Chapter 5: Living With The Ruthless Prince? (2)

Luther scanned her and nodded his head in approval.

He stepped forward and pulled her closer to him, he ran his fingers straight through her straight silky hair.

"Prince L-Luther?" Ivery gently pushed him away

"What?" Luther put his hand on her cheek

"Why do you keep...?" Ivery paused, she couldn't bring herself to say it

"What?" Luther finished what she had wanted to say

 Ivery looked away from his eyes and sighed.

"Is there a problem with it?" Luther leaned in closer to her face, not even a finger length apart

"Yes..because, this is something you do with the person you like.." Ivery slightly pushed him back further

Luther smiled.

Ivery wrinkled her eyebrows.

"Like?" Luther smiled 

 Luther lifted her up off from the floor and gently placed her on the bed behind them.

The vague answers Luther gave her made her even more confused, she didn't understand why Luther had been acting this way.

Ivery knew there was no possible way that Luther loved her, they just met a day ago...

"You don't have feelings for me, do you?" Ivery asked him with calm eyes

"What do you think?" Luther asked, looking directly into her eyes

"I don't know that's why I asked." Ivery told him, not knowing how to answer his question

"I guess only time will tell..." He smiled



The door's to the room opened.

"Luther!" A high pitched voice shouted

Ivery turned her head and saw princess Xia standing by the doors, Ivery understood the shock on Princess Xia's face all too well.

Princess Xia's eyes widened as she saw Luther and Ivery on the bed.

Once she saw Luther on top of Ivery, her anger was boiling, overflowing.

Her hands collected a dark green mist, she held her hands up and aimed it at Ivery. The green mist shot out of her hands and darted straight for Ivery.

Ivery automatically reacted and threw herself onto Luther.

They both fell off of the bed and on to the floor, Ivery fell right on top of Luther's body.

She sighed as she acted without thinking again. Her instincts were to dodge the attack but she ended up taking Luther down with her. She looked down at Luther who was under her.

"Sorry." Ivery said aloofly

She lifted herself up off of him but before she could fully get off of him, he pulled her back down and she fell back onto him.

Intense emotions were coming from Xia and she saw that her attack missed her target, she once again collected a green mist in her hands and shot it at Ivery who was laying on top of her fiance.

Luther's eyes narrowed and he held his hand up, his index finger pointed at the green mist that was coming towards them, a black mist intertwined with a dark purple mist shot out of his finger and shot out towards the green mist coming towards them.

In an instant the green mist was consumed and swallowed by the black mist, the black mist headed straight for Xia.

She quickly ducked and the mist hit the wall behind her.

She slowly turned around and saw that the wall that the mist hit was decaying, the wall turned brown then the brown color slowly turned black.

Xia's face turned pale at the sight, if she didn't duck then she certainly would've died!

"Did you try to kill me!?" Xia shouted

"Obviously, it's a pity that I missed" Luther sarcastically pouted

"This time, I won't" Luther pointed his finger at Xia

"I only did that because you're with that girl! I'm your fiance!" Xia looked at Ivery with pure malice in her eyes

"I don't care about your reason, you shouldn't have done anything" Luther sat up and Ivery shifted over and sat on the floor

"We're going to be married soon and you're here playing with another girl! How else should I have acted?!" Xia clenched her hands into fists, her nails digging into her palms

"This is a political engagement, the marriage will only serve as a peace treaty between both of our empires but I'm not obligated to love you, and I certainly don't need to be with only you, I am to be the next Emperor of this's only natural for an emperor to have a harem" Luther smiled at Xia

"I don't believe this! I won't back down Luther, even if you don't love me now, you'll learn to love me have no choice but to!" Xia yelled out

"What are you implying?" Luther crossed his arms

"I just had an audience with the emperor...he assured me that I will definitely be your empress, since the Lilith Empire is such an important ally with the Fresia Empire, our marriage will be the sole connection between both of our countries, this marriage cannot be refused by you!" Xia laughed

"So because you share the same blood as the Lilith empire's emperor, we have to marry?" Luther smirked

"Exactly, since my other sisters don't have enough magical prowess, I was chosen to be your wife" Xia was overconfident with her words, knowing Luther would give in soon and acknowledge this engagement

"So you're saying that you're the strongest princess in the Lilith empire?" Luther asked

