Chapter 6: It Starts Here

Ivery opened her eyes and sat up, seemingly not used to seeing a clean room when she awakens. She realized she didn't sleep for long as it was still midnight.

She looked around the house-sized room, she sat on the bed and slowly remembered the events from earlier.

So much happened and she didn't have time to really process everything. First Luther unromantically proposed to her, then her spiteful half-sister attacked her for being with her fiance which is Luther.

Then her mother, Empress Cassandra asked for forgiveness after sending her to the Hollow's Castle to later be executed when she became of age....

Her father had informed her that she'll be returning to the Lilith Castle tomorrow for something important, he didn't tell her any details regarding the "important" situation.

And Luther even said that he'd accompany her to the Lilith Castle.

Ivery needed someone to talk to, she swore she'd go insane if she was left in this giant room by herself, only left with her thoughts.

"Loki" Ivery said out loud

Loki appeared and flew to Ivery's side.

"It seems that everything is going well for you" Loki grinned

"Don't you think princess Inanna's fate is changed now? Crown Prince Luther is interested in her and intends on marrying her, her parents finally acknowledges her, and she might be recognized as a princess now.." Ivery told Loki

"Nope, you still have to finish what you started, you have to get a final result that proves that you successfully changed Princess Inanna's fate, so right now, this is just the beginning, Ivery" Loki laid down on the bed

"..." Ivery laid down on the bed

She remembered that she couldn't necessarily get revenge for Inanna, since she'd only cause problems for herself if she used her powers against Inanna's parents that haven't done anything to her as of yet.

She needed a status before she could do anything remotely close to changing Inanna's fate, she needed to do this the safest way.

If she tried to kill Julian or Cassandra and failed, she could easily get away but then she'd just be on the run, and wanted for attempting to kill her parents, and Julian could sense her now..he could easily find her no matter where she went, as terrifying as that was...

And she was still magically marked as a Hollow's Castle resident.

She didn't even know what Julian and Cassandra were fully capable of, she's still learning the basics her powers, it's just best not to cause trouble for herself by hastily getting revenge...she needed a plan before she could act on anything too drastic.

So it made more sense at the rate that things were going, to change Inanna's fate in a more humane way, instead of resorting to violence, but violence wouldn't change anything for the better anyway.

She also thought about saving the children in the Hollows castle but...sadly that wasn't her objective, her only objective was to change princess Inanna's fate, hopefully, princess Inanna could save them one day from their horrible fate...


"Stop moping, how about I teach you about the other abilities you have later.." Loki hit Ivery with his tail

"How many can you teach me?" Ivery looked at Loki

"How many do you want to learn?" Loki licked the back of his paw

"How many do I have?" Ivery asked

"There's no limit to how far your power can go, as an Infinite attribute holder, there is no number to how many powers you have, and that boy Luther...I just learned something even more terrifying about him" Loki shivered at the thought

"What did you learn?" Ivery rested her chin on her hand

"Remember when I told you how he mastered his Infinite abilities?" Loki looked at Ivery

"Yeah.." Ivery responded

"He's a horrifying existence, he's able to connect to all of his infinite abilities, all of them, every single one, do you know what that means Ivery?" Loki looked into Ivery's eyes

"Kind of..." Ivery scratched her head

"He holds the Infinite attribute of dark chaos, his infinite ability is meant to cause destruction and death, none of his abilities are good, some of your abilities are able to do good, but all of his were created to kill and obliterate and he's somehow able to connect to all of them and use them at will" Loki explained to Ivery

"I see.." Ivery further understood, although she didn't feel fearful

"Be careful, if Inanna dies, you die as well, and if you'll never be able to go back to your original world" Loki said

"I understand..." Ivery nodded

"Do you? He's a danger to your goal.." Loki warned her

"It was already established that he's not going to kill me.." Ivery said

"And you believe him!?" Loki exclaimed

"If he really wanted to kill me he would've tried to kill me when we first encountered him.." Ivery told Loki with a sigh

"True...but you can never be too careful, I think you should still be cautious of him." Loki said

A good portion of Ivery knew Loki was right...but it wasn't that she loved him or had strong feelings for him,

"If you offend him in any way or if you give him a reason to kill you, it'll be your fault for not listening to me.." Loki said

"I won't give him a reason." Ivery reassured Loki

"I'm just trying to protect you from any possible dangers...and that prince reeks of danger.." Loki said

"I know.." Ivery rubbed his head

Ivery didn't know why Loki thought she liked Luther...she barely knew him.

While she always wondered about things like romance, since she never had the chance to experience them in her past life...nor did she know what love felt all...romantically or from family. It never crossed her mind that she'd ever be with crown prince Luther or any guy, she always thought that she'd be alone, forever...

