First Mission

Cory went outside to stroll so that he can have a better view on what to draw but what caught his attention that a pretty beautiful girl getting harassed by 6 thugs.

Then there was a sound 'ding!'(SFX) then the System said "Activated mission do you want to see the information of the mission?"

Cory was excited about the mission he wanted to see the info and said "Yes!" Words came up on his vision.

Mission Information

Objective: Protect the girl from getting harassed.

Rewards: Missions Option, System Lottery and 3x System Lottery Tickets

Backlash: The All System will be taken and will be replaced with a Standard System.

Difficulty F

He almost shouted when he saw this but he refrained hismelf so that he will not be misunderstood.

He went to where the beauty was harassed and he shouted "Hey! Get your hands off of her!" The thugs giggled and one of them said "Hey do you wanna ge-" A punch landed on the face of the thug.

The thug lost many teeth there was blood out of his mouth his cheek swollen and having a black eye. His subordinates getting frightened and shocked at the same time.

Then the other 5 fighting in action and the next moment they were knocked-out they were in the same state as there boss.

Cory said to the beauty "Are you alright?" The beauty's eyes tell that she was shocked, the youth in front of him has beaten up 6 guys in one hit and the fight ended pretty quickly.

"Y-yes…" She stuttered being scared "Good well where are you going to?" Cory asked. Then a voice on Cory's mind echoed "Congratulations! For succeeding your first mission transferring rewards."

Cory refrained from celebrating his expression not changed then the beauty replied his question "Well I was going back to my apartment."

Cory then said "Oh okay! Bye!" He went strolling for half an hour he then went to his apartment checking on his new option the [Lottery].

"Well here we go I guess." He spent his first ticketing and he got 10,000 exp for his cultivation level so his cultivation went up to Earth Spirit Cultivator I.

What he got for his second one was 'Attribute Candy' This Attribute Candy can make all of your stat attribute go up by 50 so it was pretty helpful for Cory.

And the item that he got was the 'Dragon Void Sword' this sword is pretty powerful you can make this more powerful by letting it absorb life force or a material.

The 'Dragon Void Sword' has scales the color of it was a mixture of was void black and dark gold. The importance of having a sword is to have new skills and that is only for those who has systems.

"Let us start first by eating this sweet candy" He ate the candy and he start to feel power surging into his body he felt that he was stronger.

After he ate the candy he went to the [Skill Tree] option and was trying to find a certain skill. He had 10,000 Skill Points in total so he can buy many skills.

He bought Cooking Skill so that he can take care of himself, Twisting Dragon, Flashing Figure, Void Breath, Dragon Bone Crush, Floating, Blending Lizard, Transporting Portal, Basic Sword Mastery and Basic Martial Arts for the mean time.

His stats grew he went to see his [Stats] and was excited and shocked.

Name: Cory Nickers

Age: 19 Years Old

System: Cultivator System

Earth Spirit Cultivator I

Strength 114

Remarks: Abnormaly strong can carry 10 shool buses.

Vitality 108

Remarks: Can live up to a century and a half without any diseases.

Creativity 118

Remarks: Can draw like a real thing in a short amount of time and can sing and dance better than 15 billion people.

Intelligence 55

Remarks: An IQ of 135 pretty good.

Dexterity 109

Remarks: 3 times faster than the speed of light at normal speed!

Luck 76

Remarks: Can win a Mega Jackpot once a month if joined.

Charisma 139

Remarks: Can be super confident, can talk to anyone and the most handsome guy in the universe.

He was shocked! He wants to do a mission again and he said "Hey system! Can you let me have a mission again?"

"Of course not! You need to find a serious conflict!" The system complained Cory totally didn't know about this system.

"Oh..." He was slightly deppressed but he turned to normal again. He wanted to do the other options again "System! I'm gonna kick some butt in the [Arena]!" Then he was teleported to a colosseum.