Chapter 2- Early game sucks.

Reincarnation, the romance that many dreams of, Adventures in an entire new world, Powers and cheats beyond your wildest dreams, fame and wealth beyond recognition, Beautiful and handsome love interest that would make others look pale in comparison, Friendship and love blooming in the midst of epic battles, Coordinating with friends and even enemies during dire situations and surviving, Learning under a renowned master, strategizing epic raids and fighting mythical and legendary class beasts, Getting your first legendary class weapon, feeling of strength and hope during your darkest hours, and becoming that overpowered badass that makes everyone shits their pants.




Well, f*ck that stuff.

Hours had passed since I had awakened, and I was surprised that I had reincarnated. I wanted to clap for myself for reincarnating, then came to the realization that I didn't have hands. Rather than hands I couldn't even move. The reason was obvious to me after thoroughly investigating my self again, just to make sure. It was indeed true that I had been reborn as a cactus which was apparently growing in the


Name: Un-Named Race: Cactus

Hp: 20/20

Mp: 0/0

Sp: 0/0

Energy: 10%

Reserves: 200%

Status: None

Ai: Default

Skill points: 10



The same screen popped up interrupting me in between, with the race updated from unknown to cactus. I understood that the which I am using doesn't have much information of this world and relies on my own knowledge. I stood there lazily when all of a sudden-

the messages popped up, I stood there motionless in utter confusion. The stream of messages continued to pop up without any break.

<(Biting resistance):- resistance to biting and incisions by making cells more adhesive to each other causing it harder for parts to be cut or torn off

Lvl 1:- 0.001% resistance to all damage /0.1% resistance to specific damage (biting or similar type)

Current level:- 1 Next level: 10/100 (Exp)>

The things were appearing too fast and were too sudden. I made two and two of the situation and looked at the biting resistance and wondered if it was any good. Suffice to say-


-It wasn't.

I was panicking. I was wondering what was biting me. I assumed it must have been a small insect or a worm. My fears grew worse as I started to wonder in what ways was it trying to consume me. I didn't have leaves for the worm to eat, only thorns and the round body. I came to the sudden realization that it was trying to bore inside of me. " .... nonononononnonononononno!!!!", that was all that was running across my mind.


Whatever the worm was doing I couldn't feel anything other than a weird tickle. I wondered if it had anything to do with being a plant.

Some time passed and I wondered if it was really important for me to survive, I could just let nature take its course. If I had reincarnated once maybe I could reincarnate again into something that could move at least. The seemingly endless possibilities interested me.

But then i thought, "But, wait a minute, there is no guarantee that I will be reborn again.... wait. There is no guarantee that I will not be reborn as a plant again. Well, I guess being a plant won't be that bad, no worries just laying basking in the sun. It'll be great to become any plant, except for broccoli. Broccolis are nasty.*munch* But then again, insects and herbivores are still a problem. Well, I guess better to see the status screen again. I don't have any other option right now."

I looked at the status and my HP had gone down by 1 point. I read it and of all the things Skill points seem to be the only one that seemed useful in that current situation, though I had already seen it but didn't know how to use them.

The word's evolution greatly interested me and I asked it if I could evolve into something that could move?

I was once again let down, but I didn't give up hope.

The bug seemed to have pierced the outer wall and stopped. I looked up the Regen hoping that it would be able to recover me before the bug wakes up.

Lvl 1:-Regeneration speed 1hp/day >

The regen seemed absolutely weak. My life was going to depend on how I was going to use my skill points. The Status section appeared.


Attributes :-

Strength - 1 Dexterity - 0

Intelligence - 800 Perception - 100

Constitution -10 Agility - 0

Wisdom - √[Total of all Base Attributes +

Current Skill points]


I had the basic idea of what they all meant but I had to make sure, so I asked if there was any information on the stats.

[Strength:-The factor which decides the amount of force the creature can apply to the things around it.


Current points:-1]



Current points:-?]

[Intelligence:-The factor which decides the level of knowledge and sophistication one holds and decides the amount of experience and skill points one can gain.

Effects:-Sentience, Memory pool, Imagination, Thinking, Emotions.

Current points:-800]

[Perception:- The factor which decides the user's ability to perceive things around it ... the higher the level the greater the amount of surrounding information can be processed.

Effects:-Sight, smell, hearing, taste, and sense

Current points:-100]

[Constitution:- The factor which decides the overall regenerative and defensive abilities of the user.

Effects:-Regeneration (Minor)

Current points:-10]



Current points:-?]

[Wisdom:-The factor which determines the common sense, Problem-solving and overall experience of the user.]

The information provided was incomplete and there was no stat which showed any info on movement.

So, for now, my goal was clear.

1st I needed movement.

2nd I needed to know where the insect was.

3rd I needed something to dig it out if it was inside.

First I needed information on the stats. Both of the stats were related to movement and I needed answers. I placed one point in both agility and dexterity.

[Agility:-The factor which decides the speed with which the body or limbs of the creature is moved

Effects:-Motion (microscopic level)

Current points:-1]

[Dexterity:-The factor which decides the amount of control the person has over their body


Current points:-1]

Looking at the stats, both of them were necessary for movement I decided to take a gamble. I placed 4 points in both Agility and dexterity.


[Agility Effects:- Motion (small).

Current Points:- 5]

[Dexterity Effects:- Spike movement

Current Points:- 5]

I felt a weird sensation rushing through my small body. A few moments passed and I was able to move my thorns and my body only a little bit. I began searching for the insect everywhere by feeling with my skin with my spikes and found it lying on top of one of the spikes. I had to be careful, I moved multiple spikes slowly underneath it.

[The caterpillar toppled down, slides and rolls over frozen rocks falling into the river]

"Well, the situation turned out to be rather favorable for me," I thought, but suddenly a strong sensation took over me leaving me terribly exhausted.

"Why do I-I f-eel so sleeeepy..." The after effects of moving was too exhausting and with that, I fell into a deep slumber.








[The Sound of a carriage comes from a distance and comes to a pause near the sleeping cactus. The door opens and 2 figures come out of the carriage.

The girl looks at the cactus and points at it.

"H-Hey l-look isn't that what we were l-looking for?", Her voice was trembling due to the cold as she spoke to the guy.

The lad jumped over to the cactus and kneeled near it, looking at it, he spoke, "Seems to be the correct plant, let's dig it out for Master Elijah." to which the girl hastily replied, "S-seito c-c-could you hurry. I-I-It's fa-freezing here and I-I don't have earth or snow affinity". The guy sighed," Yes, Lady Aria".

The lad pushed the snow away and proceeded to dig out the cactus. As he does that, his hands were covered in a faint yellowish glow.

*scrrr gurgurgurrarara*

The sounds went calm a little while later as he spoke, "I'm done". The girl was shivering inside the carriage, and as he entered she proceeds to rant," Finally, let's go. H-hurry up and also close the door. Of all the p-places it had to be near a river and a waterfall. Well, at least elder brother will have some good material for research." the lad unenthusiastically replied, "Yes, Lady Aria." as he proceeded to shut the door behind him.]