She didn't even know herself what loving or liking someone meant. So she couldn't even say that she liked Luther, because she didn't.


Ivery looked out of the carriage window and was at awe at the scenery outside.

Ivery felt a tad giddy after learning that she was going to the Lilith Castle but this time as an expected and welcomed visitor.

Loki laid on Ivery's lap and his

"Just make sure to be careful around that prince.." Loki was extremely irritated

"You told me that already, I get it.." Ivery rubbed Loki's head

"Whatever" Loki shook his head frantically, trying to get her hand off of his head

"Are you worried about me?" Ivery asked with a sly smirk

"Who's worried about you?" Loki licked the back of his paw


Lost in her thoughts Ivery didn't realize when they arrived at the Lilith Castle.

The doors to her carriage opened and she saw Luther waiting outside for her, extending out his hand to help her out of the carriage.

She thought it would be too rude to refuse him..

She reached out and took his hand and exited the carriage. Loki hopped out of the carriage after she stepped out.

Ivery looked at the top of the tall white marble stairs with gold mixed inside, she saw the emperor which was her father, and her mother, empress Cassandra coming down the stairs.

Ivery and Luther walked towards the two grandiose royalties. When Empress Cassandra reached Ivery she pulled Ivery in for a tight hug, Ivery couldn't even greet her.

"Empress.." Ivery didn't know whether or not she could touch the Empress or not

"Please call me mother" Cassandra looked at Ivery with her gentle ocean blue eyes

"Can I?" Ivery asked with a slight tilt of her head

"Of course you can, you're my daughter" Cassandra hugged Ivery tighter

Ivery had received permission and she hugged Cassandra back, knowing that was what she wanted...

Cassandra felt Ivery's arms wrap around her and she broke into tears as she quickly began to cherish this daughter of hers, even more, she finally had a daughter, she thought she was cursed with the fate of not being able to have a daughter, if it was up to her, she would've kept all of her daughters in the castle.

But since the Emperor made a decree stating that all royals that were born with no magical prowess were to be sent to the Hollow's Castle and when they turned 18, they were to be executed.

She had to pretend she didn't care as all of her daughters were killed in front her of own eyes.

She had to feign her disgust and hatred for her children because if she showed an ounce of compassion for the useless children, it would go against the decree...and she would be punished according to it..

An Empress should stand by her Emperor at any cost, if she showed that she cared for her children that were born without magical prowess, it would be considered a betrayal to the Emperor and the decree. She had no choice but to abide by it.

But this girl, Inanna...was her only daughter that was born with magical prowess and not only did she have magical prowess, but she's also the second holder of an infinite attribute.

She never would've thought she would've given birth to the prophesied child that would possess the infinite attribute, Golden Infinity.

Since she couldn't give birth to girls who had magical prowess, she thought one of the Emperor's consorts or one of his concubines would've given birth to the child the saintess predicted would be born with a Gods power.

"Go and speak with your father.." Cassandra lightly pushed Ivery over to the Emperor

Ivery walked over to the Emperor, when she stood directly in front of him, he just looked at her. He said no words, but instead, he looked at her appearance.

Her eyes just as red as his, long beautiful hair just as blonde and silky as her mother's, her face was every inch of perfection.

When he saw her for the first time her hair was so matted and dirty, he swore a small animal could've gotten stuck in it with no way of escaping, like a small bug stuck in a spider's sticky web.

But now she was as beautiful as a polished and refined diamond.

"Come.." Julian held out his hand

She stared at his hand. She wasn't sure if these people were the same two people that executed all of their previous children and even sentenced Inanna to burn at the stake and heartlessly watched her be consumed by flames.

She sighed and took his hand,

He led her up the seemingly endless stairs, and Cassandra and Luther followed behind until they all entered the castle doors.

Loki walked up the stairs behind Luther, far behind Luther...he didn't want to be next to that damned prince, in front of or even a few feet behind that demon prince!

As soon as Ivery entered the castle horns were instantly blown as they all shouted,

"The Emperor and Empress have returned!"

They saw crown prince Luther of Fresia and they all shouted,

"Crown prince Luther of Fresia has arrived!"

They all saw Ivery but they had no clue who she was, they couldn't announce her arrival because they didn't know her name, but they noticed that she was the spitting image of the emperor and empress.

Her red eyes were proof that she had to be related to the Emperor.

In the Lilith Empire, the Emperor's family line had eyes as red as a demon.

Even though all of the Emperors before had demon red eyes, it was still extremely rare to be born with them, it was legitimate proof that you were the highest royalty in the Lilith Empire.