"I am" Xia proudly looked at Luther

"I'm afraid that's not true" Luther looked down at Ivery

"What?" Xia was utterly confused

"This girl's magical prowess is far greater than yours..." Luther pointed down at Ivery

"I don't believe you, and she's not even a princess of my castle, I've never seen her before." Xia looked at Ivery, she seemed extremely harmless, it was almost pathetic

"Oh really?" Luther grabbed Ivery's arm and had her stand up on her feet

"What can a girl like her really do? The most she looks like she can do is run away and scream" Xia obnoxiously laughed out, ridiculing Ivery's abilities

"Is that really how you think of me?" Ivery took off her heels and slowly walked towards Xia

"Do you think you can hurt me? Do you know how many wars I've fought in? A weak girl like you who doesn't know how to truly fight can barely scratch me.." Xia was hysterically laughing

Ivery held up her hand and suddenly Xia's body flew back into the wall behind her.

Xia grunted as her back had forcefully impacted the wall, she coughed and stood up from her spot. She looked at Ivery and her hands gathered a dark green mist and she charged at Ivery with no second thought about it.

Ivery's hands flared with a golden glow and as she lifted her hands up, the hem of Xia's light blue dress caught on fire, the golden flames traveled up her dress slowly.

Xia screamed trying to pat the fire down, but it was no use no matter how hard she tried to put out the fire, it still remained. Xia ran over to a vase filled with flowers, she grabbed the vase and poured it over her dress.

The water seemed to have fueled the power of the flame and her dress was being eaten away by the fire.

Ivery put her hands down and in an instant the flames burning her dress disappeared.

The damage to her dress was evidence that she wasn't imagining anything. Her eyes furiously looked at Ivery.

"Kneel." Ivery ordered

Suddenly Xia's legs were beyond her control and she dropped to her knees

"What is this!? What did you do!?" Xia didn't know what this girl just did but she couldn't move her legs no matter how hard she tried to move them

"I believe I was told that this was called, divine commandment" Ivery's red eyes flashed with a golden glow

Xia gritted her teeth and held her hands up

Green balls of mist shot out of her palms and headed towards Ivery

"Useless.." Ivery held up her hands and a golden pink shield appeared in front of her

The green mist dissipated as soon as it hit the shield.

Xia continuously shot her poisonous mist at Ivery's shield, Xia's rage increased when she saw Ivery sit down on a chair and looked very amused at Xia who was struggling to get her poison through Ivery's shield.

Ivery's face showing nothing but indifference, and zero fear. It was as if she saw Xia as someone below her, someone she could easily crush with no effort.

"What's going on here?!" A deep voice yelled behind them

Ivery turned around and saw an incredibly handsome middle aged man with long hair as black as the night sky, his dark purple eyes looking uncannily identical to Luther's.

Ivery then realized who this man was...

He's the emperor of Fresia..and Luther's father..

Ivery's eyes then looked at the man and woman behind the emperor of fresia.

Ivery's blood ran cold once she saw him..

An undeniably handsome man with long blonde hair walked into the room, with his eyes red as a demon, she recognized this man instantly as Inanna's father..

And the beautiful woman beside him was none other than the beautiful empress Cassandra, Inanna's mother.

"Princess Xia? What are you doing?" The emperor of Fresia asked

"This vixen dared to seduce Luther! I'm just trying to teach her a lesson!" Xia didn't stop attacking and continued to shoot her balls of green mist, trying to get through Ivery's unfaltering shield

After sensing an unknown powerful force upstairs, all three of them rushed up to see what the problem was.

Cassandra's eyes landed on Ivery and hastily walked over to her, she tightly held Ivery in a warm embrace.

Ivery didn't understand what was happening at the moment, was this the same Empress that cold-heartedly sent her daughter to the Hollow's Castle and watched Inanna burn at the stake?

Cassandra pressed her forehead against Ivery's and sensed that this girl was definitely her biological daughter.

The empress looked up at Princess Xia who was still attacking Ivery's shield. Cassandra pointed her finger at Princess Xia and a thin golden chain shot straight at Princess Xia.

The chain tightly wrapped around Xia's upper body, confining her arms and hands in the unbreakable chain. Xia struggled in her confinements.

Cassandra put her hands on Ivery's that were still holding up her shield.

