The last day at the office

Finland and Caspar spent the next day relaxing at home. Caspar invited Finland and Aleksis for a tour in Palo Alto to show them the beauty of the city. As they passed a hospital, Finland took Caspar's hand and pointed at the hospital.

"Let's stop by at the hospital to have my pregnancy checked," she asked Caspar, "Let me see a real obstetrician."

Caspar wanted to protest, but he realized that he also wanted to know the condition of Finland's pregnancy and make proper preparations. So, they entered the hospital and met with the obstetrician. When they entered the hospital, Finland realized that two of Caspar's bodyguards were also there.

"Why are they here?" she asked, confused. She didn't remember seeing them earlier.

"You know that they always follow me wherever I go," Caspar said as if Finland should know that fact. "That is the purpose of having bodyguards."