Children born from the Castiell family line are only born with red eyes if the Castiell blood is potent enough to be able to be born with the heritage of red-colored eyes.

No children of Julian Castiell so far had been born with red-colored eyes, even Crown Prince Liam and Prince Carviel weren't born with red eyes, the Castiell blood running through their veins wasn't potent enough for them to be a pure-blooded Castiell and receive the Emperor's blood genes.

They both had blue eyes just like their mother.

They walked to the main center of the castle, the exact same place where Inanna saw her two older siblings being executed on their 18th birthday, and the same place where Inanna was sentenced to execution by fire.

When the doors opened, Ivery saw uncountable nobles and royals in the grand area.

She was led inside by the Emperor and everyone saw that the Emperor and Empress had arrived, everyone in the room bowed in their presence.

"Stand," Julian said out

Everyone stood as they all listened and watched intently and waited for the Emperor's next words.

"Today is the coronation of the newest princess of the Lilith Empire!" The Emperor yelled out for everyone to hear

Ivery was just as surprised as everyone else was, she was being crowned as an official princess of the Lilith Empire?

She didn't believe her ears. Everyone started quietly conversing with each other, they all wondered who this new princess was and why they never heard of her birth and why she was being announced now?

Julian took Ivery up the stairs that led up the thrones, up the stairs, on a black pedestal sat a beautiful tiara that was covered in red diamonds and small red rubies that was on top of a red pillow, and next to it was a golden scepter that was carefully encrusted with several jewels and a giant red ruby as the main piece.

Julian had Ivery stand at the top of the staircase and the archbishop walked over to Ivery and requested that she kneel down, she did as asked and kneeled down in front of him. He started his words and said,

"Is your highness willing to take the Oath?"

Ivery answered "I am willing"

"I the Archbishop shall minister these questions and the Princess, having a book in her hands, shall answer each question severally as it follows." The Archbishop placed an open book in her hands

The Archbishop started, "Will you solemnly promise and swear to aid to the prosperity of the Peoples of the Lilith Empire, and all of your possessions and the other territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?"

Ivery answered "I solemnly promise to do so"

The Archbishop continued "Will you use your power to cause law and justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?"

Ivery answered "I will"

The Archbishop asked "Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the balance of the Gods and use your gifts to bring peace to the Lilith Empire? Will you to the utmost of your power fight for the Empire and will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Lilith Empire and her people, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in the Lilith Empire? And will you preserve the Bishops and Clergy and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights, and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?"

Ivery answered "I will"

"Accept this tiara and scepter and become the first Crown Princess of the Lilith Empire" The Archbishop picked up the tiara from the red pillow it was sitting on and lifted the tiara over her head

"I accept" Ivery responded and held her head down

The archbishop slowly placed the tiara on Ivery's head and handed the golden scepter and she took it from his hands and he had her stand up and face everyone present at the coronation.

The jewels on the crown and the giant ruby on the scepter shone with a bright red light.

The light covered the whole room and blinded everyone present.

When the light died down, Ivery's dress that was once purple transformed into a puffy dark red dress with sparkling light red jewels spirling around the dress and a beautiful ruby red jeweled necklace the same color of her eyes was now around her neck.

"Oh my.." Cassandra looked at Ivery with tears in her eyes

"..." Julian had no words

Everyone knew what just happened, everyone but Ivery.

They all gasped and looked amazed by what just happened.

The truth was when the true heir and a child of the Castiell family line are crowned with the jewels that are apart of the coronation, on extremely rare occasions, the jewels will shine with a bright light once placed on the legitimate heir to the throne.

This is complete evidence that she had the purest blood out of the rest of the Castiell children, and she was now the rightful successor to the throne, currently in competition with Crown Prince Liam.

The same occurrence happened when the current Emperor Julian was crowned as the Crown Prince of the Lilith Empire.

"From this day forth, this girl is now, the second official infinite attribute holder, of Golden infinity, Crown Princess, Inanna Sibylla Lestria Argient Castiell!" Julian announced aloud

Everyone gasped again when they heard that she was the second prophesied attribute holder that the saintess predicted would be born to the Lilith Empire.

Everyone applauded the new Crowned Princess and no one dared to defy the decision after seeing the rare occurrence that only happens to true heirs of the throne.

"Long live, Crown Princess Inanna Sibylla Lestria Argient Castiell!" Everyone said and bowed down

Ivery's eyes looked all around her and saw everyone bowing down to her.

Her eyes locked on Luther who was smiling at her, she lightly smiled back and realized that Loki was right. This was only just the beginning...