Cassandra lowered Ivery's hands and as she did, the golden pink shield faded away as if it was never there.

She held Ivery's hand in her palm and flipped her hand over, she put two fingers on Ivery's wrist and detected a powerful prowess that seemed like it was endless but still growing and getting stronger each second.

"So it's true..." Cassandra pulled Ivery in for another hug

"I'm sorry, my child, could you forgive your mother for sending you to that damned place?" Cassandra cried, her ocean blue eyes were overflowing with tears

Why would Ivery deny the empress, she wasn't stupid to refuse to have a good relationship with Inanna's mother...this situation was good..

If she were Inanna then she was sure she would never forgive her mother, but if it'll help her succeed in her goal in changing Inanna's fate then she'll accept it by all means, even if it was something she wasn't comfortable with. She didn't think highly of Inanna's parents, and she had no particular emotions for either of them, no forgiveness, no hatred, nothing..

Ivery looked at the empress, this time her face was not full of disgust or hatred this time, it was just full of sorrow and regret.

Ivery nodded and gave a fake smile and this made Cassandra cry more.

"If this mother of yours could do it all over again, I would've raised you myself.." Cassandra hugged Ivery tighter


"That girl is your daughter?" The Emperor of Fresia asked Julian

"Yes" Julian replied

"Julian, how come I've never heard that you had another elder daughter in your castle?" The Emperor of Fresia smirked and nudged Julian's arm

"She was mistakenly put in the Hollow's Castle" Julian pushed the Emperor of Fresia away

"She's a child of the Hollow's Castle?" The Emperor of Fresia stroked his chin

"She was.." Julian looked at the Emperor of Fresia

"Why was she taken out?" The Emperor of Fresia asked

"Erdel, stop asking so many questions" Julian sighed

"Tell me.." Erdel smiled

"She's a holder of an Infinite attribute, just like your son over there, she ended up escaping the Hollow's castle and I ended up finding her wandering about in the royal castle.." Julian looked at Crown Prince Luther who was sitting down on a chair, nonchalantly watching everything unfold before his eyes

"She's the second infinite attribute holder?" Erdel looked at Ivery who was in Empress Cassandra's arms

"Yes" Julian nodded

"What are you going to do with her now?" Erdel looked at Julian

"Infinite attributes was said by the saintess to be given by the Gods, they're only bestowed upon people that the gods take a unique liking to, since this girl has a God's favor, she'll become the crown princess of the Lilith Empire" Julian looked at Ivery

"Wait, you can do that? Regardless of her prowess and the fact that she attracted the attention of a god, she's still a female, a woman can't succeed the throne and you already have Crown Prince Liam" Erdel was in disbelief

"So what? When she masters her infinite abilities, no one would dare defy her right to the throne, she'll get the throne by default anyway if something unfortunate happens to Liam since she's a full-blooded Castiell, her eyes are proof of that" Julian said

"If you say so, I won't object" Erdel sighed and then he suddenly realized something

"Since the other daughters of Cassandra were executed because they had no magical prowess, wouldn't that make that girl the only daughter of Cassandra?" Erdel asked

"She's always wanted a daughter, but since every girl that was born from Cassandra possessed no magical prowess cores and they were sent to the Hollow's Castle, she became depressed, I never saw it as a problem because she gave birth to Liam and Carviel, since princesses are usually married off when they become of age and Princes manage the country and the castle, I couldn't understand why she was upset" Julian explained to Erdel

"I see..." Erdel nodded his head

"I've been wondering for a while but why did you think Princess Xia was a good match for Luther?" Erdel honestly never thought Princess Xia was good enough for Luther. Her magic was decent but when compared to Luther, her powers weren't even a fragment of Luther's

"She was the only one that was stronger than the rest" Julian sighed and crossed his arms

"Then, do you think that girl could marry Luther instead? The only two infinite attribute holders in the world, married to each other, that type of marriage could do more than just make an official alliance between both of our empire's.." Erdel's eyes lit up as he imagined Ivery and Luther as a power couple

"It can be arranged...but first I want to have her become an official Princess of the Lilith Empire, people will still look down upon the arrangement if she has no title and is only known as a child from the Hollow's Castle" Julian full heartedly approved of Erdel's idea

"This is a very good day..." Erdel smiled


