briefly looks over at Kazuya who was fighting Jen. Kazuya's own condition isn't good, he won't be able to keep her occupied for much longer. She has to be the one who ends this. She has burdened Kazuya and Rhys long enough.

If only she resolved herself from the beginning, perhaps this wouldn't have happened. Perhaps she could have avoided this disaster. The more of her healing magic that she used, the brighter the light became and soon she found herself engulfed in an unusual light.

There stood a woman that strangely resembled her wearing a red and white eastern gown. Seeing the red fire dragon amulet on her neck, Lyn immediately identified her. Is this the realm of souls? Then this person must be, her ancestor.

"Lady Megami?" Lyn mumbled.

The woman's lips curved to a smile. "You truly are an interesting child. I have been watching over you for a long time, far longer than you may think."

"Then, why didn't you-"

"Numerous times I thought of showing myself in front of you, especially when I saw you suffering. But my partner advised me that I shouldn't interfere too much and allow nature to take it's course. That man can be quite heartless."

Lyn laughed hearing those words. "I understand how you feel. The person I love is the same way, he can be overly serious. But, he is also so kind and gentle."

"Do you wish to save him?"

"You can do that?" Lyn said hopefully.

Megami shakes her head. "I do not have the power to intervene in the current life. But the reason I couldn't pass away was I was worried about my descendants."

"Your descendants, do you mean me? Am I truly-" Lyn still couldn't believe it. How is it possible for her to be the descendant of the first saintess, and the first wielder of the phoenix dragon?

"Yes, but amongst your family members my blood in you flows the strongest. So, I almost see you as my own child."

"Lady Megami, if you can't help Rhys. Then I don't think-" Her sentence fell short when the woman hugged her.

"Ssh, it's alright. You will be fine, first you have to calm yourself down. He is your beloved, the other half of your soul. Your souls are firmly intertwined with one another. If he passes away your life will not last any longer."

"Is that what happened to you?" Lyn asked.

Megami nods. "It is. Most people aren't aware of it but if you lose the other half of your soul, you will follow them shortly after. Since a human cannot live with only one half of their soul. Dear child, if you can still stand and use your magic, that means you haven't lost him just yet."

"Lady Megami I-"

"Just focus, and remember your fond memories together. The person you love will not leave you just like that. Even now he is fighting to be with you." Megami trails off. "Because I have been watching over you so closely, I have felt every single emotion you have felt so I understand. The love you have for him is even more powerful than the one I had for my loved one. These precious emotions, thank you for making me feel it. This way, I can finally chose to move on."

"Does that mean your going to pass through the wheel of reincarnation?"

"Yes, I hope we will meet again in the real world. This will be my final message to you. You two have altered the laws of nature. You have made the impossible a reality. The power of your love will save the Empire. Lyn, I am very proud of you. Please continue to guide everyone, to love them all. Continue to carve your own future with your beloved."

The bright light surrounds her again, and Lady Megami's image fades.

The minute she opened her eyes, she felt a familiar warm hand on hers. It belonged to Rhys, he was no longer laying on the ground fighting for his life but instead he stood right beside her with a gentle gaze in his eyes.

The shattered jade had fixed itself and Rhys had placed it in the other empty slot in the stone tablet, causing the entire stage to glow. That's right, from the very beginning she would never be able to end this fight alone.

She leaned over and whispered something in Rhys ear and his cheeks turn red.

"I think you're more corrupted than me."

Lyn laughs. "But, you love me regardless don't you?"

"I love you Lyn." Rhys leans forward and gently kisses her forehead. "Now that you saved me, shall we end this together?"

Lyn nodded. This was never just her battle, nor her burden to deal with.

"Kazuya, get out of the way." Rhys exclaimed.

Kazuya nodded and stepped back. By this point the demon had completely possessed Jen, and she could no longer see a single spec of light in her eyes. But that was fine. She will save her right now. With her hands firmly intertwined with Rhys, they charged forward with both their blades.

It was an oddly beautiful sight. A gorgeous rainbow coloured light emerged from their swords as they stabbed Jen in the chest. The sky and sea that had turned grey was suddenly filled with colour again. Jen's army of the undead was slowly vanishing into a pool of light. The battle had ended, they won.

The girl lands in her arms and Lyn sets her down on the ground. Jen weakly extends her hand out towards her. "L-Lyn." Jen said weakly.

"I am right here."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything. The demon could only possess me because I possessed feelings of jealousy and hate towards you. I was envious of you. Even though you were a hidden existence, people grew to love you. Why? Our circumstances were the same, but why were you loved, why not me?" Jen said bitterly.

These words almost resemble the ones sister Lethia told her.

"I approached you in the academy with the intention of using you, and ruining your life. But Rhys got in the way, and even when I used Ayah to drive a wedge between you two. You still loved and trusted him. That love and trust is something I can't understand. But, if I had it perhaps it wouldn't be like this."

Lyn shakes her head, as she holds her friend's hand she knew Jen didn't have much longer to live.

"I forgive you, is there anything you wish for?"

"Please do not to be too hard on my people, they were only listening to my orders. They had no choice. My sister Mei and my brother the former King, have them rule together. With their combined strength, the Snow Kingdom will be as good as new."

"I understand, is there anything else?" Lyn was struggling to remain calm.

"Lyn, do not cry. This is what I chose. Thank you for being my friend."

The minute Jen vanished, Lyn clenched her fist.

'May we meet again, in the next life. I hope the next time we meet, we can truly become friends.'

Lyn turned her attention to Kazuya, who was being surrounded by the Sound Kingdom soldiers. The same went for Rhys who had a crowd of Rain Kingdom soldiers around them.

The two of them both have homes that are not here, and yet she knew they'd still chose to come to her.

Her thoughts break off when she spots Rhys walking over to her.

"So hey, I think I will be going back with them."

Despite Rhys casual words, Lyn understood that it wasn't easy for him to decide this.

"I'll be back before Kazuya kneels over and kicks the bucket."

"Oh, only you would joke during a time like this."

She truly didn't want him to go. But, with his condition. It would be impossible for him to stay in the Mist Kingdom. His jade, she may have fixed the pieces. But, just like Kazuya's, the colour has faded. His life force was damaged.

'I saved his life, but he needs to heal his natural energy. To do that, he has to return to his home and recuperate there.'

"You have to return to me." Lyn mumbled.

"Of course, my Queen. No, my Empress." Rhys corrected. "Your emperor shall return to you in one piece."

"I will miss you too much, what am I going to do without you?"

"Count the days until I return to your side? I'd like to see some proof this time how much you missed me."

Lyn rolled her eyes. "What type of proof?"

"Maybe, you can swear your undying love for me." Rhys cups her cheeks. "Your crying, how can I leave when your like this?"

"I--I'm sorry." Lyn sobbed. She understands why he has to go, but this is very difficult for her.

Her thoughts break off when she felt the most gentle kiss on her forehead, eyelids, nose and then her lips. It felt magical, as a gorgeous coloured rainbow in the background, pink cherry blossoms floating in the air and the shrine gate changing colour. The now plain gate was now half red and blue. Their colour, the colour of her and her beloved.

"I'll come back, and when I do. I'll never leave your side again."

"I will be waiting."