New Agreement (2)

"His acting is excellent... and his popularity quickly skyrocketed. It was not in vain that I sponsored his movies," Caspar murmured in the middle of the movie.

Finland looked at him in surprise, "Did you sponsor his movies? Why?"

Caspar, who realized he had said something that was supposed to be kept secret, finally explained that he had told Stanis to invest in a number of major film studios and finance their big-budget movies on a condition that they must cast Jean.

He did that to make up for wiping out Jean's memory and causing him trouble. Because of his support, Jean was able to play in big-time movies. That was also why he became famous very quickly.

"Jeez..." Finland stroked Caspar's cheek gratefully, "Thank you... you're so kind… I thought you didn't like him because you are jealous."

"Uhmm... not anymore. I can already accept your friendship with him. I was actually more jealous of Lauriel when I first saw that you were with him..."